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 Rep: 287 

Re: update on MSL's site

Aussie wrote:

^ Yeah I think so too.  The fact that the blog had info that people had shared with MSL about Azoff's dealing with Best Buy vs Walmart and his strategy there etc, suggests that they were worried he was eventually going to be given a cat in a bag by someone (whether that be more material or a marketing plan etc) and he would be only too happy to open that bag.

That seems to suggest we might actually be close to this damn thing seeing the light of day.  I hope so.

 Rep: 768 

Re: update on MSL's site

Axlin16 wrote:

Well if his Nov. 25th prediction was correct, which would make sense with the Q4 "forecast" on GN'REvo, something should happen VERY SOON.

'Cause if it don't, then 2008 might be out of the question. If they squander the Rock Band 2 promotion, then it'll be all for nothing, and it will be truely OMG II.

 Rep: 43 

Re: update on MSL's site

gnfnraxl wrote:

Maybe it isn't GNR that complained to Google about MSL's site.  Remember that kid that sent him threats?  Maybe he's the culprit.

 Rep: 768 

Re: update on MSL's site

Axlin16 wrote:

Really anyone who is even jealous of him and his attention, could be the culprit.

How do you get attention? You go after an attention getter.

 Rep: 423 

Re: update on MSL's site

buzzsaw wrote:

Everything about this is pretty pathetic.

 Rep: 633 

Re: update on MSL's site

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 231 

Re: update on MSL's site

-D- wrote:

Here is something I could never wrap my head around as it pertains to GNR

Generally, in the entertainment business, U WANT PUBLICITY!

Why the fuck is everything in GNR so top secret? The songs are OK but they haven't been anything so mindblowing that it deserves to be treated like a God Damn UFO Govt file.

 Rep: 768 

Re: update on MSL's site

Axlin16 wrote:

I guess that is some sort of Axl-ism that we don't understand.

Alot of the extreme anxiousness in wanted to hear CD material and for leakers to leak the stuff they have, is because Axl keeps things so top secret. Anytime you create an attitude that "I have all this great stuff, and you can't have it", you make everyone want it that much more.

Unfortunately for Axl, even though as a diehard GN'R fan I love the material, I can understand it's issues, and he's certaintly not holding any kind of massively special album in his hands, going on the leaks.

In hind sight you begin to think this attitude has been based more on the fact that Bob Ezrin was right ("three good tracks") and they know it. The GN'R camp keep up this act because "the hype" is all they've got at this point. If the majority of the world heard this material, reactions would be mixed at best.

 Rep: 50 

Re: update on MSL's site

Gagarin wrote:

I forgot about Ezrin's comment about 3 good tracks =/

Hey - who was mixing it in 06?

 Rep: 150 

Re: update on MSL's site

sic. wrote:
Gagarin wrote:

Hey - who was mixing it in 06?

Andy Wallace mixed most of the 2006 album, probably early into the year.

John O'Mahoney's been re-mixing in 2007.

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