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 Rep: 664 

Re: The General and Monsters

James wrote:
benny wrote:

It's Tuesday and still no announcement of a digital/streaming release for this week.  I may have to wait and order the Japan CD since I don't have a vinyl player.

Yeah we're 3 days away from a supposed digital release and not a peep from the band.

 Rep: 221 

Re: The General and Monsters

polluxlm wrote:

They're acting like they're planning a surprise attack on the USSR. Not a fucking peep!

 Rep: 1 

Re: The General and Monsters

busngabb wrote:
polluxlm wrote:

They're acting like they're planning a surprise attack on the USSR. Not a fucking peep!

That made me laugh. It's true though, the band is so weird with stuff like this. If it's coming out, just say it's coming out. Even if it's not a big deal, just let one of the band members release the news. If it's not, just say that too, rather than letting a situation fester where fans are disappointed that the band didn't do something it never intended to do.

 Rep: 7 

Re: The General and Monsters

younggunner wrote:

Slash and Duff do not care about releasing old material. They let Axl do whatever the fuck he wants in exchange for boat loads of touring and licensing money. If and when Axl is ready to write and record some fresh material Im sure they would be all in.

Axl still stuck in the ChinDem era. He lost his vision and spark about 15 yrs ago. Hes a man without any vision. No balls. Tighten up some of the remaining tracks and release them. The handful of fans who gave a fuck and supported that era dont want to hear those tracks with Slash anyway. They want the Bucket, Brain and Robin versions. The rest of the public doesnt care. Throw your loyals a bone and move on and get some new juices flowing with your current band. Makes too much sense so it wont happen.

Re: The General and Monsters

Sky Dog wrote:

The big three are all complicit in the new music clusterfuck. Nobody is clean. In the end, it’s about business and big money. I would probably do the same.

 Rep: 50 

Re: The General and Monsters

Gagarin wrote:

If and when Axl is ready to write and record some fresh material Im sure they would be all in.

Axl still stuck in the ChinDem era. He lost his vision and spark about 15 yrs ago. Hes a man without any vision. No balls.

Well, maybe he said all he had to say, or what he thought he wanted to say, he doesn't care anymore about? Or maybe recording it and it 'sort of' coming out made him get over it? Or maybe he's embarrassed by what some of the songs were or were meant to be? I wrote my poetic ass off once trying to get some feelings out during a particular time in my life... and now just the thought of those feelings make me cringe. What would he write new music about? Procrastination, anxiety, perfectionism, bordem? Being in a completely unrelatable and surreal situation compared to your family or whatever grounds him? How he can't go into Ralph's and get a pint of ice cream at 2 AM? Who knows what the vision is.

 Rep: 661 

Re: The General and Monsters

monkeychow wrote:

Yeah i was thinking the other day, GNR songs are mostly based in real life emotions and events.

AFD = Street life, falling in love with Erin, growing up a rebel, life in 1980s LA, tragic life of people they knew and them.

UFI = Drama of the shock of fame, relationship with the media, pressures of fame/being a rock god/breakup with Erin/ Falling for Steph, trouble with the neibours / issues with izzy/slash/steph, questioning if should sacrifice life to fame.

CD = Breakup with Steph, Breakdown of relations with Slash/Duff/Izzy, Legal problems, self doubt, Rejection of fame and pressure, attempting to grow as a person, analysis of self.

Occasionally he leaves this MO and does big picture issues - like NR being partially about self but also inspired by Del's work. Or Civil War being about wider issues. Or Shackler's being about Collunbine or Catcher's being about his responce to others love of the book or whatever. But in general the albums are about his personal struggles.

These days he has 10s if not 100s of millions of dollars, even if being famous sucks he's had 40 years to get used to it,  and love life issues have been well covered. It's possible that aside from the odd project song he feels strongly about, or melody that he wants to share that becomes an ear worm for him or something, but like it's just possible he said his piece.

That's my theory - the band was grounded in drama and chaos, but they won, they made their coin and beat the world - but when your music is based around your fight with the world it doesn't give you much organic to write about.

If they do make an album, I'd expect it to talk about politics or philopsphy or whatever he still cares deeply about, as I think the dramas of their real lives have been solved at this point.

Re: The General and Monsters

Sky Dog wrote:

Good post….agree

 Rep: 221 

Re: The General and Monsters

polluxlm wrote:

Same with almost any artist really. They get rich, they get old and they have nothing left to say. Slash hasn't produced a lot of great riffs since 2005 either. 

The only exception I can think of is Roger Waters. The fire is still strong in him.

Re: The General and Monsters

Sky Dog wrote:

Bob Dylan…

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