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 Rep: 768 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

At least Matt HAD A STORY.

Axl & Paul just stayed quiet, and have stayed quiet other than Axl saying Matt came in looking to get fired, to which Matt later confessed an agreed.

Sorry, but to MANKIND - silence = guilty + perception = reality.

 Rep: 633 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Axlin16 wrote:

Great to hear. But it'd be really nice for once for us to hear about new GN'R music, rather than all of us having to follow the solo careers of the 86 members that were in the band at one time.

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

Friday, July 8, 2011

Hello my Peeps,

I’m sorry that haven’t had much time for bloggery as of late, however I do have a few thoughts to share with you now.

As I was thinking about how badly I was totally screwed by both USAirways and Continental Airlines today, I had to reflect on all the positive things in my life in order to keep myself from sporking my own eyes out…

1) My family loves me.
2) I will be playing with my friends tomorrow (Soul Asylum).
3) I have a new record coming out on August 30 (One Man Mutiny) and I will be donating the lion’s share of the proceeds from its sales to Timkatec (the trade school for abandoned and orphaned youth in Haiti that I raised over $40K for last year).
4) I have my own shows to play my own music in August (look to the left of this message) with some of my own favorite people (Mike Gent, Pete Donnelly, Marc Solomon, Jon Phillip, Tim Schweiger, and of course my lovely fiancée Emily Roberts).
5) Did I mention I love my life?

There is more.

I’m just not at liberty to say what it is, or isn’t, or could be, or might be, OR MAY NEVER BE.

Stay tuned…


 Rep: 485 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Neemo wrote:

i think that these guys want so bad for stuff to happen for gnr...but they just cant commit to anythign sad

 Rep: 268 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Olorin wrote:

Tommy is da fuckin man, I'll definently be picking up his new album when its out.
I hope his hint at the end is about a new album rather than a US tour but we'll see, I aint holding my breath for any of them.

 Rep: 768 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Axlin16 wrote:
Neemo wrote:

i think that these guys want so bad for stuff to happen for gnr...but they just cant commit to anythign sad

I think for the first time ever, the new band geninuely like each other. For the first time ever in the new era i'm seeing actually band chemistry. No Robin hates Bucket, no Tommy is "in and out", no Brain just being kinda there, but all cylinders are there and firing.

For the first time ever, they all seem geniunely excited and happy to be in GN'R.... except for one... and we all know what that is.

 Rep: 475 

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

misterID wrote:

That's actually one of the most positive things he's said about GN'R 16

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

Re: The Tommy Stinson Thread

Sky Dog wrote:

decent....not as catchy a hook as One Man Mutiny....oh yeah, which is still clearly about his relationship with Axl.

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