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 Rep: 1 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

Tortilla_Man wrote:

Worked this time.
I kept getting the upload homepage earlier

 Rep: 14 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

If the Jukebox people have pulled it then I wonder if they are not releasing it this Friday after all. Why else pull it?

 Rep: 664 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

James wrote:
Shacklermyrye wrote:

If the Jukebox people have pulled it then I wonder if they are not releasing it this Friday after all. Why else pull it?

Yeah... it's not a good sign.

Only a few hundred people would bother listening to it. It's not like it's #1 on the charts or is going viral.

They really overestimate the impact of these forums in the 2020s. It's so few people spanning the four remaining forums, it's laughable they think we have any sort of influence.

If this was 2006-07, you might could make a case for pulling it.

Now? Just let it stay there and pull in a chunk of change until the real launch in a week.

It's sad that they have such difficulty doing anything but be a touring jukebox.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

Shacklermyrye wrote:

If the Jukebox people have pulled it then I wonder if they are not releasing it this Friday after all. Why else pull it?

Who knows with this band. I'm not even sure how/when they are going to release it.

It's clear most of US prefer Robin solo. Slash solo is not good enough. And i can't understand the lack of synths in the bridge. It works really well in the demo sad

 Rep: 664 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

James wrote:

I just listened again. It's not bad... although I have to hear it in better quality before really judging it.

In this actually sounds better on low volume.

I have a feeling I'm going to wind up regretting not going to a bar to listen to this. There's a non-zero chance we're stuck with this recording for potentially years.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

Tortilla_Man wrote:

I didn't think I was gonna like the New recording.
But I like what they did to it.

I don't claim to understand the reasoning of the solo.
But I think its only glaringly obvious to people that have heard the demo.

Most people  will have no idea of the what and how of it. 

The improvement on the chorus vocals is significant, and I also like the deeper voice Hey, Hey's.

The pre-chorus music is very different.
I think it fits the song,
I have never been one to be excited about synths, so far I only miss the vibe they created on the HS demo.

Report card.
Absurd - better than demo(s) +1
HS - demo version is better     -1
Perhaps - so far I say better   +1

 Rep: 221 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

polluxlm wrote:

This song never really popped for me. Just not a good enough tune I think. The structure doesn't appear to have changed for the better in any significant way either. Both Hard School and Absurd had something new going on. This sounds more like a straight rerecording.

 Rep: 1 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

Tortilla_Man wrote:

Someone somewhere,
A bar owner, a DJ, etc must have gotten a clean recording of this.

They are playing baseball stadiums in the US.
That's alot of people,
some of them must fit into the two categories above. 

All it would have taken is was one of them to hae seen this...... … 234806235/

Hopefully soon ;

 Rep: 33 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

Scabbie wrote:

Wifey deleted the locker leaks from her Mac so I've all but forgotten the detail. Waiting until Friday.

Part of me wandered for a split second whether the whole jukebox thing was intentional. You know wander down your local bar grab a beer or a DR Pepper and listen to the new the new track. It's be like thousands of mini listening parties.  Wacky but it would get some PR and be a bit of fun.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Perhaps (2023) to Drop

James wrote:

But I think its only glaringly obvious to people that have heard the demo.

Most people  will have no idea of the what and how of it

Yeah...this goes back to what I said about the forums earlier. Only a few hundred people downloaded those leaks...and it got no media attention at the time.

Nobody else knows or cares about song history. They'll think Axl and Slash just whipped it up.

It's like with KISS.... 90% of the crowd think Ace and Peter are onstage. The crowd isn't digging into band history.

Part of me wandered for a split second whether the whole jukebox thing was intentional. You know wander down your local bar grab a beer and listen to the new the new track. It's be like thousands of mini listening parties.  Wacky but it would get some PR and be a bit of fun

Definitely not intentional.

Does it look like they're having fun with it?

It has zero signs of some sort of viral or guerilla marketing campaign...or whatever people call this shit nowadays.

If it was...they would've made some sort of mention at the last show...or a post on social media.

They're simply flying blind like they were with the Absurd/Hard School release.

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