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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
harmon420 wrote:

AC II is set during the Renascence in different regions of Italy, The two games that followed are set in Rome and Constantinople respectively with the same protagonist. AC II is very much worth checking out, you can probably find it in a bargain bin for around $20.

I did some research last night, are those branch-off sequels AC: Brotherhood and AC: Revelations (name correct?) -- are those worth a damn? The reviews seemed to be lower for those, opting for AC II as the superior one.

Is AC I worth checking out?

 Rep: 20 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

harmon420 wrote:

In my opinion the stories in the spin offs are a bit weaker but, the gameplay improvements that each game has still make it worth playing.

 Rep: 20 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

harmon420 wrote:

Also if you get AC Revelations you also get AC I as a bonus dl on disc. I really don't think any game in the library would be a disappointing experience. AC II has the superior story and Revelation has the best additions to the core gameplay.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Thanks for the insight man.

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Olorin wrote:

I finally got a PS3 and an hd tv, havnt done any gaming (apart from Zelda on the Nintendo) since 2005ish, even then I just played footy games.

So I've got Fifa13, Skyrim, Grand Turismo 5, and Uncharted 3, I've only really played Fifa so far and a wee bit of Skyrim which I cant wait to get into, hopefully get a few hours on it tonight.

I borrowed Sonic Generations cause i wanted to see the modern Green Hill Zone, it looked awesome. The games alright, it gives me a headache though, its either too fast or I'm too old. I'm only really playing it for nostalgia, I loved those games on the old Sega consoles.

I borrowed Batman Arkham Asylum as well, its ok, havnt got into it yet, only playing it as I want to get it out the way before playing Arkham City.

Loving the Blu ray player as well, cant wait till pay day to pick up a few box sets.

All in all feeling like a kid at christmas with my new toys smile

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Cool man. I felt the same way kinda yesterday.

I swung by Wal-Mart and picked up the new 500GB super-slim PS3/Assassin's Creed III LE bundle. Used the new PS3, it's small and quiet... haven't even broken the seal on ACIII, been too busy.

But still it felt kinda cool to walk out with something after a long time, not. The new super-slim PS3 is a drastic size difference from the old 40GB fat PS3 i've now moved to the living room for Blu/DVD/Steaming playback. The new PS3 only weighs about what a Digital converter box would weigh. The old fat's were heavy as hell.

Biggest drawback I don't like so far is the new slim's have no front-load drive player. It has a cheaper and lighter slide-top, reminiscent of the old PS1 & PS2. The good news is if you get the dreaded YLOD, you can get your disc out without extra help. Bad news is, it just doesn't look as high-end. Looks a bit old school. But maybe that was Sony's tribute. The biggest and baddest, and final PS3 to roll off the ground before the PS4, they wanted to be a final tribute to the PS1 & PS2 which put them on the map.

 Rep: 20 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

harmon420 wrote:

You better make sure you have a good chunk of time free before you dive into ACIII. I picked it up at midnight and played 14 hours straight. While my girlfriend might be pissed and our relationship could be crumbling, at least I foiled a plot to murder George Washington.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Is it that addictive or does the first mission take that long? Back in the day dude, I would've so just cleared everything man. Too fuckin' busy and tired.

I'd need alot of cocaine to stay up for that long again on a game. I might do it for GTA V for old time's sake, and at least initially try to avoid the coke. 16

A Private Eye
 Rep: 77 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

ACII is a hell of a game, the two add ons aren't as good but maybe offer better game play however to get the overall feel and experience of AC then number II is the way to go, it's decent length as well.

Can't wait for ACIII but I may have to keep patient until xmas sadly.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Video Game Console Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

I started the very beginning of AC III and they give you a bit of backstory just like a typical Part III sequel. So I know what's going on. Gameplay is interesting, and it looks great.

My only issue is it's different for me just hitting buttons to kill guys. I'm used to GTA & Red Dead & Max Payne where you have to actually select weapons, target, sneak, and attack. So that's different for me.

But I didn't do anything other than just the opening mission that transports you. Nothing more. I've got to call Sony because I can't use any of the DLC stuff. I never Deactivated my original YLOD PS3 back in the summer. So right now I haven't activated my new PS3, i've got my old defunct PS3 and my refurbished Sony replacement PS3 on my username. Sony won't let you have more than 2 PS3's at a given time for DLC.

So I gotta call them, probably tonight to try to get that cleared up before I can use these bonuses I got with this game.

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