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 Rep: 768 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Axlin16 wrote:

You're as stupid as Steven with a comment like that.

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:

Exactly Aussie.

Steven could say they're not the real GNR and there's a pro and con to the line of view, but to say they have no talent is just false.

I still think the Izzy thing is chicken and egg: He doesn't like the drama - it's why he bailed on the UYI sessions amongst other things - if he doesn't show up to what's promising to be the most awkward and dysfunctional induction ever ia world where Axl and Slash are publicly saying they won't perform - it doesn't mean he would be the problem in a universe where Axl and Slash were not full of such shit!

It's like saying you didn't need to get immunised because you never caught the virus.

Izzy is likely to no show BECAUSE of this sort of bullshit imo. Besides - you could replace him and have a show at least as valid as the UYI era - which is also a major part of what's being recognised at this show.

As for steven...lets not pretend there will be no reunion because of him going on this rant, he's full of shit yes, but the reason he even went on this rant in the first place is because he knows damn well like the rest of us that it's never going to happen because of the Axl/Slash war.

You seriously think if steven had just shut up Axl might wake up and go "hey - I should call slash and hangout". Steven's ranting because he knows Axl will never forgive Slash and Slash is too proud to ever back down enough.

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:

My point is this:

God forbid it - but if Izzy or Steven had died in their sleep 5 years ago do you think a reunion of the remaining members would be on the cards? Hell no...Axl and Slash would still be exactly where they are today. I doubt they'd sort this shit out even to honour the legacy of their old respective best friends.

And that's why I say blaming steven or izzy or shit is looking for the end of the day Axl prefers death to dealing with Slash and that's all there is to it.

 Rep: 191 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Gibbo wrote:

Yep its just one big fucken mess

 Rep: 231 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

-D- wrote:

well.. if u wanna compare resumes and album sales, hits ,tour grosses.. popularity,cultural impact etc.... They are hacks compared to the old band.

Sorry, they are. until they do something to prove they can fill those shoes. they are technically hacks in comparison.

They are a  cover band of a cover band.

Truth is the truth hurts... Don't u agree?

 Rep: 281 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

faldor wrote:
-D- wrote:

Seriously.. u know why I say good for Steven?

cause i am glad someone has the balls to call Axl on his bullshit and ain't walking on egg shells like the rest of the old guys.

At this point, Axl doesn't deserve to play with the old guys. fuck begging him or trying to appease him. if he don't wanna play Fuck em.

Problem is, Steven has been saying and doing stuff like this for years now.  He speaks his mind, rips Axl, rips new GNR.  This is hardly the first shot he's taken at the band.  All the while he hopes to reunite with Axl one day.

I don't get it.  Doesn't seem like a very solid game plan to me.  Can't say I'm surprised.  I doubt Axl would be either, so he may not be AS upset at these comments as you'd think.  But again, Steven is not helping himself one bit.

 Rep: 661 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

monkeychow wrote:

He sure isn't helping himself I agree.

But you notice neither Slash nor Steven said anything like this until the last minute.

At the time where it's become blatantly apparent behind the scenes that they will not even get to talk to Axl about a reunion.

Sure logically diplomatically he should shut the fuck up -  but it makes no difference to the actual outcome  which is why he's doing it. He's figured that out.

 Rep: 768 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Axlin16 wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

My point is this:

God forbid it - but if Izzy or Steven had died in their sleep 5 years ago do you think a reunion of the remaining members would be on the cards? Hell no...Axl and Slash would still be exactly where they are today. I doubt they'd sort this shit out even to honour the legacy of their old respective best friends.

And that's why I say blaming steven or izzy or shit is looking for the end of the day Axl prefers death to dealing with Slash and that's all there is to it.

I completely agree monkey. I thought Steven's comments were "so 10 years ago", and completely unneccessary.

But people going around now thinking and saying "Steven buried the reunion, or even Izzy for that matter..."

Once again, you realize there is a certain group of fans on Axl's side (not Slash's) that are Christian-Evangelist like or as Intercourse called it, "Axlamic Fundamentalists".

Sure they come with their game face on. They talk real intelligent. Word real big. Talk like lawyers (Ali) and argue semantics. Talk as if they are speaking scientific theory (ID).

In reality, they follow a religion, make no mistake. They cannot be proven wrong, because even when they are faced with great adversity and are given stone cold facts to back it up, then they revert back to primal instincts about giving Axl the benefit of the doubt.

They can't be bargained with
They can't be reasoned with
They will not stop, until you are DEAD

 Rep: 281 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

faldor wrote:
monkeychow wrote:

He sure isn't helping himself I agree.

But you notice neither Slash nor Steven said anything like this until the last minute.

At the time where it's become blatantly apparent behind the scenes that they will not even get to talk to Axl about a reunion.

Sure logically diplomatically he should shut the fuck up -  but it makes no difference to the actual outcome  which is why he's doing it. He's figured that out.

Steven has slammed the band before.  Saying Axl got guitar players to look like Izzy and Slash.  He just doesn't have any filter, and as you pointed out, he's got an axe to grind with being kicked out of the band.  He's obviously never gotten over that.

Slash knew all along a performance wasn't likely.  He made comments to that effect months ago on Eddie Trunk's show.  I don't think either of them has really changed their tune all that much.

 Rep: 768 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Axlin16 wrote:

But who's fault is that?

Axl's and only Axl's. Just the way it is.

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