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Re: US Politics Thread
Smoking Guns wrote:mitchejw wrote:As a participant in this game (I am a medical provider) I feel I have a lot to offer regarding this topic.
I don't like the rules of the game but I am forced to play it.
But my rates haven't increased in 5 plus years. I'm not sure where you get this idea that costs are always going up.
I will tell you this though - the amount of time it takes to payout a claim is absurd. I haven't received a dime since mid-May and they do not feel the need to give me an explanation.
Also, they tell me what they'll pay for and how much. It's not like I walk into mcdonalds and the service price is determined by the rendering provider.
I always found it strange that they determined the amount without any input from me.
Did you not read my post on the previous page? I discuss that very thing.
I did...that's why I thought I would share my story
You're an asshole
- Smoking Guns
- Rep: 330
Re: US Politics Thread
mitchejw wrote:Smoking Guns wrote:Did you not read my post on the previous page? I discuss that very thing.
I did...that's why I thought I would share my story
You're an asshole
Nah, your not an asshole. We all seem to agree on this.
Also Brett, comparing a country of 30,000,000 to one of 330,000,000 is a stretch. Our demographics are much different than say Canada, Britain, etc. Would single payer work on some level in the US? Yes. Do we have more issues than say "Canada"? Yes. Not everyone will get fast FIRST CLASS care on a US single payer. The best care will still go to the highest bidder.
Re: US Politics Thread
It's not about first class care.... it's about the necessities being available at a moment's notice for no cost...its about peace of mind. Imagine something comes up and you can go to the doctor worry free/hassle free
Essential health care is just covered up here. Don't have to go broke for treatment whether u are a millionaire or unemployed...nothing about highest sees patient, government gives them money for them fulfilling their duty kid for an infection a few years ago...105 fever, extreme pain ... we dunno what's wrong...go to emergency room get meds/treatment/overnight stay at hospital ... all covered by government health care zero cost to me and she comes out good as new.
Another example...say u have an abscessed wisdom tooth but can't afford the dentist bill...if your family doc treats it as an emergency the extraction is free...or say u have sleep apnea and need a machine at night instead of being out of pocket for specialist doc few plus machine the government covers the doc appointment, overnight stay and 75% cost of the equupment
My dad lived stateside for a while...fairly successful businessman ... got West Nile...while living in Ohio about 12 years ago... went from being financially secure for the rest of his life to bankrupt ... in Canada would have cost him next to nothing... $100 a night for hospital plus only $2 for his 'scripts (depending on his work healthcare plan which supplements the govt plan) instead it cost him thousands upon thousands, he lost his house and marriage
My brother had colon cancer...treatment covered by government
Re: US Politics Thread
We're going to end up with some kind of single payer system, most likely based on income, at some point.
I understated how much the med industry got off my father. I forgot to mention he had dialysis treatments which cost 30 grand a month for 5 years. Don't get me started on how crooked the dialysis industry is. John Oliver had a great segment on it.
- Randall Flagg
- Rep: 139
Re: US Politics Thread
We're going to end up with some kind of single payer system, most likely based on income, at some point.
I understated how much the med industry got off my father. I forgot to mention he had dialysis treatments which cost 30 grand a month for 5 years. Don't get me started on how crooked the dialysis industry is. John Oliver had a great segment on it.
I'd be ok with universal healthcare if people had to comply under law. You can't have a system that allows people to behave and procreate without impunity and expect others to cover it. There always has to be a co-pay, even if it's $10 to discourage people from abusing the system. Federalize all medical records and have them accessible and shared across all institutions. No more doctor shopping to get more pain meds or adderall.
If people want health care to be an obligation from the government, then the government has an obligation to police the health related activity of its citizens. If I were emperor, that'd also mean babies with retardation or extreme disabilities/deformities would never come to term and you 90 year old nana wouldn't be getting chemo to treat her breast cancer. But i have a feeling anyone who tried to apply that approach to health care would be lynched. When Palin tried to scare people with "death panels", I always thought "good, we should decide if we want to spend millions so some 90 year old gets 15 more months of life in hospice care."
Re: US Politics Thread
Well u aren't really the go to to say who lives or dies...just saying
But in canada just cuz more people need care doesn't mean that individual taxes go up each year...its bot an insurance policy...part of our income tax goes to health care and your tax amount is based on ur income...its a fixed rate
- Randall Flagg
- Rep: 139
Re: US Politics Thread
Well u aren't really the go to to say who lives or dies...just saying
But in canada just cuz more people need care doesn't mean that individual taxes go up each year...its bot an insurance policy...part of our income tax goes to health care and your tax amount is based on ur income...its a fixed rate
Of course I'm not. Hence why I put the caveat "If I were emperor". The overwhelming majority of medical care goes to the elderly, because obviously, their bodies are breaking down as they come closer to the end of life. My point is we can't have a medical system that pays for any procedure, regardless of cost, just to keep human beings alive in a state that may not be a quality of life anyone would desire. Maybe you want to live to be 120 with dementia in a nursing home and receive weekly blood transfusions costing the tax payer $150k a pop. But if you've now made health care a public commodity, and are solely relying on the public to provide your medical care, the public has a say in terms of what kind of care you can receive.
That's why college in America is a problem. There's no cap on how much they can continually raise tuition and no one to tell them that they don't need a 5th diversity coordinator for gendered flexible students. It'll be the same thing with universal healthcare, with far left wackos arguing that lip injections need to be covered in order to raise the self esteem of some teenage girl.
- Randall Flagg
- Rep: 139
Re: US Politics Thread
Cosmetic procedures are not covered by govt up here...only essential...checkups, general health care and life threatening stuff
That's good, but since America doesn't have a universal healthcare, the Canadian system is viewed poorly because of exceptional wait times Americans don't have, we're not going to make a clone of any other countries system. Whatever the end game is, private insurance and hospitals will still exist because the majority of Americans already have private care and aren't interested in going to the "free clinic" and receiving substandard care and extraordinary wait times due to mismanagement, bureaucracy and lack of staff to patient ratio. In Canada, you need to see a Nurse just to get scheduled to see a doctor, and the wait time could be months. Versus in the US on my gold plan through Aetna, I only need to call the doctor/specialist I wish to see and go at the earliest open appointment.