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 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

This has to be said about the Cowboys- They are NOT ready for prime time. Romo especially. Probably never will be either. The league really jumped the gun by crowning him the next legend before he ever did anything. He has no poise, and cannot handle any pressure whatsoever.

League needs to distance themselves from the Romo disaster and look for someone else.

He's not the heir to Favre's NFC throne.

This Dallas team REALLY reminds me of the 1998 Falcons. A decent team that gets an incredible 14-2 record. People expected that team to be among the elite for years, but after that loss to Denver in the SB, no one ever heard from them again.

Dallas will have an even tougher schedule next year, so the decline has already begun.

Great job by the Giants. These last two wins have been impressive. Giants ignored the league and the media sucking on Romo's jockstrap and went out there and did what they had to do.

Giants are doing what the Vikings would have done had they made the playoffs.

I'm predicting a NE-GB SB, but I would not be shocked in the least bit if NY goes into GB and grabs the victory.

 Rep: 50 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Rex wrote:

Hopefully history repeats itself and the Packers pull off a win at the Superbowl against the Patriots.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

One other thing- I was so happy to see that grin finally wiped off Romo's face.

Also, the Doug Flutie curse is still alive. Wade Phillips hasn't done shit since benching Flutie in 99.

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

I don't even like football but hey gotta represent my state big_smile

To bad they don't play in your state. The only real New York team is the Buffalo Bills.

Where was TO in those last couple plays? Inside the 20, how do you not call his number? Romo is very overrated, and it was proven again today that he isn't an elite, or even a very good one. Go GB and Go SD!!

 Rep: 205 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

PaSnow wrote:
DoubleTalkingJive wrote:

My husband was watching the Cowboys/Giants game.

New York baby 22   

I don't even like football but hey gotta represent my state big_smile

I noticed. 34 pages of thread and not 1 DTJ post 16  wink  Isn't that some kind ROV record?!

Anyway, good to see NYG & SD pull some upsets. I just hope LT & Rivers can play to at least make it a game. No offense to NY'ers, but I'm hoping for a GB/NE Super Bowl, and would like to see Favre pull some magic!! Romo did take a step into reality today, fairy tale season is over abruptly, and I cannot believe Dallas has NOT won a playoff game since 1995 or 96?!  That is unreal. I can't wait to use that next season against all the annoying Cowboy fans I see. That has to be one of if not the longest current streak in the NFL. Also, I expect TO to make some comments about this team losing that will be controversial.

I forget, I thought there was another good young QB that broke out this year, can't think who it is. If Garard can continue to play as well as he finished this season he'll be a very reliable starter. He doesn't make mistakes. Also, he hasn't done much but it'll be interesting to see if Leinart plays well next year.

Oh well, as for me, I'm already excited for the draft :wtf:. Don't care much about these teams. GB/NE would be ideal, but I'll watch a NYG/NE matchup too. Would love to see SD upset NE. I just hope the NFL & ref's don't fuck up next weeks games in an effort to ensure GB & NE get to advance. I'm pretty sure the NFL doesn't want a GB/SD matchup in the Super Bowl if you know what I mean.

Anyway good season so far, off season soon approaching. Should be alot of interesting moves. Especially at QB (Jets, Balt, Chi etc).

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

Romo isn't a clutch player. Any QB with talent would have handled that last quarter differently. I knew the moment the Giants made their last score that they were going to win.

Also funny how they were killing the Giants with the run early, and then abandon that strategy to apparently make Romo look like a star.

They got what they deserved.

The Cowboys will NEVER go to a SB with Romo as the starter. You can take that to the bank.

I know Dallas fans would whine and the league might shed a tear, but if I'm Jerry Jones I look at the draft and see what QB I might be able to grab in the draft. If he's any good, pick him.

Cowboys are gonna have a very small window of opportunity(it may have already been closed), so getting a different QB should be priority number one while they still have a chance.

Romo going on "vacation" before a playoff game is the most idiotic thing I've ever heard in my life.

Did Montana, Kelly, Elway, Favre, Brady, Manning,etc. go on vacation before playoff games?

Fuck no.

Romo bought into his own hype and now he has to deal with reality.

It will be interesting to see if the league drops some of its attention off Romo in the coming offseason.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:
PaSnow wrote:

I forget, I thought there was another good young QB that broke out this year, can't think who it is.

There were a lot of great stories this year, but the NFL threw them under the bus to concentrate on Romo, which we now know(I knew all along 16 ) was a big mistake.

Adrian Peterson coming out of nowhere to be a force to be reckoned with.

Derek Anderson taking a shit team near the brink of the playoffs, and making Browns fans forget about Brady Quinn.

Detroit Lions decent season. They were red hot early in the year and deserved more attention then even though they did wind up collapsing.

Cardinals coming out of nowhere and almost making the playoffs. Might have a QB controversy next season.

The collapse of Chicago. Lovie Smith felt no heat from this disaster because everyone had Romo on the brain.

The Vikings showing they are back and a likely future contender. That was a great story even though they didn't make the playoffs.

Jacksonville Jaguars being taken seriously for the first time since the 90's.

The resurrection of Randy Moss.


Like I said when this Romo worship first started, the league was making a big mistake by trying to force this guy down everyones throats. I understand they want a new star QB, but let one develop naturally.

The league let some good stories die so they could sell Romo to us. It was a big mistake.

 Rep: 485 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

Neemo wrote:

and jessica simpson will dump Romo before next season 16

and i wonder what TO is gonna say...ya know hes gonna run his mouth, the asshole wasnt even trying one some of those throws, there was a few that were catchable but TO isnt willing to sacrifice and get his jersey dirty

Communist China
 Rep: 130 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

^ What about Trent Edwards, James? He's a young Quaterback who came out this year. Nothing amazing from him, but he did steal a starting job from a guy who in preseason was considered the only option for that team.

A good GM brought in, a decent offseason, a better offensive coordinator, some injury luck, and they're a serious playoff contender.

 Rep: 664 

Re: The NFL 2007-08 Season thread

James wrote:

CC, I couldn't remember everybody. I was trying, but knew I was gonna overlook a few good stories.

TO apparently cried in his post game interview but I didn't see it.

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