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Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

And a million impeachment types suddenly went silent

Again, what does that even mean?

He's doing the same thing you are: Attacking a false premise. IE, the reporter(s) are clinging to conspiracy theories and have arrived at some conclusion, which isn't the case. They are reporting on the investigations, and breaking news stories (which happen almost daily at this point.)

Context is everything. Trump defenders dismiss each new story as if it's the only one. When in fact we've got dozens of issues piling up on top of one another.

It means exactly what the video said.  You folks have continually moved the goal post and you have nothing to support your wild accusations.  You've fallen victim to a media and narrative that reports on if Trump wipes his ass sitting or standing and hypothesizes about what it could mean.  We've gone from knowing treason was committed, to asking for a special investigator, to demanding impeachment, to "I don't know what he did, but he did something".  There's never an end state.  It's perpetual bitching.  And worse, it's perpetual bitching about things the left outright supported with Obama.  Total hypocrisy and disingenuous behavior. 

If anyone thinks Trump or anyone he associated with did something illegal that prohibits him from being President, put forth an argument.   That's what the video is saying.  You guys want to shine a light on everything and when you find out Trump only tipped his waiter 14%, it becomes a major news story and everyone palavers on what the true meaning is.  "Smoke and fire" is an intellectually lazy way to justify irrational and unproven claims. 

He's the President.  The Republicans won congress.  Get used to 2-4 years of the GOP enacting laws that they think will help America.  You're free to disagree and claim they're harming the country, just as I felt as Obama fucked up every foreign policy initiative for 8 years (BUT BUT BUT, EUROPEAN LEADERS LOVED HIM!).

I don't dismiss every story.  I told you the whole firing Comey thing was a mistake.  I think he fucked up bombing Syria.  I think he needs to get rid of twitter.  But none of that is illegal and a 400 word essay based on an anonymous source from an editorial board that cheers when their story gets traction and counts themselves as part of "the resistance" isn't definitive evidence. 

Trump's going to finish his term.  He's going to get better.  And for better or worse, the Democratic party is still fucked.  They couldn't even win a seat in Montana where their candidate dressed like a cowboy and the Republican assaulted a reporter the day before.  "Fuck Trump" and Identity Politics isn't a political platform.  Until that lesson is learned, Republicans and Trump are going to continue marching along.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Who the fuck is John Sununu?

Blind support of Donald Trump is just that, blind support

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Who the fuck is John Sununu?

Blind support of Donald Trump is just that, blind support

And blind hatred is just that, blind hatred.  No one here is giving Trump blind support.  Quite a few have blind hatred.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I think what folks want to know is what is the crime or actual allegation being made that we should be so worried about. This has been being on since last August. And still nothing.  As of now there is nothing. That part is true. Something could be discovered, sure. But right now there is NOTHING.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

I think what folks want to know is what is the crime or actual allegation being made that we should be so worried about. This has been being lot at since last August. And still nothing.  As of now there is nothing. That is true. Something could be discovered, sure. But right now there is NOTHING.

That's been my argument for the past 6 months.  Put forth a provable or disprovable claim with an appropriate level of evidence.  "BUT KUSHNER MET WITH SOMEONE I ASSUME HE SHOULDN'T HAVE" isn't an argument, nor is it even an allegation that deserves attention.  You first have to demonstrate why the meeting was illegal/unethical and what was discussed in the meeting that was illegal/unethical.  Saying "He had a meeting with someone, so something bad must have happened" isn't an argument.  It's blind hatred for all things Trump. 

The left has completely moved on from the important issue, Russia fucking with our election (again the DNC refused to let the FBI look at their servers to get evidence to strengthen and understand what happened, but no assumption of coverup from our "Fuck Trump" friends) and has moved on to story mode about Trump or his cohorts working in some illegal fashion.  It's almost as if everything Obama and Clinton said about Russia in 2008 and 2012 is a real portrayal of their opinions on Russia and the fabricated scandal is just a ploy to hamstring Trump.

When Chris Matthews said he "had chills" running up his leg listening to Obama speak, that was a perfectly objective media piece.  Obama refusing to admit Fox News was perfectly acceptable.  But Trump calling out the guys who spend 90%+ of their time trashing him is somehow an attack against a free press.  Completely disingenuous.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
slcpunk wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

And a million impeachment types suddenly went silent

Again, what does that even mean?

He's doing the same thing you are: Attacking a false premise. IE, the reporter(s) are clinging to conspiracy theories and have arrived at some conclusion, which isn't the case. They are reporting on the investigations, and breaking news stories (which happen almost daily at this point.)

Context is everything. Trump defenders dismiss each new story as if it's the only one. When in fact we've got dozens of issues piling up on top of one another.

It means exactly what the video said.  You folks have continually moved the goal post and you have nothing to support your wild accusations.  You've fallen victim to a media and narrative that reports on if Trump wipes his ass sitting or standing and hypothesizes about what it could mean.  We've gone from knowing treason was committed, to asking for a special investigator, to demanding impeachment, to "I don't know what he did, but he did something".  There's never an end state.  It's perpetual bitching.  And worse, it's perpetual bitching about things the left outright supported with Obama.  Total hypocrisy and disingenuous behavior. 

If anyone thinks Trump or anyone he associated with did something illegal that prohibits him from being President, put forth an argument.   That's what the video is saying.  You guys want to shine a light on everything and when you find out Trump only tipped his waiter 14%, it becomes a major news story and everyone palavers on what the true meaning is.  "Smoke and fire" is an intellectually lazy way to justify irrational and unproven claims. 

He's the President.  The Republicans won congress.  Get used to 2-4 years of the GOP enacting laws that they think will help America.  You're free to disagree and claim they're harming the country, just as I felt as Obama fucked up every foreign policy initiative for 8 years (BUT BUT BUT, EUROPEAN LEADERS LOVED HIM!).

I don't dismiss every story.  I told you the whole firing Comey thing was a mistake.  I think he fucked up bombing Syria.  I think he needs to get rid of twitter.  But none of that is illegal and a 400 word essay based on an anonymous source from an editorial board that cheers when their story gets traction and counts themselves as part of "the resistance" isn't definitive evidence. 

Trump's going to finish his term.  He's going to get better.  And for better or worse, the Democratic party is still fucked.  They couldn't even win a seat in Montana where their candidate dressed like a cowboy and the Republican assaulted a reporter the day before.  "Fuck Trump" and Identity Politics isn't a political platform.  Until that lesson is learned, Republicans and Trump are going to continue marching along.

I have nothing else to contribute now. The moment this country elected him, I pretty much took my ball and went home.

Based on what you're saying, th country doesn't even want to hear from democrats anyway.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I think what folks want to know is what is the crime or actual allegation being made that we should be so worried about. This has been being lot at since last August. And still nothing.  As of now there is nothing. That is true. Something could be discovered, sure. But right now there is NOTHING.

That's been my argument for the past 6 months.  Put forth a provable or disprovable claim with an appropriate level of evidence.  "BUT KUSHNER MET WITH SOMEONE I ASSUME HE SHOULDN'T HAVE" isn't an argument, nor is it even an allegation that deserves attention.  You first have to demonstrate why the meeting was illegal/unethical and what was discussed in the meeting that was illegal/unethical.  Saying "He had a meeting with someone, so something bad must have happened" isn't an argument.  It's blind hatred for all things Trump. 

The left has completely moved on from the important issue, Russia fucking with our election (again the DNC refused to let the FBI look at their servers to get evidence to strengthen and understand what happened, but no assumption of coverup from our "Fuck Trump" friends) and has moved on to story mode about Trump or his cohorts working in some illegal fashion.  It's almost as if everything Obama and Clinton said about Russia in 2008 and 2012 is a real portrayal of their opinions on Russia and the fabricated scandal is just a ploy to hamstring Trump.

When Chris Matthews said he "had chills" running up his leg listening to Obama speak, that was a perfectly objective media piece.  Obama refusing to admit Fox News was perfectly acceptable.  But Trump calling out the guys who spend 90%+ of their time trashing him is somehow an attack against a free press.  Completely disingenuous.

Fox News is a propaganda machine.

You behave as though Republicans haven't changed their position on this - Republicans are deeply in favor of Russians now. How about that?

Here's a list of things that make me hate Republican ideas.

1) successful voter suppression efforts/thinly vailed poll taxes (I already know you don't care, RF)

2) massive gerrymandering on state and federal levels.

3) republicans massively lost the popular vote but behave as though they have a mandate.

4) citizens united ruling means unlimited spending on elections and crazy contributions coming from corporate America and the Koch brothers. People seem to be outraged by $15/hour minimum wage but are perfectly happy with 10s of millions being spent on by one person backing one candidate

5) the Supreme Court debacle - changing rules when it benefits them.

6) trump urging McConnell to go nuclear and change all the rules of the senate to truly silence the 'minority'

7) republicans intentionally sabatoging Obamacare and blaming it on Obama. Refusing to create markets in states like Wisconsin, Kansas and other places and refusing to accept Obamacare funds to expand Medicare

8) withholding funds at the federal level to put a strangle hold on those states that did expand it

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I think what folks want to know is what is the crime or actual allegation being made that we should be so worried about. This has been being on since last August. And still nothing.  As of now there is nothing. That part is true. Something could be discovered, sure. But right now there is NOTHING.

There are several investigations going on. Saying there is nothing is a LIE. FYI, Sununu is a joke who left office in disgrace and was dropped by Romney as a surrogate because he had zero integrity or credibility (perfect for Trump), who's shtick is to shout things whether true or not and try to dominate with abrasiveness (he gets destroyed with facts all the time, which he denies constantly) It's a telling you two are praising him, as right wing nut sites continually praise him when the rest of the world sees what a joke he is... Like an interviewer who can hardly contain her laughter.

We might just have a compromised president, a campaign that has lied about their communications with an enemy nation, and dealings with a sanctioned Russian bank that funds spies. There are SEVERAL investigations going on for collusion with the enemy. To keep acting as if this is just the democrats throwing out allegations and they aren't under investigation is a LIE.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: US Politics Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I think what folks want to know is what is the crime or actual allegation being made that we should be so worried about. This has been being on since last August. And still nothing.  As of now there is nothing. That part is true. Something could be discovered, sure. But right now there is NOTHING.

There are several investigations going on. Saying there is nothing is a LIE. FYI, Sununu is a joke who left office in disgrace and was dropped by Romney as a surrogate because he had zero integrity or credibility (perfect for Trump), who's shtick is to shout things whether true or not and try to dominate with abrasiveness (he gets destroyed with facts all the time, which he denies constantly) It's a telling you two are praising him, as right wing nut sites continually praise him when the rest of the world sees what a joke he is... Like an interviewer who can hardly contain her laughter.

We might just have a compromised president, a campaign that has lied about their communications with an enemy nation, and dealings with a sanctioned Russian bank that funds spies. There are SEVERAL investigations going on for collusion with the enemy. To keep acting as if this is just the democrats throwing out allegations and they aren't under investigation is a LIE.

You use the words "may" "if" "possibly" etc way too much. Let's get some facts and crimes before getting crazy. Haha

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:
misterID wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I think what folks want to know is what is the crime or actual allegation being made that we should be so worried about. This has been being on since last August. And still nothing.  As of now there is nothing. That part is true. Something could be discovered, sure. But right now there is NOTHING.

There are several investigations going on. Saying there is nothing is a LIE. FYI, Sununu is a joke who left office in disgrace and was dropped by Romney as a surrogate because he had zero integrity or credibility (perfect for Trump), who's shtick is to shout things whether true or not and try to dominate with abrasiveness (he gets destroyed with facts all the time, which he denies constantly) It's a telling you two are praising him, as right wing nut sites continually praise him when the rest of the world sees what a joke he is... Like an interviewer who can hardly contain her laughter.

We might just have a compromised president, a campaign that has lied about their communications with an enemy nation, and dealings with a sanctioned Russian bank that funds spies. There are SEVERAL investigations going on for collusion with the enemy. To keep acting as if this is just the democrats throwing out allegations and they aren't under investigation is a LIE.

You use the words "may" "if" "possibly" etc way too much. Let's get some facts and crimes before getting crazy. Haha

There ARE investigations for Russian collusion. That's not an if, may, possible, that's a fact.

You're actually criticizing the fact I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt and not saying he's guilty. You were running into this thread screaming your lungs out at every Hillary accusation, so back up a minute and think. If you guys are really upset about Russian meddling into the election, why are you continuing to support a man who called for more hacks by Russia, who read the leaks out loud at his rallies, professed his love for wikileaks who colluded with Russia to interfere with our election, and a man who's campaign kept meeting and associating with Russia and LIED about it. A man who has refused to acknowledge Russia's interference and attempted to discredit our Intelligence agencies investigating Russia. A man who defends the man who orchestrated the hacks and interference. The hypocrisy is thick.

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