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 Rep: 108 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

war wrote:

US = no brainer teja

he said around the world

 Rep: 194 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

Tej, the tour is going good. Around the world they are crazy successful. And people are accepting it as GN'R.

I'm just glad Axl hasn't caused any riots and seems happy right now. Hopefully the rest of it will go smoothly and he will release some new music in the near future.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

Tej, the tour is going good. Around the world they are crazy successful. And people are accepting it as GN'R.

I'm just glad Axl hasn't caused any riots and seems happy right now. Hopefully the rest of it will go smoothly and he will release some new music in the near future.

Agreed smile

 Rep: 108 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

war wrote:

how about this:

since ron/tommy are in the band currently and on chinese democracy you induct:




matt or frank

all together which would also make for a sweet collaberation on stage

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:

I don't think Tommy and Ron would accept that, tbh.  It would be inducting the current line up with the old, and I don't see that happening.

The new line up should be at the ceremony, but the original 5, with Matt and Dizzy inducted. With an acknowledgement of the new line up and CD.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

war wrote:

they wouldnt accept being inducted next to original greatness but they'll accept watching from their seats?


although i agree with your prediction i think that piece is silly

besides, im just speaking fantasy here

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
misterID wrote:

For the second time, I answered your hypothetical. If U2 put out two original albums, replaced 2 of the founding members after the first. Went on a 9 year hiatus, released a new album and toured with a new band around Bono for another 9 years, still sold over 2 million copies around the world with that new album, still had people lining up for concerts, then I don't think a whole lot of people would mind the new guys being inducted with the founding members. That's my opinion on it.

Ok well whatever. I can see the kool aid you're trying to serve here as though Gn'R post Illusions has been extremely successful. 'People lining up to see them" uh huh roll

misterID wrote:

I'm restating the facts that the band did not collectively quit the band at the same time like you said. You said they quit and weren't replaced one at a time. I proved you to be wrong. On top of that, Duff was in the band with new members, along with Matt, brought in Robin to replace Slash. And from his actions, did have a vision for the new direction of the band that matched Axl's. And that there were several reasons why Duff quit. What happened during that down time was very important. And there was no protesting about going on without the founding members, because they all showed they were fine with carrying on with new guys since Steven was fired.

You didn't prove me wrong at anything.  You simply took something out of context and are now trying to act overly knowledgeable when it comes ot the time lines of Gn'R. We all know what it is so what you're trying to do here is a waste of fucking time. I know the history of Guns N' Roses quite well thank you, I'm just not someone who's gonna sit here and go over it with a  fine tooth comb to prove some irrelvant point. FACT is MisterID the band dissapeared from the public and then reappeared roughly 5 years later with an entirely new lineup. That's the FACT regardless of how you want to lay out the timeline. All you are doing is using semantics to prove a worthless point.  that's the line that's drawn to represent 2 competely different eras of Guns N' Roses whether you accept it or not.

misterID wrote:

No, you're not getting what I'm saying about the new band being inducted. I don't have a problem with who's being inducted at all. But I can see why they should be inducted "IF" they were included. And what the real reason a lot of people would have with the new line up being included, which tej admitted to. The RHCP are being inducted in the current line up form with the new guitarist who had nothing to do with making them the band they are today. Same with Metallica. That's all I'm saying, not that they should be inducted. Again, I am absolutely fine with the original five, plus Matt and Dizzy being inducted. All I said was I hope they invite the new line up to watch the ceremony.

Again, if inducting the new line up got Axl and Slash on stage together again, then yes I would be all friggin for it! Absolutely. No problem whatsoever. If you still have a problem with that you desperately need some kind of psychological therapy. There's something wrong with you.

No dude people who bend on their beliefs just to see Axl and Slash on stage together for no other reason than to see them on stage together need help.  In my opinion having any of the new guys inducted would be wrong and a complete discredit to the Gn'R name and what the are being inducted for.  I don't need to see Axl and Slash stand on stage together and if Axl was so asinine to demand the new guys get in for him to accept in person along with Slash thats' called blackmail cause fact is nobody outside these forum walls wants the new guys inducted as Guns N' Roses. If that was Axl's demand then the genuineness of him burrying the hatchet with slash is completely non existent. The Metallica and RHCP comparisons don't really fly because it's still a joke. The new dude in RHCP being inducted is absurd and Rob going in with metallica is ridiculous as well so....  If you can tell me with a straight face you unerstand why Josh would be inducted to the RRHOF as a RHCP than holy shit... just because it's happening doesn't make it right.

By the way pretty fsure I don't need psychological therapy because I don't see something your way but nice try.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
war wrote:

um what?

they are close to if not the best they've been, while apart.

so ........

if u get them together AGAIN the chemistry would be like lighting?

um......maybe they are at their best right now as individuals because they are apart.

and being on top of their games doesnt mean the chemistry is going to be great if combined. where did that assumption come from?

two great forces playing side by side is simply that.

one plus the other doesnt automatically equal double the greatness.

noone knows what kind of chemistry they would have at this stage in their lives.

they should be mature enough to play one show together never the less.

a second show would probably come down more to fate or chance.

the first show would probably be filled with a lot of nerves

lightning would have to strike later when the mokey is off their backs and if the right oppurtunity presented itself.

14  yeah cause Pink Floyd wasnt' able to pull it off at Live 8 were they? Because even though they don't always get along Mick and keith don't have chemistry.

had you been paying attention my "assumption" comes from the BLATANT FACT that they always had chemsitry when playing together whether they ahted each other or not.  Slash playing better than he ever has and Axl singing as good as he has in 20 years isnt' a fucking product of them being seperate from each other. It's nto liek Axl gets on stage and suddenly can't sing because Slash is there or Slash suddenly can't play and lost all stage presnece because Axl is beside him.

Basically my assumption that they would have killer chemistry is more valid than an assumption that they wouldn't. Why? Because all we've ever known is Axl and Slash as well as the others original members to have amazing fucking chemistry. HELLO!

 Rep: 475 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

misterID wrote:

Kool Aid 16

Okay. I answered your bad hypothetical, you didn't like it.

It was your point about the old members quitting the band at the same time. If that's not what you meant, then you stated it wrong.

"The thing is the band didn't replace memebers gradually over a  period of albums. They all left at the same time."

That was wrong. It started after the LIES album with Steven, then Izzy. They did carry on and were replaced over a period of albums.

And if your principles are that high about who's inducted at the HOF, and if that is what in fact gets them on stage together, then stand by your principles and don't watch Axl and Slash and the original 5 on stage together.

 Rep: 386 

Re: Guns N Roses OFFICIALLY inducted into Rock n Roll Hall of Fame

Bono wrote:
war wrote:

they wouldnt accept being inducted next to original greatness but they'll accept watching from their seats?


Ummmm yeah! And that's exactly how it should be.  The new band members aren't as dellusional as some fans.  I'm sure they fully understand  how lame it would be for the RRHOF to induct them as members of Guns N' Roses. They know as well as anyone their efforts have not played a part in this induction whatsoever. Just cause a few fans think so doesn't make it so.

I have no problem with the new guys being their and to be honest I'd also have no problem with the new guys doing then induction. Having Tommy and DJ up their to induct the band would be kinda cool and I'd be down with that.

Anyways more and more peole are gonna want a  reunion between now and then and even more so will want one after the ceremony. The new band if they have any hope of carrying on need to release a new album of thier own merrit in 2012. That's my opinion.

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