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 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

Polls Show Donald Trump Staying Close to Hillary Clinton in 3 Swing States

Hillary Clinton may be surging in national polls, but in the key swing states of Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, Donald J. Trump remains in striking distance.

According to a group of surveys of likely voters released on Tuesday by Quinnipiac University, Mrs. Clinton holds a one percentage point lead in Florida, a four-point lead in Ohio and a 10-point lead in Pennsylvania over Mr. Trump. The polls, which had a margin of error of plus-or-minus three percentage points, are slightly closer when Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, the Libertarian and Green Party nominees, are included.

Since 1960, no presidential candidate has won the White House without winning two of the three states. The poll results offer Mr. Trump, the Republican nominee, a ray of hope after more than a week of turmoil in his campaign.

Although Mrs. Clinton still holds an advantage in the states, it is not her popularity with voters that is keeping her afloat. It is even deeper concern about Mr. Trump, the polls suggest.

“It is not that her voters are in love with Secretary Clinton — they just dislike her less than they disdain Trump,” said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac poll.

In all three states, Mr. Trump has an edge among men and among white voters, while Mrs. Clinton holds wide leads with women and nonwhite voters. Independent voters are evenly divided in Florida and Pennsylvania, but Mr. Trump has an edge with them in Ohio.

Polls have shown Mr. Trump struggling in Florida because its large Hispanic population dislikes his hard-line immigration policies. There have also been signs that he is underperforming in Ohio because of his clashes with the state’s popular Republican governor, John Kasich.

Mr. Trump’s greatest weakness at the moment lies in Pennsylvania, where he and Mrs. Clinton are now running nearly evenly among men and white voters. During the Democratic convention, Mr. Trump paid a visit to Scranton in hopes of improving his prospects in the state.

A July poll of the three states from Quinnipiac showed the candidates deadlocked. But that round of polling surveyed registered voters rather than people who are likely to cast ballots.

A separate set of polls from NBC/WSJ/Marist found that Mrs. Clinton holds a 5-point lead in Ohio and an 11-point lead in Pennsylvania. In Iowa, where Mr. Trump campaigned last week, Mrs. Clinton leads by 4 points.

As with the other polls, voters are not enamored with either candidate. Mrs. Clinton is viewed unfavorably by 58 percent of voters in the three states and 64 percent view Mr. Trump unfavorably. … .html?_r=0

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

Where the presidential race stands today

The USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times "Daybreak" poll tracks about 3,000 eligible voters until election day, asking on a regular basis about their support for Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump or other candidates as well as their likelihood of actually casting a ballot.

We update the data each day based on the weighted average of poll responses over the previous week. That means results have less volatility than some other polls, but also means the poll lags somewhat in responding to major events in the campaign.

Who would you vote for?

We ask voters what the chance is that they will vote for Trump, Clinton or someone else, using a 0-100 scale. The overall level of support for each candidate reflects the weighted average of those responses.

Clinton 44,7%
Trump 44% … dashboard/

 Rep: 149 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

slcpunk wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

She seriously has no qualifications to be president.  None.  She did nothing as a senator and she was a complete and utter failure as Sec of State, which she wasn't qualified for either, but got thanks to her support of BO.  So how can she win?  Find someone with equal qualifications that can't keep his mouth shut.

State senator with high approval ratings.

Secretary of State with high approval ratings.

Clearly qualified to run for POTUS. Unless of course you regurgitate everything right wing media tells you 24/7.

And no it wasn't "rigged." Your party is chock full of Jesus freaks and losers, a perfect opportunity for somebody like Trump to exploit and push around. So here you are. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

 Rep: 149 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

slcpunk wrote:

Again general election polls don't mean much, but keep posting them if they make you feel better. The race is not even close at this point anymore. Hillary could lose Ohio and Florida and still win easily.

 Rep: 221 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

polluxlm wrote:

In the 6 latest swing state polls Trump was trailing by 4. Hardly a decided election. Though it seems many like to say so based on those exact national polls. Turns out they might not be as crushing for Trump as everybody thinks either, going by the poll above.

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:
Cramer wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

She seriously has no qualifications to be president.  None.  She did nothing as a senator and she was a complete and utter failure as Sec of State, which she wasn't qualified for either, but got thanks to her support of BO.  So how can she win?  Find someone with equal qualifications that can't keep his mouth shut.

State senator with high approval ratings.

Secretary of State with high approval ratings.

Clearly qualified to run for POTUS. Unless of course you regurgitate everything right wing media tells you 24/7.

And no it wasn't "rigged." Your party is chock full of Jesus freaks and losers, a perfect opportunity for somebody like Trump to exploit and push around. So here you are. You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

Oh, but he's totally independent and doesn't "really" support anyone... tongue

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

James wrote:

The Secret Service should interview Donald Trump and ask him to explain his threatening comments.

I agree.

Smoking Guns wrote:

John Kasich was the guy. America didn't agree with me.

I like him.....a lot. Always did. He used to do all the CNN shows in the 90s.

Out of the career politicians left, he's the only one I would vote for without hesitation.

misterID wrote:


If he were alive and in 1980 health, he'd mop the floor with Hillary and Trump in such a landslide it would make the Reagan-Mondale landslide look like the Bush-Gore tie.

I assume even you would agree with that. He knew how to rally the country behind him, everyone loved him, pop culture really loved him, and he also had a knack for owning the living shit out of people in debates.

Can you imagine how many dems he would grab in this election? Say what you want about Carter, love him or hate him, but he was not nearly as disliked as Hillary.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

Smoking Guns wrote:

Hilary is so awful.  She will let down both liberal and republicans at the same time.

I understand the Trump hate, but the same people that kill Trump refuse to call out Hilary with maybe the exception of Mister ID. Hilary is terrible.  At least Bernie stood for something and believed in something.  He ONLY qualification, and it isn't one, is that she was married to a good president.  Bill Clinton would be a good president today, but he is too damn conservative to get elected as a dem today. Which is unfortunate. 

George Bush senior and Bill Clinton were much better than GW and Obama.. No Doubt.  Kasich would have done well and got shit done.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

James wrote:

Question to the democrats/independents here....

In an alternate universe of 2016 and Reagan entered the race with the country in the current shape its in.....would you vote for him?

 Rep: 475 

Re: 2016 Presidential Election Thread

misterID wrote:

I honestly don't think Reagan would make it through a Republican primary, tbh, the party has shifted that much.

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