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 Rep: 14 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

alexh0618 wrote:
Acekicken wrote:
nugdafied wrote:
Acekicken wrote:

I totally disagree with he is irrelevant, most magazines & Internet sites
ranked Angel Down as the # 1 CD of 2007 & the same was for his 2005 project Frame Shift 2 an Absence of empathy

1. Bach is irrelevant.

2. Most magazines & websites DIDN'T rank Bach's records anywhere near #1 of the year. roll

I can poston  tons of these to prove it if you like

Well of course that site will have it at the top, just look at the content of that site and the other albums/bands on that list. Atleast half of the bands on that list are washed up 80s glam musicians. I'm sure that alot of people would take Angel Down over Poison's cover album.

 Rep: 59 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

jorge76 wrote:
Acekicken wrote:
nugdafied wrote:
Acekicken wrote:

I totally disagree with he is irrelevant, most magazines & Internet sites
ranked Angel Down as the # 1 CD of 2007 & the same was for his 2005 project Frame Shift 2 an Absence of empathy

1. Bach is irrelevant.

2. Most magazines & websites DIDN'T rank Bach's records anywhere near #1 of the year. roll

I can post  tons of these to prove it if you like

I've already pointed out that I'm not a fan, so I don't know what this is worth... but, Bach's Irrelevant.

I don't know that that is as bad as it sounds though.  Very few bands were able to come out of the 80's with any sort of relevance intact (GnR, Metallica, U2, Ozzy solo stuff).  There are bands that were/are a lot more successful than Skid Row who are irrelevant too (Poison, Def Leppard, etc).  The fact that Bach's able to keep a carreer is admirable, but that doesn't make him relevant.

 Rep: 664 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

James wrote:

I totally disagree with he is irrelevant, most magazines & Internet sites
ranked Angel Down as the # 1 CD of 2007

Bullshit. Maybe on websites that five or ten Baz fans go to. Everyone(including people that are not fans) know that M.I.A.'s album Kala won most 07 album of the year awards. Go check EVERY major magazine. Actually, don't. You would just waste time researching a known fact.

I can post  tons of these to prove it if you like

Please do, except use examples that are not fan sites of people living in the 80's "cock rock" era.

Fuck Bach. The dude shit on VR just to swing from Axl's nuts. If they hire Bach, I'm boycotting VR.

 Rep: 661 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Fuck Bach. The dude shit on VR just to swing from Axl's nuts. If they hire Bach, I'm boycotting VR.

I don't think he shit on VR to please Axl..I think it was a side effect. I think he prob said anti-VR stuff cos he was hurt/pissed that he was rejected for the band in favour of Scott.

 Rep: 664 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

James wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Fuck Bach. The dude shit on VR just to swing from Axl's nuts. If they hire Bach, I'm boycotting VR.

I don't think he shit on VR to please Axl..I think it was a side effect. I think he prob said anti-VR stuff cos he was hurt/pissed that he was rejected for the band in favour of Scott.

He didn't talk shit about VR until he was "in like Flynn" with Axl again.

Bach brings nothing to the table. No point in hiring him. Hell, they could go in a strange direction with M.I.A., and she could pump out an album with the guys in a week that would be light years beyond anything Bach could do with them during a year or two of recording sessions.

Not suggesting they should hire her(she wouldn't take the job anyways). Just showing there's more talent in the pool besides having to fall back on Bach.

 Rep: 57 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

supaplex wrote:

i'm with james and \ on this. leave baz out of vr.

yes, it would be nice to see them record something together but i thing that's just nostalgia talking inside a lot of people. they want to get rid of the gnr comparisons, do you think baz as a frontman will help? everybody will start the comparisons the first second they would announce it.

and baz doesn't have the lyrical creativity they need. i listened to angel down and it's a nice rock album. but it's mediocre. no song on that album stuck in my mind as great. i listened it more than libertad but still...

so, bring on someone that can write good lyrics, whether it's someone i've never heard of or an already known great singer.

 Rep: 287 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

Aussie wrote:

I think Bach's voice would be great for the ballad style of tracks but his sound would be very dated on the heavier tracks.  He just reminds me of 80's hair metal when I hear him try and scream some of the songs.  Granted a song like Love is a Bitch Slap to me didn't sound too dated and I quite like that song as well as a couple of others.  However, I think lots of other factors such as his antics, his hyperactivity, his big mouth and his wardrobe should remain in the 80's.

I don't think Bach brings anywhere near enough to the table for VR.  They need more of a ballys rocking sound - more Sliver type of songs.  But for me Bach doesn't bring the right sound to heavy songs - his sound is too dated.

I just hope that despite my suspicions, the VR guys aren't seriously thinking of going with him.  Whilst it would probably work out ok, I just feel that once again they won't reach their full potential.  Mind you it would make for quite an interesting situation if he did get the gig - I would love to be a fly on the wall when Bach tries to tell his boyfriend Axl that he was working with the enemy.

 Rep: 664 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

James wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I would love to be a fly on the wall when Bach tries to tell his boyfriend Axl that he was working with the enemy.

Please God, don't speak of such abominations.

It would delay Chinese Democracy at least 5 years.......


 Rep: 17 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

Locomotive98 wrote:

I think it would be career suicide to have Bach in the band. How long did it take him to make an album (that pretty much sucked)? Sure it may bridge the gap to Axl and theres nothing I'd like to see more than a reconciliation, but thats not going to happen.  I'm sure the VR guys dont need a character like that around them for their health and sanity just like they dont need a smacked up bipolar Scott Weiland or a loony Axl. Baz has a good voice, sure, but the man makes Beavis and Butthead look like Freud or something. Angel Down did nothing for me, and thats the Axl tunes too.

I certainly didnt see his album on any best of year lists, but then I dont read Sebatian Bach fanzines or Metal Sludge.

I hope VR find a singer that can truly help them shine and show their full potential. I think Scott just wanted a band and music that fit his comfort zone and as a result held the other guys back. 2 cds of shit that Slash and Izzy wrote? Sure..... You have one guy one on side who wants nothing to do with GNR slating 2 guys from GNR who in Slash's words 'wrote the best GNR album' and stuck them on those cds. Was it th best 'GNR' album? Im sure it wasnt, but I'm sure it was pretty damn good and better than we have heard from VR so far, on the whole. I like Contraband and Libertad but you could make one really good album from the songs on those two and it still falls below what they are capable of.

Good to hear they are working with someone, but its early days yet. They need a good solid rock n roll singer, doesnt need to be a name. They just need to be natural - we all know what these guys can do when they want to.

So who do we want to sing for VR? Well, I like the Chris Robinson idea, had been thinking of him for a while since my interest in the Crowes was reignited. Would he fit? Probably not. But it would be good to hear something by them.

My personal choice would be John Garcia of Kyuss, Unida, Hermano. That guy has some pipes, puts on a great show, and can write a good tune. I think he'd be a great addition.

But we shall see.....

Good luck 21

 Rep: 664 

Re: On the search for a new frontman:

James wrote:

Don't laugh, but Boy George should be an option on the table. The guy has progressed from the 80's heyday. Has some interesting stuff released independently in the UK that is a total mesh of genres, and is easily capable of recording an album with Slash, Duff, Matt, and (insert guitarist here).

They should throw George and VR into a studio for a week and lock the doors.

Might be surprised what could come out of the project.

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