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 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

Bullshit. You know arguments are instigated here and Ali is just an excuse to do it.

 Rep: 664 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

James wrote:
misterID wrote:

Really? TWAT was one of the songs that totally seperated the new line up from the old, imo. If any song could possibly fit UYI it would be The Blues.

I do agree that The Blues has that UYI feel as well, but TWAT is epic and like I've said before, that killer Bucket outro feels like a tribute to those old epics and wouldn't be surprised if those songs inspired that specific solo.

Buzzsaw, I'm pretty sure Ali is a guy so could you please stop referring to him as "she"? That's quite insulting.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
misterID wrote:

Really? TWAT was one of the songs that totally seperated the new line up from the old, imo. If any song could possibly fit UYI it would be The Blues.

I do agree that The Blues has that UYI feel as well, but TWAT is epic and like I've said before, that killer Bucket outro feels like a tribute to those old epics and wouldn't be surprised if those songs inspired that specific solo.

Wouldn't you say that Bucket outro was more Bucket than anything else? The original demo, without Bucket, was totally nuGNR, I think we can agree on that, but when Bucket laid down his solo it was something that was all Bucket, not a tribute to old GNR, so to speak. I do understand the epicness though. But wasn't that always more an Axl thing?

There's seriously nothing about the song that reminds me of old GNR.

And Axlin:

I just went back through this thread and I can't find anything Ali said that was so awful. If you have horrible things he's said, please post them, because I'd like to see them and I'll admit I'm wrong. But Ali did a good job of explaining himself here and his posts were basically misread, or intentionally misquoted.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Bullshit. You know arguments are instigated here and Ali is just an excuse to do it.

No, Ali attempted to instigate one.  And there are several examples of Ali intentionally doing exactly what you accuse him of, so don't play the "ali is an innocent victim" card.  It ain't happening.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
misterID wrote:

Really? TWAT was one of the songs that totally seperated the new line up from the old, imo. If any song could possibly fit UYI it would be The Blues.

I do agree that The Blues has that UYI feel as well, but TWAT is epic and like I've said before, that killer Bucket outro feels like a tribute to those old epics and wouldn't be surprised if those songs inspired that specific solo.

Buzzsaw, I'm pretty sure Ali is a guy so could you please stop referring to him as "she"? That's quite insulting.

Ali should have picked a male screen name.  It's not done intentionally.  I already apologized in advance because I knew I would forget and I assure you I'll forget again.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

tejastech08 wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

Really? TWAT was one of the songs that totally seperated the new line up from the old, imo.

You're freakin' deaf

TWAT is the most old Guns sounding song on the whole album

Spot on analysis. MisterID, time to crank up your hearing aid. tongue

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I do understand the epicness though. But wasn't that always more an Axl thing?

So Axl wrote and played the guitar parts of November Rain, Don't Cry, Civil War, and Estranged? Interesting bit of revisionist history! 16

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

Buzz, your posts speak for themselves.

tejastech08 wrote:
misterID wrote:

I do understand the epicness though. But wasn't that always more an Axl thing?

So Axl wrote and played the guitar parts of November Rain, Don't Cry, Civil War, and Estranged? Interesting bit of revisionist history! 16

Huh? First off, I don't consider Don't Cry epic, secondly November Rain and Estranged were Axl songs and Slash put some great guitar work to them. But didn't Axl basically have to beg him to do it? So... That's where I'm saying it was an Axl thing. Same with what he did with Bucket on TWAT.

I will say this, I always considered Coma epic, and I've always considered it a Slash/Axl song, in that order. I have no idea if Slash had planned it to be what it became, but I give Slash the "epic" credit there. The epicness always struck me as some of the tension between Axl and the rest of the band, though. And it shows on CD and the releases of the other guys subsequent albums that Axl brought the epicness to the music, that it's part of his style.

I'll give you CW, that was a band song and it was epic and Axlized with Rain and sampling. wink

Revisionist history, hearing aid... Nope. But if you want to show me the song that sounds just like TWAT from 87-91 I'll listen.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
misterID wrote:

Bullshit. You know arguments are instigated here and Ali is just an excuse to do it.

No, Ali attempted to instigate one.  And there are several examples of Ali intentionally doing exactly what you accuse him of, so don't play the "ali is an innocent victim" card.  It ain't happening.


misterID wrote:
James Lofton wrote:
misterID wrote:

Really? TWAT was one of the songs that totally seperated the new line up from the old, imo. If any song could possibly fit UYI it would be The Blues.

I do agree that The Blues has that UYI feel as well, but TWAT is epic and like I've said before, that killer Bucket outro feels like a tribute to those old epics and wouldn't be surprised if those songs inspired that specific solo.

Wouldn't you say that Bucket outro was more Bucket than anything else? The original demo, without Bucket, was totally nuGNR, I think we can agree on that, but when Bucket laid down his solo it was something that was all Bucket, not a tribute to old GNR, so to speak. I do understand the epicness though. But wasn't that always more an Axl thing?

There's seriously nothing about the song that reminds me of old GNR.

And Axlin:

I just went back through this thread and I can't find anything Ali said that was so awful. If you have horrible things he's said, please post them, because I'd like to see them and I'll admit I'm wrong. But Ali did a good job of explaining himself here and his posts were basically misread, or intentionally misquoted.

It's not so much awful, as it is walking in and dragging on and on and fucking on trying to bait Buzz into an argument, that Ali lost threads and threads ago.

I actually think Ali's posts are very intelligent, thought out, and constructed. Problem is - that's the problem. They come across as rehearsed HTGTH recycled dribble.

Buzz has a free thought, and suddenly we're gonna bait him into the 'hater card'.

I fucking HATE THAT SHIT on HTGTH, and I actually haven't said really anything about it until now, but that one post above irked the hell out of me, and obviously Buzz picked up on it too.

I haven't instigated anything here, I was simply picking up the ball and playing a little defense for Buzz's sake when it was obvious Ali was gonna go for another "let's dance" moment.

They're perfectly able to do that, but i'm gonna start getting involved a bit more if I keep seeing it. Just call it out on the fucking lameness of it.


As for the actual discussion at hand, dude I don't know what you're missing. TWAT & TIL sound totally in the same vein as Breakdown, Loco, Rain, Estranged, etc.

SOD to me sounds like a cousin to So Fine

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

Buzz is a "hater," He's proved nothing ortherwise to me. But that's My opinion. And Ali is just as entitled to his opinion as is Buzz. Ali made some great posts and Buzz totally, intentionaly misquoted them just to argue. I know you prefer Buzz's point of view, but there's no need to not give Ali the same respect. His posts were really good, not rehearsed HTGTH babble, and large segments were ignored and misquoted. I ignore Buzz; his opinion is self absorbed, trollish, arrogant, butthurt, bitter and obnoxious, as it comes to the new band and certain members here, at least, and he seeks out to antagonize people who disagree with him, along with a few others around here. You like him, good for you. But don't tear down others for it. And I've never seen anyone play the victim card like Buzz does; about the same as jarmo, imo. With the pettiness and petty insults (see above) hypersensitivity (like when he cries when people give it back to him) and his passive aggressive bullshit (to quote Maynard). Which is why I ignore him. His opinion is worthless to me. Irrelevant. For a long time I seriously thought he was joking about his "I'm smarter than you, I'm never wrong" personality but sadly...  So, I'm calling out the lameness, too. Buzz could decide not to instigate, or take the bait, but he chooses to. Because that's what he loves. If you want to play in the shit in his preschool sandbox, have at it, buddy. You're still a good guy and my bro, but the hating on Ali is pretty ridiculous. And this vapid, "I win, you lose... cuz I say so!" thread war shit is really stupid.

And this goes out to Ali too: Man, ignore him. You even have a little ignore user button you can use to erase him. Unless you like being drawn into worthless debates, I cant take up for you if you continually walk into the bullshit and not think better about it.

I'm sorry, dude, but I've pretty much stated the reasons why TWAT doesn't sound like the original bands material. It's totally nuGNR. A funky, 70's glammy, goth/industrial rock song, with some Dizzy blues thrown in and Bucket doing what he do. cool

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