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 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

I just think it's a riot because I don't believe for one second you give a shit about a Syrian person or anyone in the middle east for that matter...this is about waving around that huge red, white and blue dick you and RF like to jam deeply into your ass so you always have it near by.

They certainly don't give a shit about refugees....fuck 'em. Just like they didn't really care about Iraqis (read Muslims) either. They just loved the lies around it: WMD, spreading democracy etc etc.

No doubt Assad is a murdering son of a bitch. But it's also no doubt these guys love tough talk, macho posturing. That's why Trump is their guy.

 Rep: 8 

Re: US Politics Thread

Ragnar wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Ragnar wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

yet another one who thinks "leadership" is just blowing up shit with guns and missiles. No wonder this country is full of knuckle draggers who elected a knuckle dragger.

Eventually...somehow, some way....there will be retaliation and you'll be the same mutherfucker saying "look at those terrorists!!!"

Because when we do it....we're on the side of God....but when they do it....they're terrorists....

and the perpetual cycle of jack assery continues forever...but hey...isn't it fun blowing off the heads of people we don't like?

14 all the flowers, yet you chose to be salty. I`m sorry but you`re brainwashed pal. Yes, leadership means to take drastic measures to protect values and allies when necessary.

If your toy boy Obummer had n`t a spineless pussy in the first place none of this would be happening now. If you don`t understand what the difference is between gassing innocent people and retaliating then I don`t know what to say to you.

I just think it's a riot because I don't believe for one second you give a shit about a Syrian person or anyone in the middle east for that matter...this is about waving around that huge red, white and blue dick you and RF like to jam deeply into your respective  asses so you always have it near by.

14 This is too funny please do carry on, it`s always amusing to watch shitlibs go berserk and rant like lunatics.

I bet you have a great solution which entails doing jackshit. It`s high time Assad and his master Putin understood there`s a new sheriff in town.

Randall Flagg
 Rep: 139 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

Sorry, we do have the moral superiority over any other country involved.

14 14 14 oh the hypocrisy...I'm drowning in it....keep waving that red, white and blue though....

Killing your own citizens with chemical weapons is a violation of Geneva.  Your boy claimed that all of the chemical weapons were gone, remember?  If you don't understand the definition of terrorism or understand why we're the good guys, that's a fundamental lack of knowledge on your part.

I guarantee you someone over there is posting on a message board right now saying the exact same man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter...people like you won't be happy until we have a WWIII. The way you show moral superiority is by killing those you deem morally inferior....good one.

If your head is so far up your ass you can't make a calculated assessment of how much better and prosperous the world is with the US at top, and want  to walk down the path of moral relativism ( the US killed ISIS members so we're no better than the ISIS guy who took a drill to a child!), you're no where near rational or mainstream. The person you voted for campaigned on attacking Syria. The President you thought was the greatest guy ever, launched more drone strikes than anyone and objectively weakened America's standing.

I don't give a fuck about Syria or Syrians.  If we want to launch missles to stop Assad killing children, ok. I don't see a point to this latest excursion, and in no way support ground forces to remove Assad. I don't want them in my country asking for a handout while they harass and terrorize my fellow citizens. If the earth opened up and Syria fell into hades, I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep.

But don't kid yourself. You're nothing but a consumer who is afforded the luxury of pretending we live in a nice, fair world. Your only exposure to anything outside of America is what you consume through the media.

If you really feel America is no better than Assad or Putin, maybe you should take off the blinders and experience the Middle East first hand.  I know a nice little coffee shop in Mosul you can take the wife and kid too. I'm sure you'd have no problem taking them there since America is no different than Syria or Iraq. I mean, we launched sarin gas against our own people last year too.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Ragnar wrote:

If your toy boy Obummer had n`t a spineless pussy in the first place none of this would be happening now. If you don`t understand what the difference is between gassing innocent people and retaliating then I don`t know what to say to you.

As usual for cons, it's all tough talk but zero information. Obama requested an air strike against Syria after they gassed their people, but the GOP Congress overwhelmingly was against it. Just like Trump was against any intervention in Syria while Obama was president.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
Randall Flagg wrote:


But don't kid yourself. You're nothing but a consumer who is afforded the luxury of pretending we live in a nice, fair world. Your only exposure to anything outside of America is what you consume through the media.

As if you know what anybody thinks or their life experiences, you chubby little beta male.

I love this arguments built on your assumptions of how people think, or what they don't say. So lame. You're a lame.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:

If your head is so far up your ass you can't make a calculated assessment of how much better and prosperous the world is with the US at top, and want  to walk down the path of moral relativism ( the US killed ISIS members so we're no better than the ISIS guy who took a drill to a child!), you're no where near rational or mainstream. The person you voted for campaigned on attacking Syria. The President you thought was the greatest guy ever, launched more drone strikes than anyone and objectively weakened America's standing.

So then why do you have a problem with Obama using drones? It seems like you'd like've never cared about who gets killed....just bomb and shoot...ask questions later right? As far as mainstream...I don't care to be...mainstream is better known as 'lower common denominator' or 'low hanging fruit.' Again, I'd ask you why you have a problem with Obama using drones but you're cool with what just went down? But then again...I know you don't answer other people's just demand that others answer yours.

I don't give a fuck about Syria or Syrians.

I believe you.

If you really feel America is no better than Assad or Putin, maybe you should take off the blinders and experience the Middle East first hand.  I know a nice little coffee shop in Mosul you can take the wife and kid too. I'm sure you'd have no problem taking them there since America is no different than Syria or Iraq. I mean, we launched sarin gas against our own people last year too.

That's not exactly the are always so prone to make everything a comparison. The US is better....America is better....

You have a nationalistic pride that compels you to always have to say...."see....America is better because...." I"ll let you fill in the blank.

 Rep: 131 

Re: US Politics Thread

mitchejw wrote:
Ragnar wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Ragnar wrote:

14 all the flowers, yet you chose to be salty. I`m sorry but you`re brainwashed pal. Yes, leadership means to take drastic measures to protect values and allies when necessary.

If your toy boy Obummer had n`t a spineless pussy in the first place none of this would be happening now. If you don`t understand what the difference is between gassing innocent people and retaliating then I don`t know what to say to you.

I just think it's a riot because I don't believe for one second you give a shit about a Syrian person or anyone in the middle east for that matter...this is about waving around that huge red, white and blue dick you and RF like to jam deeply into your respective  asses so you always have it near by.

14 This is too funny please do carry on, it`s always amusing to watch shitlibs go berserk and rant like lunatics.

I bet you have a great solution which entails doing jackshit. It`s high time Assad and his master Putin understood there`s a new sheriff in town.

This is too moronic to respond to.....

 Rep: 205 

Re: US Politics Thread

PaSnow wrote:

In fairness to Obama, Assad may have 'lied' about no longer having chem weapons, but he no longer used them while he was in office. Less than 100 days into Trumps Presidency, he's testing him already.  It's not coincidental.

 Rep: 149 

Re: US Politics Thread

slcpunk wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

This is too moronic to respond to.....

It's the virtual equivalent of truck doubt about it.

 Rep: 8 

Re: US Politics Thread

Ragnar wrote:
mitchejw wrote:
Ragnar wrote:
mitchejw wrote:

I just think it's a riot because I don't believe for one second you give a shit about a Syrian person or anyone in the middle east for that matter...this is about waving around that huge red, white and blue dick you and RF like to jam deeply into your respective  asses so you always have it near by.

14 This is too funny please do carry on, it`s always amusing to watch shitlibs go berserk and rant like lunatics.

I bet you have a great solution which entails doing jackshit. It`s high time Assad and his master Putin understood there`s a new sheriff in town.

This is too moronic to respond to.....

You are n`t the sharpest tool in the shed, are you ? : Facepalm

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