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 Rep: 287 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

Aussie wrote:

So I take it you are the same Azoff from who spent all his time in an internet chat room and didn't even know his own first name was Irving.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

war wrote:


 Rep: 341 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

bigbri wrote:
azoff wrote:

The best artistic results come from those who are fans of their subject.

Is that why you're full of shit?

 Rep: 4 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

Impostor wrote:

I come with no pretense, just a wink and a nod to assuage your concerns.  A puzzle is at hand, and the pieces are all around you.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

James wrote:
azoff wrote:

This is not cover art.  If you've got a good eye, you'll notice the staples on the right hand side.  We'll leave it at that.

I'm changing your name to Impostor. When you log in from now on, you will have to use Impostor to log in.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

bigbri wrote:

Oh, it's a puzzle all right. How come it's taken close to a decade to finish one CD? That's one that will never be figured out.

 Rep: 4 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

Impostor wrote:

I committed to a brief time with you this evening.  You may delete my information after 11:30 eastern time if you are so inclined.

 Rep: 341 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

bigbri wrote:
Impostor wrote:

I committed to a brief time with you this evening.  You may delete my information after 11:30 eastern time if you are so inclined.

You're here, great. For what? Double-talk. You might as well not be here then. Give us something real to chew on.

(The above was posted playing Impostor's game.)

 Rep: 4 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

Impostor wrote:

Something real...I am not Azoff, but I elected to use an associate's name to strike a chord.  I am channeling through an account in a Southeastern city, although I am hundreds of miles away.  If those of you who are paying attention are so inclined, perhaps we can engage in a productive discussion.  We have twenty seven minutes.  No more.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Can anyone identify the source of this pic? (maybe CD cover related?)

war wrote:

i am always open for conversation no matter what your name is

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