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 Rep: 41 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Ali wrote:
-D- wrote:

HAHA that My World thing is the dumbest fucking excuse I've ever heard. Really? gonna blame that on Slash for sabotaging him?

U gotta be kidding me Axl.

Has he EVER taken fault for anything he has done?

If Axl couldn't tell for himself that sucked, i seriously question his decision making/judgement

Often? No. Ever? Yes. See the YCBM video from Philly for more information.


 Rep: 231 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

-D- wrote:

10 years later?

here's a cookie

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:

I actually like my world. lol.

I just think if Slash lied to him about it, it was probably because he knows when Axl gets upset he jumps from moving cars, he pushes pianos out windows, he storms off stage. If I was in GNR i'd be watching what I said to not make something like that happen. Especially seeing as by all accounts when Axl is in a good mood he's the best guy in the world. So maybe the lie was just designed as good will.

Or maybe it's perspective in the phrase. Like I think my world is perfect as is - it's an expression of Axl's mindset at the time - does that need a guitar solo?

I dunno I just struggle to think that Slash who was hardcore using drugs at that stage was organised enough to plan a chess move of "I'll tell Axl that it's a good song, he'll release it, then he'll look stupid and I'll be the star of the band" - as if anything releasing bad songs as GNR would make them all loose value.

I think slash's thoughts at the time are more like "Hey, where can I get more junk? " and "Hey lets jam, right after I go spew"

but maybe i'm just believing the lie and he is some master trickster.

 Rep: 286 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Aussie wrote:

I would love to know what is at the heart of Axl's grievance with Slash.  As you say Monkey Axl has done some pretty fucked up things to the other guys himself. So whilst I have no doubt that Slash did shit that really pissed Axl off, Axl appears to sit in a glass house throwing stones at him.

If Slash can appear to have let go of most of the shit, what is it that burns Ax so badly?

 Rep: 475 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

misterID wrote:

You've had people other than Axl call Slash a liar. Something happened there and despite all of Axl's faults, and there are clearly many, something went down with these two that seems to be heavier and more drawn out than one single incident.

 Rep: 231 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

-D- wrote:

I think Slash is a people pleaser.. and sometimes that can make u come off two faced cause u are trying to not upset anybody so sometimes u just agree with whoever is speaking.

what about Slash's personality or musical tastes would make Axl even think for a second Slash would like that?

I mean c'mon.

my best friend listens to nothing but Death Metal.. u really think Im gonna ask his opinion on one of my acoustic love ballads? no way.

 Rep: 475 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

misterID wrote:

Yeah, and I heard when he lies, the lies actually turn into gum drops and peppermints with a note saying it was for their own good.

 Rep: 286 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Aussie wrote:

Yeah Slash appears to be able to change his mind, opinion or facts at the drop of a hat.  Axl IMO doesn't seem to lie, he usually seems pretty consistent with what he says. 

That said he always seems to choose his words very carefully, so I suspect at times that things could come down to semantics with him. e.g. the whole "Axl wouldn't go on stage unless we signed over the name"  he says it's complete fantasy never happened.  I believe him on that.  However does that mean some slightly different version of this didn't happen?  That he didn't do it in some other environment, i.e. threaten not to tour unless they signed, or let Goldstein leave them with that impression.  Yes quite possibly.

I guess what I'm saying is I get the vibe that Axl doesn't lie and he is quite consistent with his version of events unlike Slash, but you really have to read his words carefully.

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:

I think Slash lies to, or at least misleads, the press but that's no different from what most celebrities do. Realistically if he always gave a true answer when he's asked questions that are designed to cause controversy, then bands would break up more often and people would get offended. It's like when you watch the making of a movie and everyone says they love the director and the producer. If they said they didn't - they won't work again. So there's a need to be slightly diplomatic at times and I think that's what slash tries to do.

One on One - I suspect he likes to avoid conflict and when things get too hard for him he either bails or just agrees with what people say. I think he's quite shy on some level.

As for Axl. I think he always tells the truth as well. But I think it does sometimes come down to his perception of the truth, and as Aussie said semantics, in that sometimes the words he chooses and the particular things that phrases mean to him are truthful but not necessarily the immediate meaning of those words to everyone else. I think that's a part of his personality, you see time and time again when he responds to things in the press or answers an interview question, the precise words they use and his answers are very important to him. Even down to the "soon is not the word" type answer. It matters to him what the words mean. Perhaps it's a defensive gesture..i'm not sure.

So I agree Axl doesn't lie.

So perhaps the problem with them relationship wise is that Slash doesn't know how to deal with conflict and is a little too vague with his meanings.

Meanwhile Axl is prone to extremes in terms of his moods (happy or sad) and I sometimes wonder if he responds to things the way others do. He seems capiable of weathering the storm of pressure to reunite. He didn't seem to realise over dubbing paul would offend slash. He doesn't seem to ever quite get why it angers people that he's late and so on. I think he does things his own way and thinks his own way and that on some level it's just not like other people and so he doesn't quite understand them.

So i guess you put those 2 people together and you're bound to have problems!

 Rep: 107 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Furbush wrote:
Sky Dog wrote:

and, what if this whole thing is one big coverup? Everybody play their role in order to get maximum effect on the suprise attack...:peace:

i'll take it...

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