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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I am ready for Mike Pence

I'm torn on this.  Trump has become incredibly toxic.  His public berating of Sessions is unacceptable.  Obama sold the ACA to the American people.  He toured the country, sold America his healthcare plan.  He was a leader.  Trump hasn't done that.  Commenting over Twitter isn't leading.  It's what millions of basement dwellers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground do.  If he fires Mueller, he's done.  The GOP needs to step up and tell him to knock this shit off.

But...., the media has been antagonistic towards him since he was sworn in.  Obama was handed a Noble Prize before he even took office and the media came out with their fangs bared the moment Trump won.  The media largely ignored any wrong doing or scandal in Obama's administration, and now cut to breaking news every time someone claiming to be an insider says Trump farted.  Now Trump bitching about the media is funny, since they are in part why he got the nomination.  Trump nor the media had a problem with Trump giving them record ratings and some media personality hanging on his every word while he campaigned.  No one has yet shown that he has done anything illegal, just a bunch of conjecture and whatifs at this point.  But at what point do you dismiss that the the deck was stacked against him and accept that regardless of reason or fault, he's not accomplishing anything?  I don't know.  I don't understand how despite all of this, he's still more popular than Clinton. 

I didn't go to his speech tonight because I support him.  And I certainly wasn't won over by seeing him in person.   I'm happy ICE is rounding up illegals, as sanctuary cities and those who preach for open borders own every death caused by an illegal or those who die trying to get here to get sanctuary.  Trump certainly hasn't done any worse than Obama on the foreign policy front, but I was hoping he'd go toe to toe with Putin, and he's done anything but that.  I'm all for working together to wipe out ISIS, but fucking with our elections can't be tolerated.  Russia fucked our UN sanctions on NK, and who knows what else they're doing.  I do find it funny that the EU is arguing about sanctioning the US because our forthcoming Russia sanctions could hurt their flow of oil.  So much for consistency.  "Quit invading and annexing Eastern Europe, but please continue to sell us our oil.  What was that about Germany being a green country or the Paris Accords?  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." 

It's all a fucking farce and our congress is too inept and content to bicker to actually work to accomplish better legislation and reform.  Sure, Pence might not tweet at 2am.  But I don't want someone who thinks he can talk to god or that you can pray the gay away making major decisions.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I just want Trump to SHUT THE FUCK UP. If he would do that I would be ok. But he says so much stupid shit.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

I'm more comfortable with his inability or desire to do anything. Pence would take the opportunity to start another culture war. Though, whenever Trump talks about North Korea etc., it makes me VERY nervous. He's the last person to be involved in our military and security. I have zero respect for Pence.

But it's not just when he speaks, SG, he's just an awful President. Will he veto the Russia sanctions?

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

This is why I voted for Kasich. He wasn't perfect but he was the best choice for the US

 Rep: 664 

Re: US Politics Thread

James wrote:

Great post Flagg.

But at what point do you dismiss that the the deck was stacked against him and accept that regardless of reason or fault, he's not accomplishing anything?

It feels like a lame duck presidency and we're not even a full year in.

Something has to give.

This 24/7 bitching, gridlock, breaking news shit isn't going to cut the mustard.

I still say this guy was perfect for our culture but its time to move forward. The media presenting our country as a reality show isn't going to lead to anything good.

Even if everything they say about him is true....cant they shut the fuck up for a couple days and see how the guy reacts?

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I am ready for Mike Pence

I'm torn on this.  Trump has become incredibly toxic.  His public berating of Sessions is unacceptable.  Obama sold the ACA to the American people.  He toured the country, sold America his healthcare plan.  He was a leader.  Trump hasn't done that.  Commenting over Twitter isn't leading.  It's what millions of basement dwellers who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground do.  If he fires Mueller, he's done.  The GOP needs to step up and tell him to knock this shit off.

But...., the media has been antagonistic towards him since he was sworn in.  Obama was handed a Noble Prize before he even took office and the media came out with their fangs bared the moment Trump won.  The media largely ignored any wrong doing or scandal in Obama's administration, and now cut to breaking news every time someone claiming to be an insider says Trump farted.  Now Trump bitching about the media is funny, since they are in part why he got the nomination.  Trump nor the media had a problem with Trump giving them record ratings and some media personality hanging on his every word while he campaigned.  No one has yet shown that he has done anything illegal, just a bunch of conjecture and whatifs at this point.  But at what point do you dismiss that the the deck was stacked against him and accept that regardless of reason or fault, he's not accomplishing anything?  I don't know.  I don't understand how despite all of this, he's still more popular than Clinton. 

I didn't go to his speech tonight because I support him.  And I certainly wasn't won over by seeing him in person.   I'm happy ICE is rounding up illegals, as sanctuary cities and those who preach for open borders own every death caused by an illegal or those who die trying to get here to get sanctuary.  Trump certainly hasn't done any worse than Obama on the foreign policy front, but I was hoping he'd go toe to toe with Putin, and he's done anything but that.  I'm all for working together to wipe out ISIS, but fucking with our elections can't be tolerated.  Russia fucked our UN sanctions on NK, and who knows what else they're doing.  I do find it funny that the EU is arguing about sanctioning the US because our forthcoming Russia sanctions could hurt their flow of oil.  So much for consistency.  "Quit invading and annexing Eastern Europe, but please continue to sell us our oil.  What was that about Germany being a green country or the Paris Accords?  Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." 

It's all a fucking farce and our congress is too inept and content to bicker to actually work to accomplish better legislation and reform.  Sure, Pence might not tweet at 2am.  But I don't want someone who thinks he can talk to god or that you can pray the gay away making major decisions.

I read all of this and I thought....hmmm...isn't this the same guy who told us "stfu democrats, the adults are in charge now" about six months ago?

I don't get that warm, fuzzy feeling in my belly every time a mexican is sent back to his country....probably helps you sleep at night, but it doesn't affect me in any way. I don't care and it doesn't impress me.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

This is why I voted for Kasich. He wasn't perfect but he was the best choice for the US

Kasich should be everyone's wet dream right now.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Trump just ended trans gender soldiers serving or being accepted into the military. The goobers will squak, but a soldiers only purpose is to deploy. I couldn't deploy people with sleep apnea to Iraq because I couldn't guarantee electricity for their machines. Hormone shots and mental health aren't going to be available down range.   But that logic won't stop the sheep from crying discrimination.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I have no problem with not allowing trans folks. There are currently only 250 total serving. Sounds like there was a cost associated with the trans folks.

EDIT: now they say 7,000 trans troops. That sounds almost not believable.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I have no problem with not allowing trans folks. There are currently only 250 total serving. Sounds like there was a cost associated with the trans folks.

That was the reason cited...something to do with cost...

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