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 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:

Yeah, the more posts I read Ali seems to be interested in 'discussing' these things.

For a bit there it came across as "agenda-like".

My mistake

And I agree, I.R.S. is another 'Illusion-esque' song on the album. I.R.S. sounds at times like it could be a B-side on UYI I, specifically.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And I agree, I.R.S. is another 'Illusion-esque' song on the album. I.R.S. sounds at times like it could be a B-side on UYI I, specifically.

That's a Russ-like quote my friend. 16

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, the more posts I read Ali seems to be interested in 'discussing' these things.

For a bit there it came across as "agenda-like".

My mistake

And I agree, I.R.S. is another 'Illusion-esque' song on the album. I.R.S. sounds at times like it could be a B-side on UYI I, specifically.

Fair enough. 9

And, to me, "I.R.S." is the CD equivalent of "Don't Damn Me".  The closest thing to old school GN'R rocker, IMO, and that's why I think a lot of people dig it.


 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

monkeychow wrote:
war wrote:

this is why many say the leaks killed cd's success.

I've thought this for a long time.

I mean hell I'm a hardcore fan, and even my excitment was tempered by the fact that when I got the final album there was only 2-3 songs I'd never heard by then.

I mean the inital IRS leaks and stuff can be said to have created positive buzz and kept us hopeful during the wait...but that last leak that was almost the full album...and came like a month or two before the final actual release date...that just was just damaging.

Remember the inital hype pretty much entirely generated by fans when the first leak round happened. If we'd never heard ANY of the other new songs - I think the impact of this album on the fan base would have been dominating. But instead we were pretty much drip fed the album over 5 years and so many people were just kind of underwhelmed.

Personally I love the album anyway, but I think if it had hit with 10 unheard songs or something the general reaction would have been greater.

an album that become a punch line for some time, created by hired guns needed every advantage it could get and that did not happen.

Strongly agree with this too. Bottom line is the default position for someone who's never heard the album starts from negative perception - as they know it took 10 years and they know it doesn't have slash. So you have to work double hard to chnage that view. On some people of course you can't change that view, but on some average people you could - but it's going to take promo and other things to aid the process. And as we know that didn't happen.

I think musically the songs work though. I mean I'm a huge fan of the old band. And I think it's fair to say in 1999 I was hostile to the idea of a slashless GNR...because it's just lacking a key element of what I liked in the old band...but over the years I heard songs like maddy and stuff and I realised that there's amazing songs that Axl can make without slash - and these days I'm a big fan of both bands.

You know how bumble talks about how things can be AND not just OR. And I think that's what has to be done in the public too. Like there's no need to get the general public into a pissing war of "Is this better than AFD, do you prefer Slash or Bucket" and so on. To me i can't see why we can't have both...I listen to slash on nighttrain and love every second..and I listen to bumble shred out the shackler solo and i'm like 'hells yeah'...

I also think the approach of the modern band sticking closer to the classic sound can help win people over. Not to rag on robin - but his intrepreation of the old songs was basicly confronting to many fans. Sure some loved it like Russ...but I honestly think a lot of old guitar based fans like me were just like WTF. The irony is I actually think fink is a cool player and like what he plays in NIN and on CD - but what he was doing to AFD was just killing it for me.

But if you read that DJ interview in the thread about Axl's unheard see he is very specific that he understands that the style of slash needs to be respected in the old songs...and that he can do his own thing in other tracks...

That's getting off topic..but I think it's a factor too...don't make the general public get into the new vs old mind set. Just let it be something new they can enjoy to go with something old they love too.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

And I agree, I.R.S. is another 'Illusion-esque' song on the album. I.R.S. sounds at times like it could be a B-side on UYI I, specifically.

That's a Russ-like quote my friend. 16

I didn't say I liked it. 16

Other than Scraped & Riad, it's in the least-3 of trx on the album imo.

It's okay

Ali wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Yeah, the more posts I read Ali seems to be interested in 'discussing' these things.

For a bit there it came across as "agenda-like".

My mistake

And I agree, I.R.S. is another 'Illusion-esque' song on the album. I.R.S. sounds at times like it could be a B-side on UYI I, specifically.

Fair enough. 9

And, to me, "I.R.S." is the CD equivalent of "Don't Damn Me".  The closest thing to old school GN'R rocker, IMO, and that's why I think a lot of people dig it.


Wow, how I ironic. It reminded me of Don't Damn Me from day one too. Like as far back as the Eddie Trunk leak.

That was an okay song too.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

metallex78 wrote:

Are you guys serious, Don't Damn Me features some of Slash's very best guitar work and Axl's best lyrics too.

No way in hell is that bland shitty IRS is anything like it... 18

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:

Slash, yes... but for YEARS I thought Don't Damn Me was Axl at his cheesiest.

I just thought those lyrics were terrible cliche, and out of place for such a brilliant lyricist in his prime.

I also thought the song structure was incorrect. The melody in the middle of the song is 10x better than the main song. I would've much rather had that little 10 second bit be the entire song.

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Sky Dog wrote:

Don't Damn Me is Axl to the core....David Fricke from Rolling Stone thought so too...

It's all there in "Don't Damn Me," the best song on the record and a striking crystallization of Rose's - and his generation's - dilemma. "So I stepped into your world/I kicked you in the mind," Rose declares in a proud full-moon howl against fierce staccato guitars and a galloping rhythm section. "But look at what we've done/To the innocent and young/Whoa listen to who's talking/'Cause we're not the only ones/The trash collected by the eyes/And dumped into the brain/Said it tears into our conscious thoughts/You tell me who's to blame." Empowered by celebrity and his own rock & roll might, even Rose feels dazed and helpless, violently seesawing between "Don't damn me!" and "Don't hail me!" as the band explodes behind him in one last orgasmic, twin-guitar rush.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

I also thought the song structure was incorrect. The melody in the middle of the song is 10x better than the main song. I would've much rather had that little 10 second bit be the entire song.

I feel the exact same way.

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