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 Rep: 423 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

buzzsaw wrote:
Ali wrote:
Smoking Guns wrote:

I simply don't like him anymore. Love his work, but he really sucks balls as a human. I have wasted years of time on forums following a guy that can't just rock the fuck out for 10-15 minutes with the guys he started it out with.

I'm sorry, but you think he "sucks balls as a human" because he "can't just rock the fuck out for 10-15 minutes with the guys he started it out with" for you and that makes him "an ungrateful child". Do you not see the irony in that? 16


That's not what he said.  I don't see the word because anywhere in his post.  He said

I simply don't like him anymore. Love his work, but he really sucks balls as a human.


I have wasted years of time on forums following a guy that can't just rock the fuck out for 10-15 minutes with the guys he started it out with.

They are both individual statements that do not rely on each other for validity.

 Rep: 423 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

buzzsaw wrote:
Aussie wrote:

I believe $3,000 per plate is accurate.

From the article Russ posted:

Reports vary about why exactly Neil Young didn't show up and reunite with Buffalo Springfield at their 1997 induction, but the most likely explanation is that he was fuming over the fact that his bandmates had to shell out big bucks to get their friends and family into the ceremony. Thirteen years later, Young did agree to a Buffalo Springfield reunion, but by that point original members Bruce Palmer and Dewey Martin had died.

Read more: … z1rvRJEkyf

 Rep: 286 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Aussie wrote:

I think it's bloody rude that the people you are inducting have to pay to go.WTF is that. It's like me inviting people round for dinner then charging them for the pleasure.

The HOF is making money from the tickets they are selling to the public, probably other shit for advertising etc when it's shown on tv, why can't they pay for the inductees plus x number of invites per person?

 Rep: 43 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

gnfnraxl wrote:

I'm sorry if this offends people.  But Axl is being really childish.  We all know he refuses to go because of Slash.  At this point he should say why he hates the gy so much or let bygones be bygones.

 Rep: 633 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 386 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Bono wrote:

Lisa Reed (Dizzy's wife): ''Just an FYI for those supporting the rrhof and dissing my friend for his honest and forthright decision. This establishment wanted to charge dizzy $3000 per person to attend his induction to their little museum. With the kids and parents and everyone close to him. This would have added up to $21000. Pretty sure He would rather spend that money on more meaningful things.''

I dont' agree with the HoF charging the inductees and having said that it's beyond laughable that Dizzy's wife is now fighting their battles and throwing this out there as part of the reason. Bull-Fucking-Shit that this had anything to do with it.  And if it did, isn't it incredibly sad that Dizzy's wife had more balls than Axl to actually be specific about something. She says Axl was honest and forthright? 16 Ummm... no he wasn't. All he was forthright about was he wasn't going. The rest, his amazing reaons why not, was a bunch of vague bullshit that made him look like an aboslute tool. And to suggest Dizzy or anyone involved hasn't ever blown $3000 on somthing even less meaningful than this is hilarious. How much more righteous can the Gn'R camp get.

 Rep: 286 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Aussie wrote:

If the HOF was something that meant so much to you that you wanted to invite your wife, kids, parents and close friends there, then surely if cost became a factor you would still begrudgingly turn up solo or just with your wife. If you want all those people there then you must feel the event is something significant for you. I mean I wouldn't want to invite every man and his dog along to something I didn't give a fuck about

So to turn around and not even turn up solo (or just with your wife), if indeed that is what she is implying coz it's not clear, then clearly your decision to not attend has been made for other reasons, I.e.Axl said no so Dizzy feels he needs to say no???

 Rep: 386 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Bono wrote:
Aussie wrote:

If the HOF was something that meant so much to you that you wanted to invite your wife, kids, parents and close friends there, then surely if cost became a factor you would still begrudgingly turn up solo or just with your wife. If you want all those people there then you must feel the event is something significant for you. I mean I wouldn't want to invite every man and his dog along to something I didn't give a fuck about

So to turn around and not even turn up solo (or just with your wife), if indeed that is what she is implying coz it's not clear, then clearly your decision to not attend has been made for other reasons, I.e.Axl said no so Dizzy feels he needs to say no???

So true man. the Gn'R camp is so transparent, so full fo shit and such a  joke at this point. Nothing but Axl's sheep in the end. And to be honest Axl is probably Beta's sheep at this point.

 Rep: 191 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

Gibbo wrote:
Aussie wrote:

If the HOF was something that meant so much to you that you wanted to invite your wife, kids, parents and close friends there, then surely if cost became a factor you would still begrudgingly turn up solo or just with your wife. If you want all those people there then you must feel the event is something significant for you. I mean I wouldn't want to invite every man and his dog along to something I didn't give a fuck about

So to turn around and not even turn up solo (or just with your wife), if indeed that is what she is implying coz it's not clear, then clearly your decision to not attend has been made for other reasons, I.e.Axl said no so Dizzy feels he needs to say no???


 Rep: 341 

Re: RRHoF Discussion (Izzy/Slash/Axl Press Statements)

bigbri wrote:

I don't know how much money Dizzy has, but I sure as hell wouldn't pay to go somewhere so someone can honor me for what I accomplished when the only one getting anything out of it really is the one collecting the money.

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