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 Rep: 14 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

ereeper wrote:

I think it was just a one time mistake.  BH was up high by the drums and I was specifically watching him.  That's when the song took a turn for the worse and the rest of the band starting a hack job too.  Axl got lyrically confused where even the prompter couldn't save him because muscially everyone was somewhere way off.

 Rep: 4 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

Saboteur wrote:

once. Vienna 1993

 Rep: 4 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

bazgnr wrote:

Three.  Two during the UYI tour(s) - once w/ Metallica, and once w/ Skid Row opening, and the first Hammerstein show in NYC.   Hard to beat the Hammerstein show.

 Rep: 12 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

rose22 wrote:

9 times

alpine valley 1991
rosemont horizon 1992
hoosierdome 1992
iowa 1993
allstate arena 2002
hammerstein 14th & 15th 2006
palace of auburn hills 2006
allstate arena 2006

 Rep: 661 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

monkeychow wrote:

Man this thread is making me jealous. 9 times? wow. And then the metallica/gnr shows. I've seen tallica and gnr live...but not in the same gig...that would be insane.

 Rep: 43 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

gnfnraxl wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

Man this thread is making me jealous. 9 times? wow. And then the metallica/gnr shows. I've seen tallica and gnr live...but not in the same gig...that would be insane.

It was insane for me trust me.  And not in a good way. That was the only show that after I was sorry that I went to.

 Rep: 768 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

Axlin16 wrote:

Why did you regret it? Bad crowd? GN'R sucked?

 Rep: 108 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

war wrote:

like i said...................

war wrote:

faith no more and then 2 hours plus of pure headbanging to metallica. everyone was tired at that point and axl felt the pressure of performing late to an audience that didn't consist 100 percent of people that were there to see them. i know a lot of gnr fans that couldn't see that show in favor of a lot of metallica fans that got tickets before them.

 Rep: 768 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah i've never been big on Metallica audiences. Talk about a holier than thou audience, who are so dead convinced their band is hardcore when they playing NOTHING ELSE MATTERS... but when GN'R plays November Rain, they get booed.

 Rep: 108 

Re: How many times have you seen GN'R live?

war wrote:

metallica has a lot of ignorant "jock rock" mentality types of fans that don't know metal and don't know rock

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