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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:

You know, I've been real soft on Trump lately for one reason. Mike Pence. I think Trump is the only thing between us and real disaster. Well, John Bolton is rumored to be McMasters replacement. If that's the case the fucker needs to go, pronto. I'm almost willing to chance it with Pence. I really, really hope Trump still hates that mustache.

Bolton would be so terrible. And Sessions is out of control.

I’m holding out for Petraeus.

 Rep: 341 

Re: US Politics Thread

bigbri wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:

You know, I've been real soft on Trump lately for one reason. Mike Pence. I think Trump is the only thing between us and real disaster. Well, John Bolton is rumored to be McMasters replacement. If that's the case the fucker needs to go, pronto. I'm almost willing to chance it with Pence. I really, really hope Trump still hates that mustache.

Bolton would be so terrible. And Sessions is out of control.

I’m holding out for Petraeus.

I don't see that happening. If only because he's seen as an "Obama" guy. Yes, he has a history starting with Bush, but I don't think the current prez could get past him serving Obama.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Fuck, it is getting nasty in here. Can we try to tone down the anger some?

Don’t confuse passion with anger. Some people have been posting nonsense and emotion driven garbage for weeks. If all they can offer are moronic posts and twitter comments, maybe they shouldn’t be part of the discussion. Maybe they’d be better suited marching along the parkland bozos.

Well I’ll give you one thing...maybe you don’t have emotion....but you peddle plenty of fucking garbage.

Don’t worry about responding...I’ll just see what Tucker has to say.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Fuck, it is getting nasty in here. Can we try to tone down the anger some?

Don’t confuse passion with anger. Some people have been posting nonsense and emotion driven garbage for weeks. If all they can offer are moronic posts and twitter comments, maybe they shouldn’t be part of the discussion. Maybe they’d be better suited marching along the parkland bozos.

Well I’ll give you one thing...maybe you don’t have emotion....but you peddle plenty of fucking garbage.

Don’t worry about responding...I’ll just see what Tucker has to say.

Bye, Mitch. You’ve embarrassed yourself far more than I ever could. You’ve been weighed and measured and found wanting.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Trump on fire today!

Trump going to meet Kim Jung Un. This is good.

And the tariffs are good.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Fuck, it is getting nasty in here. Can we try to tone down the anger some?

Don’t confuse passion with anger. Some people have been posting nonsense and emotion driven garbage for weeks. If all they can offer are moronic posts and twitter comments, maybe they shouldn’t be part of the discussion. Maybe they’d be better suited marching along the parkland bozos.

Irony alert. I mean...seriously.

You're just as toxic as they come, and just like Buzz you seem acutely unaware of it. Completely oblivious.

But the topper is referring to those marching against gun violence as "parkland bozos." What a fucking little creep you are. A sad little man.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Trump on fire today!

Trump going to meet Kim Jung Un. This is good.

And the tariffs are good.

Most people think the tariffs are dumb. Nothing like sticking it to our allies and then refusing to impose any sanctions on Russia at all.

Trump is Putin's dream come true.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:

Trump news is coming out quicker than we can keep up. Here is just some of what has caught my eye this last week:

There has been a fantastic write up on Christopher Steele. Very important read, especially as more and more of that dossier comes to light. … mp-dossier

A stranger story fro the NYT: A Belarusian escort with close ties to a powerful Russian oligarch said from behind bars in Bangkok on Monday that she had more than 16 hours of audio recordings that could help shed light on Russian meddling in United States elections. … putin.html

More back channels to the Kremlin: Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III has gathered evidence that a secret meeting in Seychelles just before the inauguration of Donald Trump was an effort to establish a back channel between the incoming administration and the Kremlin — apparently contradicting statements made to lawmakers by one of its participants, according to people familiar with the matter. … c2dd256f71

Trump has continued to meddle with witnesses of this probe:

A New York Times report Wednesday doesn’t go that far, but it does reveal that President Trump discussed with witnesses after the fact their testimony to investigators, which has the president again tiptoeing along a very slippery legal slope. … imony.html

And of course...

Trump's payoff to the porn star gets nothing but shrugs from the evangelicals. Maybe we're going to get a dick pick soon?  Of course he stiffed his lawyer on the 130k pay out. Shocker.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
misterID wrote:

The kids have a real position they believe in, I respect that. I don't respect the 4 douchebag, phony, fame whores who are sponsored by myriad of liberal groups and are in no way grass roots.

Who do you think is going to back them? The Tea Party?

That article I posted was pretty clear. These kids put this together themselves from the start. They also went through their strengths/weaknesses and picked who would be their face for their group. Who is backing them now is irrelevant. Is it surprising that people who advocate gun control would back a group of kids asking for the same thing? Their movement has caught national attention, knocked the NRA off balance a bit, and is getting support from millions in this country.

I'm surprised you'd talk about these kids this way. They had 17 of their friends hunted down and murdered in school and now you call them "phony, fame whores" ? That's pretty shitty, no wonder Flagg is cheering you on.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

So Trump is going to meet with Kim Jong Un. The first American President to meet with a leader of North Korea. If NK denuclearized, and that’s a huge if, shouldn’t Trump be considered for the Noble?  Especially since they gave it to Obama before being sworn in.

This is a major accomplishment and far further than any other leader got. Maybe instead of offering money like we did from Clinton to Obama, threatening actual military response works.

I’ll be interested to see how these tariffs workout. Lots of economist think they’re good and the market is already back up. I know the left never took Russia or China seriously, point in case Obama laughing at Romney for calling Russia a threat, then doing absolutely nothing after Russia attacked us in 2014.

But under Trump’s leadership you can say we’ve all but exterminated ISIS (what Obama called the “JV Team”) and now a real diplomatic solution with North Korea is possible. The best economy in decades, a roaring stock market, more money in folks hands. And actual progress versus feel good speeches. At some point the doomsayers are going to have to be identified for the hateful agents of Russian propaganda that they are.

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