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 Rep: 32 

Re: 9-11 Reflection

RaZor wrote:
Axlin12 wrote:
RaZor wrote:

You sound like you have a serious chip on your shoulder JR. I hope this isn't because you've bought into some 9/11 fault flag conspiracy.

My official statement on the subject is...

I don't know

I do not by the government's official story. Missing reports, missing evidence, missing eyewitness testimony, and I could go on. I remember stuff on the day of, even as a high school kid that just didn't add up. "We pulled WTC 7" -- what? United 93 having like no wreckage that it should have.

I swallowed it all, fully supported Bush, continued to support him and the war on terror throughout his entire presidency, and including initially into Obama's presidency. But there was always that eating, nagging thing, like a cancer, that was there going, "Axlin you're an objective thinker. You're smarter than this. Since when do you believe in the accepted consciousness?"

I'm just saying there's A-LOT of unanswered questions. This isn't Pearl Harbor. It also doesn't help how much expansion of the military industrial complex that has occured since then.

You'd have to be asleep to not smell a little stink off of it. Even if the official story is skewed because America didn't want to look like it had it's pants down, I certaintly don't buy the official story anymore.

Not to mention TSA checks, the militarization of our police, the FEMA camps during Katrina... alot of stuff changed after that day. In favor of the U.S. government. They were the biggest benefactors of 9/11 of anyone.

Just sayin', that's all.

I don't think 9-11 was a false flag, though I was almost reeled into that conspiracy a few years ago.  Back when I was looking into it, the big thing among to conspiracy theorists was the way the buildings came down, that it was a controlled demolition.  Those theories were debunked, by popular science, the same article also went into explaining why they fell the way they fell.  Another reason I don't think it was a false flag is because Bin Laden and Al-Q wasn't a fabricated threat that came out of nowhere, they have been a thorn in the US's side for over a decade before that attack.  They were behind the '93 attack on the WTC, the bombing of the US Cole, as well as bombings to US embassies.

The thing with conspiracy theories is they sucker you in with a lot of real historical events and facts, so much so that's its often hard to spot where they are jumping to baseless conclusions. What makes it worse is, when their jumping to those conclusions, their logic seems so good that it's easy to give them the benefit of the doubt.  But at the end of the day, they've got no real poof of these things, and what's worse, they often ignore more logical / plausible explanations.  They're like that crazy hair guy from the discovery channel that thinks everything is proof of aliens.

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