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 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

I saw some former CIA direcoter using this tragedy to blast Obama (who now has been out of office nearly half a year).

I'm really starting to believe that no one is interested in solving problems. They just want to 'point the fucking finger,' to use a Scarface phrase.

Trump escalated the efforts and like clockwork, terrorists, North Koreans, you name it....escalated their efforts. That's a potential consequence of all this.

And you go and blame trump.

Maybe if Barry hadn't called then them JV team and pulled out of the Middle East and watch it collapse, hajis wouldn't have flocked by the millions to Europe. But fuck western identity and culture right?  Open boarders for any brown skinned person who doesn't speak English.

If western identity is trump...then I'm not sure I'm willing to defend it.

I don't necessarily mean to criticize trump...but if someone escalates toward you, your tendency is to respond in kind.

Were you willing to occupy the Middle East and Iraq for eternity?

So I'm the enemy because I'd rather spend that money on healthcare subsidies? You want to spend that money occupying other countries with military.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

I saw some former CIA direcoter using this tragedy to blast Obama (who now has been out of office nearly half a year).

I'm really starting to believe that no one is interested in solving problems. They just want to 'point the fucking finger,' to use a Scarface phrase.

Trump escalated the efforts and like clockwork, terrorists, North Koreans, you name it....escalated their efforts. That's a potential consequence of all this.

And you go and blame trump.

Maybe if Barry hadn't called then them JV team and pulled out of the Middle East and watch it collapse, hajis wouldn't have flocked by the millions to Europe. But fuck western identity and culture right?  Open boarders for any brown skinned person who doesn't speak English.

If western identity is trump...then I'm not sure I'm willing to defend it.

I don't necessarily mean to criticize trump...but if someone escalates toward you, your tendency is to respond in kind.

Were you willing to occupy the Middle East and Iraq for eternity?

So I'm the enemy because I'd rather spend that money on healthcare subsidies? You want to spend that money occupying other countries with military.

No, I'd just listen to the generals and experts and not have made Iraq political. You know, how Gates wrote in his book that both Clinton and Obama were backstage during 2008 talking about how their entire positions on Iraq were based on what democratic voters would respond to. Cause fuck security or America. Whatever makes the people who believe gender is fluid feel good must be sound foreign policy.

This is a fucking tragedy in England. A place America has no control. And you make it political to attack Trump. This is what the Democratic Party has become.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

And you go and blame trump.

Maybe if Barry hadn't called then them JV team and pulled out of the Middle East and watch it collapse, hajis wouldn't have flocked by the millions to Europe. But fuck western identity and culture right?  Open boarders for any brown skinned person who doesn't speak English.

If western identity is trump...then I'm not sure I'm willing to defend it.

I don't necessarily mean to criticize trump...but if someone escalates toward you, your tendency is to respond in kind.

Were you willing to occupy the Middle East and Iraq for eternity?

So I'm the enemy because I'd rather spend that money on healthcare subsidies? You want to spend that money occupying other countries with military.

No, I'd just listen to the generals and experts and not have made Iraq political. You know, how Gates wrote in his book that both Clinton and Obama were backstage during 2008 talking about how their entire positions on Iraq were based on what democratic voters would respond to. Cause fuck security or America. Whatever makes the people who believe gender is fluid feel good must be sound foreign policy.

This is a fucking tragedy in England. A place America has no control. And you make it political to attack Trump. This is what the Democratic Party has become.

Listen man...everyday I hear Trump blame Obama for everything that's wrong but give no credit for the things that are going well. You can't have it both ways. 

You yourself have said the world is taking a hard push right. England especially. Trump is just fucking with Kim Jong because he can...he's stirring the pot. He's bombing Syria. He's escalating the situation. This is what the country voted for...these are facts.

If you don't think this is all heading toward another war in some form you're deluded. The problem is we Americans never learn from our mistakes. Eventually we come back to this idea that the solution is to bomb the shit out someone until they submit.

There are major consequences for going this route.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:

Brennan: I encountered info & intel that revealed "contacts and interactions" between Russian officials and the Trump campaign. … ction.html

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:

I believe Clinton killed him. I don't have any facts, but I know it in my heart. Where there's smoke there's fire. Wikileaks reported a DNC staffer was the source of the leaks. The DNC refused to let the FBI look at their servers knowing that vital information would have been collected.

No, I don't believe any of that. Just showing you how ridiculous it sounds.

Washington Post
Sean Hannity done talking about Seth Rich and WikiLeaks ‘for now’ as Fox News retracts story
By Kristine Phillips and Peter Holley May 24 at 8:50 AM

Seth Rich was shot and killed July 10 in Washington. (Democratic National Committee)
A week after publishing a problematic account about the death of former Democratic National Committee staffer Seth Rich — an article that said Rich made contact with WikiLeaks before he was shot and killed in Washington — Fox News retracted the story, saying it did not meet the organization’s editorial standards.

“The article was not initially subjected to the high degree of editorial scrutiny we require for all our reporting,” Fox said in a brief statement posted on its website Tuesday. “Upon appropriate review, the article was found not to meet those standards and has since been removed.”

The unsigned 73-word “Statement on coverage of Seth Rich murder investigation” added: “We will continue to investigate this story and will provide updates as warranted.”

Hours after the retraction was published, Sean Hannity, who had latched on to the idea that Rich — not Russia — was the source of the massive DNC email leak, told viewers of his prime-time Fox News show that “out of respect for the family’s wishes, for now,” he would not be talking about Rich’s death.

“I want to say this to you, my loyal audience, which is very important: Please do not interpret what I’m saying tonight to mean anything,” Hannity said. “Don’t read into this. I promise you I am not doing — going to stop doing my job to the extent of my ability.”

He added: “I serve at the pleasure of the Fox News Channel. And I am here to do my job every night. I’m under contract, as long as they seem to want me.”

Earlier on Tuesday, Hannity seemed defiant, even as Fox backed down from the story. He said on his radio show that he felt badly for Rich’s family, but added that it was his “moral obligation” to ask whether a DNC whistleblower was in touch with WikiLeaks.

“All you in the liberal media, I am not or; I retracted nothing,” he said on his radio show.

[The life and death of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory]

Fox News and the Washington Fox channel, WTTG, reported last week that Rich had leaked 44,053 DNC emails and 17,761 attachments to a now-deceased WikiLeaks director. The stories immediately gained traction on social media and among conservative news outlets — even as Rich’s family rejected the reports.

The Fox News story was originally published on May 16 and cited “investigative sources” in reporting that Rich had made contact with WikiLeaks some time before he was killed — a case that remains unsolved. Fox’s story quoted a private investigator, Rod Wheeler, who claimed there was an email exchange between Rich and WikiLeaks — and suggested that “the answers to who murdered Seth Rich sits on his computer on a shelf at the D.C. police or FBI headquarters.”

As of Tuesday morning, the story was still on the Fox News site, though the headline had changed: “Family of slain DNC staffer Seth Rich blasts detective over report of WikiLeaks link,” it read. (The original headline: “Seth Rich, slain DNC staffer, had contact with WikiLeaks, say multiple sources.”)

By Tuesday afternoon, however, the story was gone from the site. There was no editor’s note attached to the original URL; just a message saying, “something has gone wrong. … It seems you clicked on a bad link and stumbled upon our 404 page.”

[The Seth Rich conspiracy’s biggest myths, explained]

Rich’s family said it was grateful for the story’s removal.

“The family would like to thank Fox News for their retraction on a story that has caused deep pain and anguish to the family and has done harm to Seth Rich’s legacy,” the family said through a spokesman. “We are hopeful that in the future that Fox News will work with the family to ensure the highest degree of professionalism and scrutiny is followed so that only accurate facts are reported surrounding this case.”

In an op-ed published by The Washington Post on Tuesday, Rich’s parents described living out a daily “nightmare” perpetuated by inaccurate reporting.

As they anxiously await actual updates from investigators trying to solve their son’s killing, Mary and Joel Rich wrote that they’re forced to field conspiratorial questions from reporters peddling discredited news.

“Seth’s death has been turned into a political football,” they wrote. “Every day we wake up to new headlines, new lies, new factual errors, new people approaching us to take advantage of us and Seth’s legacy. It just won’t stop.”

“The amount of pain and anguish this has caused us is unbearable,” they added. “With every conspiratorial flare-up, we are forced to relive Seth’s murder and a small piece of us dies as more of Seth’s memory is torn away from us.”

The explosive allegations were first reported by WTTG on May 15 and by Fox News the following day.

The reports cited Wheeler, the investigator who WTTG and Fox said was hired by the Rich family and had previously worked for D.C. police. Wheeler was also identified in the original Fox News story as a Fox contributor.

Fox News also cited an unnamed federal investigator who said Rich had transferred thousands of emails to a WikiLeaks director between January 2015 and May 2016.

WTTG kept the original story online but topped it with a lengthy editor’s note detailing Wheeler’s “verbatim exchange” with the TV station.

Wheeler told WTTG that “he had sources at the FBI confirming” communications between Rich and WikiLeaks, but “has since backtracked” from his original statements, the station’s story said.

The Daily Caller also has taken down a story on the alleged Rich-WikiLeaks connection; that story originally cited Fox News’s reporting.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

What's your point?  Hannity is as hysterical and disingenuous as Maddow?

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Your argument story was retracted. By FOX no less.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:

Your argument story was retracted. By FOX no less.

I called it bullshit from the start.  Are you looking to pick a fight or just upset that attention has deviated from your "gut feelings" to actual issues plaguing the west.  I called it a stupid fucking story, no different than your hardon for Trump.  I wonder if MSNBC will run a retraction when Mueller comes back and says Trump didn't collude with Russia.  Probably not, the goal post will be moved further by then.

 Rep: 476 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your argument story was retracted. By FOX no less.

I called it bullshit from the start.  Are you looking to pick a fight or just upset that attention has deviated from your "gut feelings" to actual issues plaguing the west.  I called it a stupid fucking story, no different than your hardon for Trump.  I wonder if MSNBC will run a retraction when Mueller comes back and says Trump didn't collude with Russia.  Probably not, the goal post will be moved further by then.

See, you're missing the point. My beliefs are based on facts, real articles, not conspiracy theories that even a right wing shill of a news source has to retract. Your comparison was ridiculous and a clear attempt to undermine what's happening. MSNBC has never stated there was definite collusion. There's an actual investigation going on by Mueller to investigate collusion. This isn't made up, this isn't a conspiracy theory, it's real and is taking place because of real intelligence.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

misterID wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:
misterID wrote:

Your argument story was retracted. By FOX no less.

I called it bullshit from the start.  Are you looking to pick a fight or just upset that attention has deviated from your "gut feelings" to actual issues plaguing the west.  I called it a stupid fucking story, no different than your hardon for Trump.  I wonder if MSNBC will run a retraction when Mueller comes back and says Trump didn't collude with Russia.  Probably not, the goal post will be moved further by then.

See, you're missing the point. My beliefs are based on facts, real articles, not conspiracy theories that even a right wing shill of a news source has to retract. Your comparison was ridiculous and a clear attempt to undermine what's happening. MSNBC has never stated there was definite collusion. There's an actual investigation going on by Mueller to investigate collusion. This isn't made up, this isn't a conspiracy theory, it's real and is taking place because of real intelligence.

No, there's not.  There's an investigation into Russia's involvement in influencing our election.  Part of that is also verifying that no one in Trump's team colluded with Russia, but the primary purpose of the investigation isn't, and never was about Trump.  This is something you have failed to grasp from day one.

Nothing you have argued is based on fact.  It's been entirely hearsay and opinions from discredited or anonymous sources.  You've ignored that Obama called the "piss tapes" absurd, that our own intelligence agencies dismissed them, but because some piece of that entire dossier may have been remotely true, you give credence to everything else.  There is no objectivity with you.   You can't even be honest about the nature of the investigation, calling for impeachment and making absurd accusations that have never been substantiated or supported.  You're blind to your own blindness and partisan hatred. 

I told you weeks ago that I'm not interested in debating the collusion shit, because nothing new has manifested and nothing either of us will type will change the opinion of the others.  I'm not interested in trading insults back and forth, which is all it will become. 

But don't kid yourself and act like you have any evidence or facts to support your claims.  You know that Flynn and a couple other guys probably took money from Russia or Turkey in matters completely unrelated and years before the election.  That's what you "know".  Anything beyond that is mere speculation and you can't point to a single document to support your conspiracy theories.  That's why you've backed down from saying Trump jerked Putin off to "well, someone in Trump's camp betrayed their country."  And let's not forget you were arguing Pence is going to invoke the 25th Amendment a couple days ago. 

I get it.  You hate that your party is in shambles and can't connect in the majority of governorships, congressional districts and senate seats.  That the best they could put forth is a nutjob who honeymooned in the most oppressive regime of the 20th century and praised Venezuela and Chavez or an egomaniac who was more connected to Wall Street and was more hawkish than any Republican since Reagan.  It's a terrible time to be a Democrat.  To go from complete control over congress with the most likable and charming president since Kennedy at the helm to being a party with absolutely no authority is quite the change.  But maybe take a deep breath and let the rage subside before you post nonsense that no one is claiming there is a shred of evidence of.  "Smoke and fire" isn't an argument.  It's an intellectually lazy way to justify partisan bickering and outrage.  You can go with Biden or Warren, but only one of them is going to help rebuild your party.  There won't be a Leftist Tea Party, you guys tried that already.  It was the Occupy Wall Street crowd.  They didn't do anything besides camp out in Manhattan and attract homeless and the mentally ill. 

Trump is your President.  If all you and your cohorts can offer is manufactured outrage (TRUMP TOLD DUERTE THE LOCATION OF 2 SUBMARINES ARE OUTSIDE OF NK!!! [meanwhile the NYTimes already ran an article where they announced the fleet is moving into position]) and conspiracy, you'll quickly lose the public's confidence.  Being Anti-Trump isn't a policy position.  It's not offering solutions.  Your party and its politics provided us with ISIS, refugees and a failing ACA.  Yelling about Trump isn't going to win you seats when the Republicans are able to ask a simple question of "what's your plan?"

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