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Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Superman Thread.

Smoking Guns wrote:

Fucking brilliant. Was a blatant Christian movie. If you are a Christian you will see all the references to Jesus. A fantastic film and picture. I almost cried a couple times. I take this all day long over Batman. I loved it!!

 Rep: 59 

Re: Superman Thread.

IRISH OS1R1S wrote:

I liked it. A good movie, but was expecting it to be great which it wasn't. Well worth watching though, and that alien chick was damn hot. I thought every time she was on screen she owned it, she had by far the best (albeit limited) scenes in the film. Majority of the cast nailed it, Zod, amazing, Crowe and Costner very good too, Laurence Fishburne was totally underused though. Final fight scene was a little too long and over the top, but hey, it is a Superman movie, so yeah.

...........and yeah, for sure caught the Christian theme going on there.


Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Superman Thread.

Smoking Guns wrote:

The bond he had with Costner was very compelling. Zod's role was perfect. I loved it.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Superman Thread.

Got back earlier from seeing it. Really enjoyed it. It was awesome! Liked it better than Iron Man 3 in my honest opinion. Sure it has it's flaws in terms of pace from time to time and I agree on parts of the final battle; but overall a job well done. They pulled it off. Made a real Superman film. It can get better and those minor bits improved with a sequel or spin off film. Henry is Superman and I agree on Fishburne being underused; but he did the best for what he got. Didn't see that much Christian themes going on besides the whole Church thing towards the middle. Crowe was fucking fantastic and so was Shannon & Costner. So was Zod's second in command too. Amy's Lois was used appropriately and in the right amounts. Screw the film critics. This is mostly what I wanted. Which Returns and most Supes media over the years hasn't completely done. Lots of ideas and new horizons that can only move forward in the coming years. Not perfect and not the best comic book adaptation; but going in the right direction with the visual style (the new Krypton interfaces were neat/well designed) and concepts. I would give it a 8 (maybe a 8.5, tops)/10 as well and I rarely do scores for movies and music nowadays. I need to see it a second time with a few good friends. Saw it with my parents and my younger sister (who complained about the film afterwards..ugh) My Dad loved it and he grew up on the originals and liked this better than the original two. cool

Re: Superman Thread.

AtariLegend wrote:

Not a perfect movie, but I do think it was an awesome viewing experience. The flaws come in the 3rd act and that's mainly cause you know the inevitable outcome. It gets Avengers-esque towards the end with the CGI and alot of things blowing up. RIP Metropolis which would have been safer in a nuclear holocaust.

Saying that though, it has Hans Zimmer redoing the Inception and Dark Knight soundtrack thing, to some pretty epic sequences. It's a film that opens with Russel Crowe ridding a 4 winged dragon. It succeeds in making it self as different to the previous films as Nolan did to Batman & Robin.

It had to be that way. I see the complaints, but did anyone really want a 2 1/2 origin story with no action and Superman putting on the cape in the last scene? They've got the baggage out of the way, so unto the 2nd film which should at least be the more interesting film.

One last thing on the Christian themes? I can see how someone can draw those conclusions, but let's be honest... it's a Zack Snyder film (the guy who made Watchmen) wrote by the Dark Knight makers.

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It ends with Superman killing Zod by breaking his neck.

Smoking Guns
 Rep: 330 

Re: Superman Thread.

Smoking Guns wrote: … n-of-steel. The article where they talk about how the Christian themes were part of the Mythology of Superman and how he wouldn't run from them.

 Rep: 32 

Re: Superman Thread.

RaZor wrote:

Saw it and liked it. Russel Crow's Jor-El was bad ass, and I liked how they retold the rest of the origin in flashbacks, so it wasn't so bad watching "another origin story".

The action was awesome, but I agree the final fight sequence was way over the top. 

I like what they did with Lois, in fact it's my favorite version of the character.

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The fact that she figured out Clark Kent is Superman right off the bat, this women IS an ace reporter, not an airhead that is fooled by a pair of glasses. I also like the fact that they didn't have to make her a bitch to she that she is a strong female character.

But I wasn't to happy with Pa Kent.

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Maybe you should have let them die to keep your secret identity?  That's kind of odd from the character that was supposed to give superman his moral guidance. I wished the dialogue would have been "no, you did the right thing helping, but you shouldn't have let them see you". Him operating in hiding would have still made sense and it would have been truer to Pa Kent's character.

And I'm a little confused on the ending.

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Did superman have to kill that family when he snapped Zod's neck?  My wife and I debated this after the movie. I thought he saved them, and cried out because he had to take a life to save the innocent. My wife thinks that the direction Superman snapped Zod's neck had Zod's heat vision slice the. In half, witch is why he cried out, because he had to kill the innocent to save the rest of the world from Zod. The didn't show the family on scene afterwards, and the scene happened so quick that I'm not sure.

Anyway, aside from my gripe about Pa Kent, really enjoyed the flick. Hope it continues to do well so we can see a sequel sooner rather than later.

 Rep: 32 

Re: Superman Thread.

RaZor wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote: … n-of-steel. The article where they talk about how the Christian themes were part of the Mythology of Superman and how he wouldn't run from them.

Great article.

"You can save her son. You can save them all"

It's funny though, the original creators or Superman were Jewish, and the character originally had parallels to Moses. Moses was put in a basket and sent down the river to save him from pharaoh, superman was placed in a rocket and sent to earth to save him from a dying planet.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Superman Thread.

RaZor wrote:

Saw it and liked it. Russel Crow's Jor-El was bad ass, and I liked how they retold the rest of the origin in flashbacks, so it wasn't so bad watching "another origin story".

The action was awesome, but I agree the final fight sequence was way over the top. 

I like what they did with Lois, in fact it's my favorite version of the character.

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The fact that she figured out Clark Kent is Superman right off the bat, this women IS an ace reporter, not an airhead that is fooled by a pair of glasses. I also like the fact that they didn't have to make her a bitch to she that she is a strong female character.

But I wasn't to happy with Pa Kent.

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Maybe you should have let them die to keep your secret identity?  That's kind of odd from the character that was supposed to give superman his moral guidance. I wished the dialogue would have been "no, you did the right thing helping, but you shouldn't have let them see you". Him operating in hiding would have still made sense and it would have been truer to Pa Kent's character.

And I'm a little confused on the ending.

Hidden Text:

Did superman have to kill that family when he snapped Zod's neck?  My wife and I debated this after the movie. I thought he saved them, and cried out because he had to take a life to save the innocent. My wife thinks that the direction Superman snapped Zod's neck had Zod's heat vision slice the. In half, witch is why he cried out, because he had to kill the innocent to save the rest of the world from Zod. The didn't show the family on scene afterwards, and the scene happened so quick that I'm not sure.

Anyway, aside from my gripe about Pa Kent, really enjoyed the flick. Hope it continues to do well so we can see a sequel sooner rather than later.

I know a sequel is going to be even better and tweak some elements of this film.

As for your thoughts

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I personally thought the upset Superman crying over himself killing Zod represented how he now believes there is no of his race that he can turn to or try to confide in now. His planet is gone and the only Kryptonians left are murdering psychopaths. Superman had to stop them because this is before he learns about the proper ways to use the Phantom Zone (besides the drive plans he learned from Jor-EL's blueprints given to Lois) and in most canon, Zod would eventually find a way out and try to wreak havoc again. Zod had reasons for wanting to rebuild even though they were out of line and were going to sacrifice the population of an already stable planet. I noticed in the movie that before the final battle begins, Zod while being furious and vengeful, you can almost see some tears coming across his eyes. His plans have failed and in his mindset he thought he was doing something for the greater good of the Kryptonian race.  Superman after the battle realizes that he must defend Earth and try to set an example; so this problem and amount of destruction doesn't happen at the same amount again. He's the last son of Krypton and from looking at the end scenes trying to be reasonable & friendly with the U.S. government. Will be the symbol of truth, justice, and the American way! In a different fashion though from the comics or earlier film/media canon. Which I think will get more in depth with the character when the sequel rolls around. Perhaps with Lex and Brainiac or another villain all together.

Overall I love this movie and want to see it a second and maybe third time. Just wish movies would lower their costs nowadays and I could plan things together more conveniently.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Superman Thread.

RaZor wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote: … n-of-steel. The article where they talk about how the Christian themes were part of the Mythology of Superman and how he wouldn't run from them.

Great article.

"You can save her son. You can save them all"

It's funny though, the original creators or Superman were Jewish, and the character originally had parallels to Moses. Moses was put in a basket and sent down the river to save him from pharaoh, superman was placed in a rocket and sent to earth to save him from a dying planet.

I'm Christian and didn't really catch a whole lot of the religious elements in the film cause I was too busy enjoying everything else (I can't remember one scene where I didn't smile or feel intrigued) big_smile ; but yeah I heard about those facts as well about the creators. Very interesting. I'm just glad the creator's kids, families, whoever aren't doing anymore lawsuits over royalties and going after DC & Warner Bros again. That was annoying. Cool with me as long as Superman is out there kicking ass and protecting in either medium.

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