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 Rep: 287 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Aussie wrote:

Where was Ron doing a chat, was it at his own website?

 Rep: 200 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

apex-twin wrote:

At the stream page, I gather.

But, yeah.

The reactions to those few odd Estranged notes hardly surprise me. People pick them up, blow them out of proportion (based on what we know so far, anyway), and pass their fantasy out as fact.

That shit happens. Sorry Ron, GNR fans are a speculative bunch.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Olorin wrote:
Neemo wrote:

good old estabanf comes through again! at least he managed to get a portion of it 9

is that pitman on bass? i guess tommy, dizzy and axl werent there at that point

I thought it was Tommy, Chris was on an earlier video dressed differently.

 Rep: 485 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Neemo wrote:

yeah ur right bad, 2nd time around it does look like tommy

when i was looking in on that chat there was a couple fools on there...and ron wasnt on

 Rep: 633 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 70 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Naltav wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:
Naltav wrote:
Mikkamakka wrote:

I wish Ron had more say in the business aspects of the band. He's a talkative, funny, great guy with a lot of music and marketing talent. He could have been the next Slash marketing wise.

I hope to God it doesen't get to THAT level!

A lot of people may have liked it. Me, not so much!

A fan friendly approach would only do good. A band member, who's intelligent enough, easy to like and actually speaks... it's what GN'R need to change their current media-hater, fan-hostile, hysterical super secret image.

Sure, I agree on all of that. But Slash-like marketing (to me), is WAY beyond that!

 Rep: 661 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

monkeychow wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Sure, I agree on all of that. But Slash-like marketing (to me), is WAY beyond that!

I don't see a problem with it.

DJ markets himself too. Now that there's no such thing as record sales I think pretty much every muso is going to have to be pro-active about keeping their 'brand' current, and letting their fanbase know of their activites and products. Just part of their job these days.

As a fan it helps me find stuff relating to my favourite artists it seems harmless.

 Rep: 70 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

Naltav wrote:
monkeychow wrote:
Naltav wrote:

Sure, I agree on all of that. But Slash-like marketing (to me), is WAY beyond that!

I don't see a problem with it.

DJ markets himself too. Now that there's no such thing as record sales I think pretty much every muso is going to have to be pro-active about keeping their 'brand' current, and letting their fanbase know of their activites and products. Just part of their job these days.

As a fan it helps me find stuff relating to my favourite artists it seems harmless.

Not to keen on DJ's way of marketing himself either...:)

In my book, there's a line an artist shouldn't cross. Slash and DJ are way beyond it. Bumble is pretty much spot on. Axl is far behind.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

faldor wrote:

Maybe now they'll feel even more pressure to play "Estranged", if that wasn't the plan already.  Or maybe that WAS the plan, and they'll give us a big F you and not play it because of all the hype that was created.

I missed it all and didn't take part in any of it, so they can play it for me.  I won't mind.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Rehearsals Streaming

misterID wrote:
russtcb wrote:
Aussie wrote:

Where was Ron doing a chat, was it at his own website?

It was at

I happened to be on htgth when it started so I went in to check it out. I stuck around the chat for a few hours plugging our site and just chatting with the few people that seemed cool. But it was amazing how fast the 8 or so seconds of an Estranged solo turned into Ron being a bad guy somehow.

Russ, that shit happens no matter what. If people don't get it was just a rehearsal jam, after he came out and just said what it was, then piss on them.

I'm not saying Ron is a bad guy. I'm saying taking the video down was lame. If you're going to get that butt hurt over some forum nerds, when all you have to do is say "It was just a bit of jamming, nothing serious" then why even bother putting it up in the first place? It was cool to do that for the fans. Does it really matter what the internet asshats think? Are they really that important?

It was a cool thing to do, initially.  But real knee jerk, imo. And that sucks.

Hell, I thought DJ's Monster "ad" at rehearsal with Pittman was cool. And bumble was funny. And it was sonly 38 seconds.

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