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Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Sky Dog wrote:

I thought this was interesting hearing Brad Pitt talk about film producer Terrence Malick who did not show for the premiere at Cannes of one of the few films he has made....

"""Malick has stayed behind the scenes for his subsequent films, 1998's "The Thin Red Line" and 2005's "The New World," and he skipped the Cannes press conference that followed Monday's screening, leaving Pitt, Chastain and his producers to face reporters.

"Mr. Malick is very shy, and I would say that I believe his work speaks for itself," producer Sarah Green said.

Pitt compared Malick's attitude toward publicizing a film to building a house.

"I don't know why it's accepted that people who make things in our business are then expected to sell them, and I don't think that computes with him," said Pitt, also a producer on the film. "He wants to focus on the making of it, not the real estate, selling the real estate. It is an odd thing for an artist to start something and then be salesman."'''

 Rep: 768 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Axlin16 wrote:

Very interesting, and Pitt makes a great point.

Maybe Axl sees it that way.

I also don't understand myself today, whether it's films, TV, or music, why directors, writers, or even actors are EXPECTED to sell and promote the show.

Who cares? If i'm an actor, and i'm contracted to do a job, and act in a movie, and i've done that, and it's on film, and it's finished, why does it matter that I promote it? How is it my job?

Years ago, those tasks weren't even asked of many music artists, actors, directors, etc.

Only in the modern internet age did the stuff explode. Sure John Wayne did magazine interviews and stuff like that, but it was nothing like it is now.

If Brad Pitt or Axl Rose went out there and said "i'm not doing promo", the producers/suits would make it their life goal to make them seem like ungrateful assholes.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of Universal Music Group.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:

Quite frankly they wouldn't get hired to do the job in the first place.  Promo is part of the job for an artist if you expect to make a living doing it.  If you don't want to make a living doing it, that's it a day.  Go do something else.  Go the independent route.  But if you're going to take the good that comes with signing a contract, you have to take the bad too or you are an ungreatful asshole.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

monkeychow wrote:

This gets into the whole art/commerce problem.

What's the best for the artist may be to simply produce art - but the reality is that art is paid for by commerce, and so marketing things have to happen for the commerce to function.

It's a double edged sword too. As much as it's nice to think of the art as distinct from the business side of things - and the business side as being bad - the business side does provide the basis for the publication of the art.

For example if GNR had never taken off - they would have been the greatest ever band playing in some little bar in LA. But a guy like me in Australia would never hear them. And neither would 200,000 fans in rio. It's the business of making albums and selling them thats allowed the greatness of GNR music to become well known.

So in some respects the business side is evil and fucks with creativity - but in others - well - most artists want others to eventually hear their work - and business allows that. I might have the best song of all time on my hard drive - but it's releasing that which will get others to know it - and it's the business end that generates the fame that helps people find music. Would you download my leak or axl's leak? You know who Axl is and what he's capiable of.

As for why it has to be the artists doing the promo. It's cos it works. I look at it like this - would you like the head of Sony - some guy in a suit telling you that a new album is good, or would you like the artist to say it's good?

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:
Axlin08 wrote:

Very interesting, and Pitt makes a great point.

Maybe Axl sees it that way.

I also don't understand myself today, whether it's films, TV, or music, why directors, writers, or even actors are EXPECTED to sell and promote the show.

Who cares? If i'm an actor, and i'm contracted to do a job, and act in a movie, and i've done that, and it's on film, and it's finished, why does it matter that I promote it? How is it my job?

Years ago, those tasks weren't even asked of many music artists, actors, directors, etc.

Only in the modern internet age did the stuff explode. Sure John Wayne did magazine interviews and stuff like that, but it was nothing like it is now.

If Brad Pitt or Axl Rose went out there and said "i'm not doing promo", the producers/suits would make it their life goal to make them seem like ungrateful assholes.

Sound familiar? Welcome to the world of Universal Music Group.

Terrence Malick is Axl to the extreme. I've been a fan for a while and he is an extremely hypersensitive, complicated person, who frequently alienates his fans. And his work ethic is very similar to Axl, probably even MORE difficult to deal with.

Just reading the reception for Tree Of Life really makes me want to see it. Half the audiance hated it, the other loved it.

 Rep: 41 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Ali wrote:

Have to say that I really dig the Terrence Malick-Axl Rose comparisons. Both are great at their art of choice!


 Rep: 33 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Scabbie wrote:

Axl doesn't have to whore himself to the media. A few strategically chosen intrerviews, an appearance on Jules Holland, a little bit of effort could have gone along way. After 13 years of pissing about in the studio you'd have thought a bit of promo would have been nothing in comparison (and a bit of fun for the band!).

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 33 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Scabbie wrote:

When he was young Axl would have done anything to get the gnr name out there. He had drive, energy and passion. They did all their own promo.

I'm afraid 'its so easy' these days. There's nothing to fight for. Maybe that might change as he sees his career coming to an end. Ac/dc were on the radio yesterday talking about a new album. Totally into it. Axl needs a reason. Maybe he should have been a lawyer, he seems to enjoy that.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

monkeychow wrote:

^ He's quick witted and talented with words so he'd probably make a good lawyer if he wanted to clock the college hours for it!!

I think we all want balance, like no one wants to see Axl out there acting like he'll do anything for a buck, but look back in the UYI days and before and it's clear he was more engaged with the media and it seemed to help get the band recognition.

I'm not really sure why it changed, maybe he was just angered by them once too often? Maybe the fame level of UYI was actually unenjoyable and he doesn't want to go back?

It's up to them what they do of course, I just feel its a shame when an album as good as CD was comes out so quietly. They're great songs.

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