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 Rep: 633 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

RussTCB wrote:


Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Lomax wrote:
russtcb wrote:

Always straight class from Ron.

I'll drink to that.

He's like Buddhist in a world of bulls.

Noel made a funny quote about Liam Gallagher once.

When talking about his brothers Angry demeanor, he said: "He's like a man with a fork in a world full of Spoons"

 Rep: 41 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Ali wrote:
misterID wrote:

If a show would have happened it would have been spontaneous.

Axl has real feelings about Slash that goes a lot further than "manning up" and doing a gig for someone else. It would have to happen the right way. It seems that he explodes with anger when people try to push him with the Slash thing. On his own it seems, he's mellowed. Something was possible. We're talking about shit we don't know about, and real emotions that caused him not to speak to the guy for decades. I can only imagine someone making one of you guys do something in REAL LIFE with someone you hate, for someone else. It's not that easy.

Steven just cut his nose off to spite his face.

Agreed, especially with the last part.  I give Popcorn kudos for retracting his statement and apologizing.  But, unfortunately, you can't unring the bell.  Whatever damage could have been done to a reunion possibility down the road for Steven, could have already been done. 

Ron's response was quite classy.


 Rep: 475 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

misterID wrote:

The funny thing is I guarantee you that the entire band would want Axl to play with the old line up at the HOF.

It should be a fraternity. Like Russ said, you don't have to hate one group to like another.

I'll still say there's a chance for a performance, but I'm not as confident as I was before. Axl just going to the thing opens up a chance. But I won't be surprised if Steven doesn't have another melt down. He does the same shit with Matt Sorum all the time; he's a dick and a fraud one day, and he's one of the greatest guys in the world the next.

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Sky Dog wrote:

Axl is probably just laughing his ass off....soaking in the drama. He knows he holds the cards. He may spontaneously do something just to turn the whole thing back around in his favor.

meh, wishful thinking...

 Rep: 5 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

redarmy76 wrote:

Since we're throwing out predictions, I'm gonna offer mine.
Slash, Duff, Matt and Stephen show up and don't play.  They are respectful towards Axl, it will be short and sweet, and some new "Rock" band plays a few old Appetite songs.
Axl will not acknowledge the HOF before, during or afterwards and it is never spoken of.  Hope there's more, but I seriously doubt it.
Being a fan as long as most of us, you come to hope for the best, and deal with what you get, which is usually less than hoped for

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Sky Dog wrote:

and, what if this whole thing is one big coverup? Everybody play their role in order to get maximum effect on the suprise attack...:peace:

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:
Ali wrote:

And, to be clear, the fact is that you need ALL the band members to have some modicum of respect and courtesy towards each other, not just Axl, and you need ALL the band members to show up.  It's not about blame, but realizing that you have to have all five people on board at any one given time for a true AFD lineup reunion to happen.  You can't have Axl holding a grudge, you can't have Steven insulting Axl's current bandmates and friends, and you have to have Izzy commit and be present.

I don't mean to imply it's only Axl who's difficult, I'm pretty sure there's been tension in VR for ages and Slash is hard to work with at times, but the difference is he'll meet people half way. VR is a good example actually - whatever drama is going on with them internally - they set it aside to play that charity show - even with scott where there was a bit of public bashing on both sides. So while I think Slash and Duff would have complex terms for a long term reunion with Axl, it's very much like them to agree to some kind of one-off show for the hell of it. Axl on the other hand has made it very clear that he wants nothing to do with Slash. To be fair to Axl though - it's not really a good idea from his POV. For Slash a reunion would create a ton of press that he can divert onto his new album coming next month. For Axl - because he tours under the name GNR - it would just create speculation about line up changes and further debate on the preferable version of the band. His new album is probably still a while off, and putting old guys in for a one off show doesn't really help ticket sales for the new line up other than generating more people in the "Where's Slash?" type t-shirts. So if I was Axl I wouldn't want to do it either.

As for needing all 5 for a true reunion. Yes you do. But as I've said before - the general public was happy to accept the UYI era band - you could get away with just Axl and Slash, and Axl, Slash, Duff with Matt or whatever would be fine for most of the punters.

I also doubt that Axl is so thin skinned. Remember when he came on the boards and called someone a cunt. Then that person went into a tirade of abuse against Axl and his family and someone went "wow a fight" and Axl dismissed all the talk as "Friendly banter by those with opposing views.". My point is I doubt he'd be all that surprised by what Steven says - everyone knows steven wants back in the band - everyone knows it's close to his heart and irrational - Axl is called daily a lot worse than what steven says about him - and we all know the day Axl takes him back is the day steven goes on publicly about what a god Axl is. Maybe I'm wrong...but it's an easy obstacle to get over I think.

Axl and Slash is the problem here. It's why the fan base is divided. Save for myself Russ and a few others who seem to like everything, a lot of people have taken musical sides like football or some other team sport.

But that's why I say it doesn't matter about the original 5. When it comes down to it - old guns band didn't end when they threw out steven, old guns didn't end when Izzy hit the road. Old guns died when Slash left. Sure Duff and Axl nutted some songs out with Paul in private. But everyone issues the beginning of the new era in when Slash was gone. Because old guns is about Axl and Slash. And I say that as a guy who thinks Steve is great, who wishes Duff was playing with Slash now, who loves Izzy, and who thinks chinese is amongst Axl's best work. But the way it goes for most people is that on the timeline old guns ends when slash leaves, and reunion begins the night he returns. The other members are the icing on the cake - sure it's an icing we all like to have. But none the less it isn't needed for the media and the non-hardcore fans.

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:
misterID wrote:

Axl has real feelings about Slash that goes a lot further than "manning up" and doing a gig for someone else.

I agree.

What interests me is why? What has Slash done that's so bad? Now maybe he's an asshole in real life, or two-faced, I'm not saying Axl has no legitimate grievances. But I'd love to know what they are....

Because if you look at it from the other side of the coin for a moment: Slash did not leverage control of the band name, Slash did not reduce long time key foundational partners to employees, Slash did not replace Axl's vocals with an unknown musician, Slash has not insulted Axl's work on UYI, Slash did not mock Axl's mothers death by calling him the disease that killed her.

I'm not saying that to take sides, what I'm saying is, if Slash hated Axl I could see how it might have happened. But yet it seems that Axl's feelings towards Slash are pure fire....and it makes me curious as to what the hell Slash did to him.

Axl has hinted at moments where Slash is two-faced. For example saying he felt "My World" was a good song when he didn't. (Axl has hinted this was a scheme to get Axl to shame himself in the media and thus for Slash to gain control of the band. Although one wonders that if Slash lied and said he likes My World maybe he was just being polite or hoping to avoid a fight with Axl that could derail the next tour). It's also note worthy that Slash was a junky and that's never easy to deal with.

Also...Axl's been abandoned by many people - so i suspect he values people like Beta who have is back no matter what happens...but still it doesn't seem enough....I hope one day Axl sets the record straight on what the problem is...or that they resolve it.

 Rep: 231 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

-D- wrote:

HAHA that My World thing is the dumbest fucking excuse I've ever heard. Really? gonna blame that on Slash for sabotaging him?

U gotta be kidding me Axl.

Has he EVER taken fault for anything he has done?

If Axl couldn't tell for himself that sucked, i seriously question his decision making/judgement

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