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Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Sky Dog wrote:

fuck the gun control and drugs stuff, all I know is my taxes are going through the roof very tomorrow. Our congress and President can't agree on anything so it is another 4 years of shit except for this time I will be paying taxes out my ass. 13

 Rep: 207 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

DCK wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

fuck the gun control and drugs stuff, all I know is my taxes are going through the roof very tomorrow. Our congress and President can't agree on anything so it is another 4 years of shit except for this time I will be paying taxes out my ass. 13

What do you pay in tax anyway? It's Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr tax cuts that fucks shit up.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:

It's unlimited spending that fucks shit up.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

misterID wrote:

It's the medical and pharmecutical cartels gouging the US that's fucking shit up. Make them negotiate all prices and cap them, like we do every other industry in this country (except them, hmmm) so we get the same fees the rest of the world gets, cut the military defense spending and you wouldn't have to have unlimited spending. 

And people are just going to have to deal with the fact we cannot have a tax rate under 37%. Living in a free, democratic country this size with everything we need to have a stable economy to support that... You have to pay the price for it. And that's low considering all the countries that provide even more than we do and still have a better standard of living and provide more services than we do!

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Sky Dog wrote:
DCK wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

fuck the gun control and drugs stuff, all I know is my taxes are going through the roof very tomorrow. Our congress and President can't agree on anything so it is another 4 years of shit except for this time I will be paying taxes out my ass. 13

What do you pay in tax anyway? It's Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr tax cuts that fucks shit up.

My world is simple and it has nothing to do with those three guys...I look at my paycheck. If it's more, I am happy (no matter who the president is). If it's less, I am not happy. 2013...awesome...nothing like a $5000 pay cut! Obama promised to protect the middle class. Honestly, I would be considered upper middle class but I am certainly not a one percenter. In the end, the middle class and I will NOT be doing better. So, you European idealists explain to me why that is? The Bush tax cuts helped me. The Obama whatever it is he is doing doesn't. I am the guy he is supposed to be protecting yet he (and Congress) are fucking me right in the ass.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

misterID wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:
DCK wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

fuck the gun control and drugs stuff, all I know is my taxes are going through the roof very tomorrow. Our congress and President can't agree on anything so it is another 4 years of shit except for this time I will be paying taxes out my ass. 13

What do you pay in tax anyway? It's Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr tax cuts that fucks shit up.

My world is simple and it has nothing to do with those three guys...I look at my paycheck. If it's more, I am happy (no matter who the president is). If it's less, I am not happy. 2013...awesome...nothing like a $5000 pay cut! Obama promised to protect the middle class. Honestly, I would be considered upper middle class but I am certainly not a one percenter. In the end, the middle class and I will NOT be doing better. So, you European idealists explain to me why that is? The Bush tax cuts helped me. The Obama whatever it is he is doing doesn't. I am the guy he is supposed to be protecting yet he (and Congress) are fucking me right in the ass.

In the end, the Bush tax cuts don't help you. Our economy cannot be sustained with those tax cuts. Its great at first, but prolonged they end up hurting the economy (which is what happened, among a myriad of Bush fuck ups), which is exactly why they were supposed to expire when they did. But they didn't.

You can't keep the payroll tax cut that Obama gave either. That has to end, because like the Bush tax cuts, they can't be sustained. Give people a little it's hard to get it back to normal. No one is going to be happy to do what's right. Like raising the age for medicare.

You have to hold your nose and take it. I don't think it should go all the way up to the Clinton era tax rates, but there's a reason the economy did so much better under him than any other president in the last 35 years. And taxes were way higher on the middle class than they are now.

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Sky Dog wrote:

problem is I now have a 14 year old daughter who is highly motivated and goes to an expensive private school...wants to then go to Georgetown.

Alright, I thread jacked and it is obviously my personal choices that have put me in my predicament. In the end, our f'n political system is a quagmire of biblical proportions and the American people choose to let this continue to go on year after year. Off with their heads I say.....

 Rep: 207 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

DCK wrote:
misterID wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:
DCK wrote:

What do you pay in tax anyway? It's Reagan, Bush Sr and Bush Jr tax cuts that fucks shit up.

My world is simple and it has nothing to do with those three guys...I look at my paycheck. If it's more, I am happy (no matter who the president is). If it's less, I am not happy. 2013...awesome...nothing like a $5000 pay cut! Obama promised to protect the middle class. Honestly, I would be considered upper middle class but I am certainly not a one percenter. In the end, the middle class and I will NOT be doing better. So, you European idealists explain to me why that is? The Bush tax cuts helped me. The Obama whatever it is he is doing doesn't. I am the guy he is supposed to be protecting yet he (and Congress) are fucking me right in the ass.

In the end, the Bush tax cuts don't help you. Our economy cannot be sustained with those tax cuts. Its great at first, but prolonged they end up hurting the economy (which is what happened, among a myriad of Bush fuck ups), which is exactly why they were supposed to expire when they did. But they didn't.

You can't keep the payroll tax cut that Obama gave either. That has to end, because like the Bush tax cuts, they can't be sustained. Give people a little it's hard to get it back to normal. No one is going to be happy to do what's right. Like raising the age for medicare.

You have to hold your nose and take it. I don't think it should go all the way up to the Clinton era tax rates, but there's a reason the economy did so much better under him than any other president in the last 35 years. And taxes were way higher on the middle class than they are now.

No need for me as European to explain when misterID does it so well.

Not all European countries got it good, the southern countries have truly fucked shit up

If you don't tax, the economy will be ruined.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

buzzsaw wrote:

I don't think anyone has a problem with the taxing part, I think the problem is the spending part.  Raising taxes without cutting spending significantly accomplishes nothing.  They need to stop pissing money away.  ID would also have us continue spending and spending on all these social entitlement programs we can't afford and don't need.

Re: Elementary School Shooting in US

Lomax wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

ID would also have us continue spending and spending on all these social entitlement programs we can't afford BUT SO BADLY need.


On point almost everyone misses about social spending is this.

Scenario 1
You're just out of college, you got no job. You're qualified to get a very good job, you just need to organize yourself enough to do it. You get some support from the government and before the year is out you've got yourself in a position to take the job. It's a good big paying job that helps both you and the economy

Scenario 2
You're just out of college, you got no job. You're qualified to get a very good job, you just need to organize yourself enough to do it. You take a job at McDonalds in the interim, it becomes easier for you to just work there than to actually go for the big job, because thanks to the long hours you work for meager pay you simply haven't the time and energy to put the effort into getting the big job. You waste you qualification in McDonalds, the economy suffers.

Scenario A
You're just out of college, you got no job. You're qualified to get a very good job, you just need to organize yourself enough to do it. You get some support from the government and before the year is out you've got yourself in a position to take the job. In the interim you get offers of instant work from abroad due to the government support you can stay in the country and help your home economy.

Scenario B
You're just out of college, you got no job. You're qualified to get a very good job, you just need to organize yourself enough to do it. There are instantly available opportunities abroad, so you emigrate. No help to the american economy.

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