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 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:

When Rock N' Roll Train first dropped, I don't believe the label was pushing it at all, and AC/DC weren't even really talking about it.

It leaked, DJ's played it, and the boards lit the fuck up. People wanted more of it, and loved it.

And why is this? Because it's classic AC/DC and it's catchy as fuck.

CD, even something like Better or TWAT, didn't have anything as rockin' or catchy to a MAINSTREAM RADIO AUDIENCE as Rock N' Roll Train.

Despite some of the revisionist history that has went on since Nov. 2008 (not saying faldor or anyone here), I actually remember the actual day that CD dropped.

What a fuckin' anti-climax that was. DJ's promoted it, label did push it (at least CD they did), adverts were all over internet radio sites, and then it got played. DJ's sat back and waited, didn't say nothing, because as we all know DJ's are not allowed to have opinions of their own.

Later on that day, most rock radio (classic or modern) were playing it and polling callers. It might as well been a YouTube feed. Unanimously people called in talking about how much it sucked, how much of a let down it was, how much it didn't sound like GN'R, all these years for this shit, there is no GN'R, and they people that DID like it and thought it was really good also added how great Slash's guitar sounded on it, so they knew what they were doing - not.

Now your first response to that could be - DJ's and screeners can put up any call on the board that they want, and if they want a biased overly negative reaction to it, that's the calls that get on-air.

You're right, and that's a perfectly valid assessment.

BUT, I heard this same stuff done on NUMEROUS different stations, from locally, to nationally, to internet-only. It was all over the place, and the response wasn't good.

James said it - the MySpace thing proves this. Here you have all of these 'curious' listens, then the whole thing just plummets the further down you go. If I remember the biggest listens were to CD, Shackler's ('cause of Rock Band 2), and Better, and the others weren't even close with TWAT leading the pack of the 'low # listens'.

Now back in 2006, when the studio demos leaked. There Was A Time got the BIGGEST and BEST response of any of the songs. I remember this. People unanimously were calling in on various morning talk shows and rock radio shows requesting the song and although there were a few negatives, most loved it and actually said it reminded them of songs like November Rain & Don't Cry (no mention of Estranged tho, but that's always been a fanboy song anyway).

The label or the band should've noted this, because it was perfect "water testing". When CD finally did come two years later, TWAT should've been the one to drop first, which correlates to what Madagas said - the big gun should ALWAYS go first.

 Rep: 212 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Intercourse wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

When CD finally did come two years later, TWAT should've been the one to drop first, which correlates to what Madagas said - the big gun should ALWAYS go first.

Totally agree with you man. For me TWAT had everything they needed to come back out the gate with a bang. It was different than the old stuff with its choirs and big strings etc but still had the classic GNR piano breakdowns,  Axl's great autobiographical lyrics plus a kick-ass rock chorus.

The only weak part for me is that too long going-nowhere solo at the end. It staggers along. A guy like Slash would have driven that fucker to soar like an SR-71 on full afterburner. Its forgivable however and could have even been cut down for radio.

When CD came out as a single it had a 1 minute intro and no chorus - are you fucking kidding me? People have waitied 15 years for this return, hit them between the eyes for fuck's sake...Nobody wanted navel gazing electronic rock from Axl. They could have wanted what TWAT had to offer, if they were given it from the get-go.

Just another missed opportunity. Like 'Messages' was for VR.

These guys need proper managers!

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

3 points Axlin:

1 - I dont know where you were but Black Ice and R&R train were pimped the fuck out. Wal Mart kept playing their stupid Black Ice commercial, which included hyping up R&R Train, from the getgo and it was on ALL THE TIME. That was Azoff at his best and pushing that thing like crazy. So I totally disagree with you there, it came shooting out of the gates with heavy promo.

2 - We've discussed this before, but the DJ/radioshow thing means absoutely nothing.

3 - I never understood the Myspace theory... It had 2 million listens that year. CD sold that amount world wide. I don't get the point.

 Rep: 268 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Olorin wrote:

Yeah was going to say...

In the months before Rock n Roll Train dropped, AC/DC were literally on the front cover of every magazine in shops, they were giving interviews in every single newspaper and every type of radio show. They were just everywhere, hell even for the Rock n Roll Train video there was a massive competition for fans to actually appear in it.

That album was treated like a homecoming of old friends, and everyone in the media wanted a slice, and AC/DC duley obliged. The result was an incredibley joyous and exciting atmosphere surrounding the release, all stoked by the band and the media. Even though the album was a bit meh and sounded just like their other albums, people lapped it up and were all champing at the bit for the, massively promoted, upcoming world tour.

In fact I'd go as far as saying the album was inconsequential, it was just a small piece of the promotion jigsaw, that was all about hailing the return of AC/DC with all their famous hits, and shifting millions of concert tickets and millions more copies of the back catalouge.
You couldnt walk down the street without seeing folk of all ages and backrounds wearing AC/DC t-shirts, it was a mass event.

And I bet there are millions of copies of Black Ice lying unlistened to since 2008 by kids and trendies who got swept up in the hype and became AC/DC "fans" for a few months because it was the hottest and coolest thing around at that time.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

I remember there were a bunch of different versions of the album, like a blue, red, yellow, different delux additions, which was smart, and they refused to put it on iTunes, also smart. They also did the exclusive deal with Wal Mart. Very, very smart. And I think we all pretty much know that certain cats in the industry can get their clients songs in heavy rotation on the radio.

How they rolled that album out is a blue print for how you roll out an album.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

faldor wrote:
Intercourse wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

When CD finally did come two years later, TWAT should've been the one to drop first, which correlates to what Madagas said - the big gun should ALWAYS go first.

Totally agree with you man. For me TWAT had everything they needed to come back out the gate with a bang. It was different than the old stuff with its choirs and big strings etc but still had the classic GNR piano breakdowns,  Axl's great autobiographical lyrics plus a kick-ass rock chorus.

The only weak part for me is that too long going-nowhere solo at the end. It staggers along. A guy like Slash would have driven that fucker to soar like an SR-71 on full afterburner. Its forgivable however and could have even been cut down for radio.

When CD came out as a single it had a 1 minute intro and no chorus - are you fucking kidding me? People have waitied 15 years for this return, hit them between the eyes for fuck's sake...Nobody wanted navel gazing electronic rock from Axl. They could have wanted what TWAT had to offer, if they were given it from the get-go.

Just another missed opportunity. Like 'Messages' was for VR.

These guys need proper managers!

I agree with you on "Messages", but you're the first guy I've ever heard say that TWAT could've used Slash to replace Bucket's solo.  That I can't get behind.  I think that solo stands up to anything Slash has ever done in GNR.  Maybe that's an overstatement, but it's damn good.  I can't see how Slash could've done any better on that song.  Different strokes for different folks though.  While I do love CD, I also love Slash's guitar tone mixed with Axl's vocals.  They were a perfect mix, and I wonder what Slash could've done on some of the new songs and how'd they sound.  But TWAT is one song I don't think twice about Slash when I hear it.

And I know the long intro gets brought up a lot as being a deterrent for the lead single, but radio stations edited that out pretty much right off the bat.  I don't think it was that big a deal.  People would've liked the single and the album a lot more if things were handled properly out of the gate.  I freely admit though, no matter how much and how hard they pushed things, it NEVER would've been accepted globally on the same level as vintage GNR.  The world made their minds throughout the course of the 15 years leading up to the album release, for a various number of reasons.  I didn't realize it quite as vividly back in 2008, but I see it now that the album, and any future albums, will not be widely accepted.  The band needs to accept that, and move on.  It's not easy for someone as huge as Axl Rose to swallow his pride like that, but that's what needs to happen for them to advance into the future.

 Rep: 108 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

war wrote:

rock n roll train was heavily promoted along with the album - from my view.

im also not sure about the gnr myspace theory - some are saying that because the amount of listens went down in order (as u go down the list) that this proves people were checking it out due to curiosity and not liking it.

my issue with that is why were they mainly checking out the songs that were on the radio and rock band?

people, in general, are sheep and take what is handed to them.

cd didn't need a better single nor did it need promo - it needed to come out 6 or more years earlier.

the people that were legitemately interested, mostly, purchased.

twat or catcher wouldve been a better single but i just dont think it wouldve mattered towrd album sales but the as singles they would've probably sold more.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:
misterID wrote:

3 points Axlin:

1 - I dont know where you were but Black Ice and R&R train were pimped the fuck out. Wal Mart kept playing their stupid Black Ice commercial, which included hyping up R&R Train, from the getgo and it was on ALL THE TIME. That was Azoff at his best and pushing that thing like crazy. So I totally disagree with you there, it came shooting out of the gates with heavy promo.

2 - We've discussed this before, but the DJ/radioshow thing means absoutely nothing.

3 - I never understood the Myspace theory... It had 2 million listens that year. CD sold that amount world wide. I don't get the point.

I'm referencing when the song first leaked. Not dropped.

And i'm also talking about the catchiness of the song. GN'R did not have a Rock N' Roll Train to push the album - PERIOD. Or Your Decison. Or Black Rain.

Better & TWAT were the closest they had.

All i'm getting at is sometimes when you make an album, and it's all from your head, and only YOU can get into it, it leaves you shit out of luck with a mainstream audience. No label - hurt them. No Axl - hurt them. No singles - hurt them the absolute most.

If Axl would've came out with a first single like Sixx:AM's "Are You With Me", and had NO PROMO - it would've still been a decent hit.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:
Intercourse wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

When CD finally did come two years later, TWAT should've been the one to drop first, which correlates to what Madagas said - the big gun should ALWAYS go first.

Totally agree with you man. For me TWAT had everything they needed to come back out the gate with a bang. It was different than the old stuff with its choirs and big strings etc but still had the classic GNR piano breakdowns,  Axl's great autobiographical lyrics plus a kick-ass rock chorus.

The only weak part for me is that too long going-nowhere solo at the end. It staggers along. A guy like Slash would have driven that fucker to soar like an SR-71 on full afterburner. Its forgivable however and could have even been cut down for radio.

When CD came out as a single it had a 1 minute intro and no chorus - are you fucking kidding me? People have waitied 15 years for this return, hit them between the eyes for fuck's sake...Nobody wanted navel gazing electronic rock from Axl. They could have wanted what TWAT had to offer, if they were given it from the get-go.

Just another missed opportunity. Like 'Messages' was for VR.

These guys need proper managers!

I agree with you on everything but the solo.

Are you kidding?

The Bucket solo is the best part of the whole frickin' song. TWAT didn't need Slash. THIS I LOVE needed Slash. Now Slash workin' This I Love - it'd been November Rain 2008.

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