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 Rep: 194 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
FlashFlood wrote:

on the surface, the promotion was actually alright...the problem is that it could have been SO MUCH BETTER.

tv ads, a couple of singles, listening parties, dr. pepper, magazine and newspaper ads, the myspace thing, i mean its not like anybody didn't know this was coming out.

I ONLY knew it was coming out because of this site and the numerous myspace messages they sent out (too many actually).  I never saw an ad for it on tv, heard one on the radio (and it was advertising the listening party, not the album itself).  I think a lot of people that don't listen exclusively to rock stations (in other words, most people) still have no idea the album is out, but more importantly, they don't care either.

That is where the Best Buy exclusive will help. The store I got it at had a display of discs and LP's right at the front of the store when you walk in. They also put it on the front of their Black Friday advertisement so that will help as well.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I think the whole album was released strictly for financial reasons to get it out of the way.  I don't know what the real big thing is that comes next, but this wasn't it.  Reunion?  Maybe.  Getting out of his contract somehow so he can do whatever he wants musically?  More likely than a reunion right now imo.  Whatever it is, CD wasn't it.

Downliner posted an interesting article (has its own thread) that indicates it was due to financial and legal problems, namely his debt to Sanctuary and the royalty issue with Slash/Duff from a few years ago when Sanctuary bought the catalog from Axl.

I would feel much better if this is the certainly explains a lot.  Something isn't right when you can't produce the album properly and have a booklet filled with typos and misinformation on a project that has been in the works for at least 6 years.  As much of a perfectionist as Axl is, the only way this happened is if he just gave up on it for some reason.  This reason would make some sense.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

I think the whole album was released strictly for financial reasons to get it out of the way.  I don't know what the real big thing is that comes next, but this wasn't it.  Reunion?  Maybe.  Getting out of his contract somehow so he can do whatever he wants musically?  More likely than a reunion right now imo.  Whatever it is, CD wasn't it.

Downliner posted an interesting article (has its own thread) that indicates it was due to financial and legal problems, namely his debt to Sanctuary and the royalty issue with Slash/Duff from a few years ago when Sanctuary bought the catalog from Axl.

I would feel much better if this is the certainly explains a lot.  Something isn't right when you can't produce the album properly and have a booklet filled with typos and misinformation on a project that has been in the works for at least 6 years.  As much of a perfectionist as Axl is, the only way this happened is if he just gave up on it for some reason.  This reason would make some sense.

Yeah, it sounds like he backed himself into a corner according to that article. He ran up massive debt with Sanctuary as his banker, then he fired them. Then he hired Azoff and Gould, who decided to take care of his legal and financial problems in one fell swoop by forcing him to release the album. Give up the album to Universal and they take care of his financial problem with Sanctuary, and in turn Sanctuary is also making money on CD so they decide to help on the issue with Slash/Duff. Not sure why in God's name Best Buy agreed to pay money upfront for an exclusive. It's not a big enough release for that. You would think they'd realize he's pretty much irrelevant.

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

Sky Dog wrote:

Buzz, read what downliner posted...very interesting....ALOT went on with the negotiations and Irving probably cleaned the slate all the way around. 9

 Rep: 268 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

Olorin wrote:

"Best Buy gave this album a great deal of marketing that we couldn't have gotten any other way."

Why not? Thats a strange statement. Could it be because the GNR money pot is empty?

Its hardly been an exceptional marketing campaign from Best Buy. The Dr Pepper association has filled more news articles.

I wonder when a video will be released, all they have to do is through together some live footage and back stage stuff, that aint too expensive.

 Rep: 13 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

strat0 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

It had a ton of promotion just none from axl.

You've gotta be kidding. Best Buy has not promoted it that much. Not like Wal-Mart promoted AC/DC's album.

Really? I don't know about your best buy but there's been ads in the paper for the past 3+ weeks and they had the album all over the store yesterday. Even had signs outside the store.

I would call that promotion.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

tejastech08 wrote:
strat0 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
BLS-Pride wrote:

It had a ton of promotion just none from axl.

You've gotta be kidding. Best Buy has not promoted it that much. Not like Wal-Mart promoted AC/DC's album.

Really? I don't know about your best buy but there's been ads in the paper for the past 3+ weeks and they had the album all over the store yesterday. Even had signs outside the store.

I would call that promotion.

My Best Buy had a display at the front of the store with a bunch of discs and LP's of it. Beyond that, I didn't really see any other promotion. And I don't read the newspaper so I wouldn't have any idea what kind of ads they're running. I do know Wal-Mart advertised out the ass on TV for AC/DC. I do know that Best Buy is putting it on the front page of their Black Friday ad. That should be a boost for it, and hopefully they keep it on display front and center of the store like they had it yesterday.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

BLS-Pride wrote:

Radio stations were playing the fuck out of it. tv and radio ads. ads in the papers around me. also the best buy in my area promoted it well.

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

Sky Dog wrote:

promotion is a fucking excuse, this album has been promoted for a decade. Drop it already and leave the promotion worries to Axl, Irving, Jimmy, and Gary Arnold w/ Best Buy.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Iovine Talks Axl, U2, Dre, Eminem

tejastech08 wrote:
madagas wrote:

promotion is a fucking excuse, this album has been promoted for a decade. Drop it already and leave the promotion worries to Axl, Irving, Jimmy, and Gary Arnold w/ Best Buy.

Excuse for what? The album is a joke to most people so it's destined to flop and would never be able to make back the $15 million spent on it. The lackluster promotion has pretty much been exactly what this irrelevant album deserves. It was always going to flop. No sense blowing money on advertising it out the ass. I still cannot believe Best Buy actually paid to have an exclusive. You would think it would be the other way around. They're doing Axl a favor with that exclusive, not him doing them a favor.

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