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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread … reelection

Even Bloomberg recognizes Democrats haven't learned their playbook of yelling racist, bigotry and mysogony won't win over voters.

Maybe after 2018 the Bernie crowd will abandon the DNC and sanity will return restoring our two party system. Trump purged the jesus heads from the GOP table. Who will save the Dems from the occupy crowd?

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Ya know what? I'd like to see Donald's birth certificate...I don't think he was even born here...

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Look. Nothing happened to Hillary and we had proof and Shit. There are less facts with this case and so far less wrong doing. So it it plausible to believe HRC did nothing wrong shouldn't you feel the same about Trump?

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Look. Nothing happened to Hillary and we had proof and Shit. There are less facts with this case and so far less wrong doing. So it it plausible to believe HRC did nothing wrong shouldn't you feel the same about Trump?

You do know she was cleared twice and that Comey was fooled by fake Russian documents, right? And I haven't said he is guilty, though. I'm looking at the stupidity of his campaign and his stupidity in the aftermath.

I think he's mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. That's why I want him out. I think his ignorance and incompetence is dangerous to our economy, our planet's health and our national security.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Look. Nothing happened to Hillary and we had proof and Shit. There are less facts with this case and so far less wrong doing. So it it plausible to believe HRC did nothing wrong shouldn't you feel the same about Trump?

You do know she was cleared twice and that Comey was fooled by fake Russian documents, right? And I haven't said he is guilty, though. I'm looking at the stupidity of his campaign and his stupidity in the aftermath.

I think he's mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. That's why I want him out. I think his ignorance and incompetence is dangerous to our economy, our planet's health and our national security.

Well that makes more sense. I respect that take more. Makes more sense than he has some brilliant plan to collude with the Russians.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Look. Nothing happened to Hillary and we had proof and Shit. There are less facts with this case and so far less wrong doing. So it it plausible to believe HRC did nothing wrong shouldn't you feel the same about Trump?

You do know she was cleared twice and that Comey was fooled by fake Russian documents, right? And I haven't said he is guilty, though. I'm looking at the stupidity of his campaign and his stupidity in the aftermath.

I think he's mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. That's why I want him out. I think his ignorance and incompetence is dangerous to our economy, our planet's health and our national security.

Well that makes more sense. I respect that take more. Makes more sense than he has some brilliant plan to collude with the Russians.

No, I don't think there are any brilliant plans in Trumpland 16

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

Look. Nothing happened to Hillary and we had proof and Shit. There are less facts with this case and so far less wrong doing. So it it plausible to believe HRC did nothing wrong shouldn't you feel the same about Trump?

You do know she was cleared twice and that Comey was fooled by fake Russian documents, right? And I haven't said he is guilty, though. I'm looking at the stupidity of his campaign and his stupidity in the aftermath.

I think he's mentally and emotionally unfit to be president. That's why I want him out. I think his ignorance and incompetence is dangerous to our economy, our planet's health and our national security.

You don't know that.  That's my biggest grievance with your line of thought.  You accept any article or story that paints Trump as negative as fact.  You don't know what impact that memo had on Comey.  You don't know if it was fake.  You want to believe any story that the media generates about Trump.  Hillary wasn't corrupt or incompetent.  She doesn't suffer from blood clots or seizures.  All manufactured attack jobs to keep the glass ceiling from being broken. 

But Trump paid prostitutes to piss on a bed Obama slept in.  He hates America and worked with Putin.  Maher has said it best.  The left takes Trump literally but not seriously.  The right takes him seriously but not literally.  Trump didn't advocate Russia hack Hillary.  She hid 30k emails that her and her staff deemed irrelevant.  They never turned them over.  They claimed there was no wrong doing.  We know all of that was horseshit.  I don't want to rehash the email saga because it was boring and frankly I don't give a fuck.  But you make these wild accusations you know are untrue or you defy common sense to make a point.  Russia never even compromised Hillary's server (that we know of).  Trump made a joke because Queen Hillary hadn't done a press conference in 6 months and tried to argue that the same person who took money from half the people she met with, repeatedly lied (sniper, emails, benghazi to name an objective few) and fixed the primary was perfectly capable and objective enough to decide what information was relevant and what wasn't. 

You had no problem with any of this, and still argue Comey didn't say Clinton broke the law.  No, what he said was he wasn't going to prosecute because they never would have gotten a conviction due to the lawyers Clinton would have had and it wouldn't have been resolved for years.  So rather than follow that principle, you're all too eager to make assumptions that because someone met with someone CNN told you was a bad person, create a story about what happened behind closed doors without a single piece of evidence to support your conclusion.  Classified emails were recovered.  The footage of her never taking fire were released.  The intel from Benghazi has been made public.  The DNC leaks showed how her team coordinated with both the media and DNC to control the narrative.  Hillary was under investigation too (and she still might be) but she had no problem making numerous statements denying she was under investigation. 

But Trump is the evil fucking goon here.  You're making assumptions and accepting narratives as fact without any evidence to do so.

I totally agree with you he's a bad fit for the office.  He doesn't understand diplomacy.  It's why I didn't vote for him.  But you're trying to justify or associate that dislike with unproven and unsubstantiated allegations about illegal activity.  And let's be completely honest.  There's no way he can do a worse job than Obama when it comes to foreign affairs.  ISIS, refugees and all the chaos in the ME are entirely due to Obama's dovey/academic/naive understanding of the world.  No one gave a fuck about or feared Obama.  He was a well spoken and intelligent man with no real accomplishments.  Certainly none in government.  At least Trump turned 100 Million dollars into Billions and is one of the most well known and respected real estate tycoons in History.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

It means exactly what the video said.  You folks have continually moved the goal post and you have nothing to support your wild accusations.

There you go again.

Randall Flagg wrote:

You've fallen victim to a media and narrative that reports on if Trump wipes his ass sitting or standing and hypothesizes about what it could mean.  We've gone from knowing treason was committed, to asking for a special investigator, to demanding impeachment, to "I don't know what he did, but he did something".  There's never an end state.  It's perpetual bitching.  And worse, it's perpetual bitching about things the left outright supported with Obama.  Total hypocrisy and disingenuous behavior.

I'm not sure what you are reading. We go through this over and over. You're either lying, or have a problem with reality.

Randall Flagg wrote:

If anyone thinks Trump or anyone he associated with did something illegal that prohibits him from being President, put forth an argument.

There is no argument to be made until the facts are in. We are just beginning a series of investigations. This is going to last a long time. That's about it. The media is reporting on these investigations and we are discussing them. This seems to make you so angry that you feel you must lie about it. I don't understand why you keep doing this.

But let's point something out to you guys. The FBI, the House and Senate are not the media. Let me repeat: The FBI, House and Senate are not the media. You understand this right? Subpoenas, grand juries, the process of discovery, testimonies and potential deals have nothing to do with the media. The media is reporting on these things, and speculating, which we all are, but that's about it.

The leaks from the WH are also unprecedented, as is the IC. There are reasons for that, because they see what's happening.

I will tell you this. Trump will not finish his term. You're so distracted by your false arguments/lies/whatever to see reality. This is not some joke. This isn't lefty media spin. This is a big deal.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:

So today it is reported that the two Russian camps in Maryland and New York, closed by Obama after we learned Russia meddled with our election, will be re-opened to the Russians by Trump. At first the White House had stipulations, but after a couple of days, those were removed and the White House is giving the green light for them to come back. There are few other hoops to jump through, but he's OK with it.

So yet another odd coincidence in the middle of this Russian investigation. Again, why would Trump ever do this? The previous president told them to get the fuck out after the election. And now Trump, under investigation, with new stories breaking every day, wants to reverse Obama's eviction and allow them to return. 

Again, he's either Putin's puppet or an absolute idiot.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

@Randall, If you want to prove the media reports wrong, go ahead. I don't know how Comey getting duped by a fake Russian document paints Trump in a bad light... I think I've been pretty consistent with not convicting him out of my dislike for him, I haven't said he did anything with Russia. I've actually said I doubt he had personal collusion with them. But I'm not going to ignore or not give any credence to these media reports.

Trump is bringing this all on himself. I don't know what's been proven false that you feel I'm pushing or accepting as fact. And I can't find any Comey quote about letting her off the hook because of her lawyers or that she's still under investigation.

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