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 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Maybe if he had a single like that.  He didn't.  He didn't have a single at all.

Not sure what you're getting at here.  I know you love "There Was A Time".  Do you think if they released that as a single and "pimped" it, it wouldn't have been successful?  A song/album can only do so much on its own.  They need help from the artist/label to make an impact.  Obviously none of that happened here.

Update, just got back from Best Buy and bought 2 MORE copies of CD.  I think that will probably be my last 2 purchases though.  I'm running out of people to give them to, until I just end up handing them out to strangers on the street.  Anyhow, they did have the $1.99 stickers on them this time.  Last time I was there (the first week it went on sale), they had 25 copies.  Today, they had 13.  Now, they're down to 11.  Get'em while they last.  The music section really is a ghost town in Best Buy.  It's so small now, and doesn't attract much foot traffic.  There was ONE other guy perusing the section while I was there.

I don't think people would have gotten it or given it the chance.  I think Estranged is a better did that do?  Not so hot if I remember correctly.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Maybe if he had a single like that.  He didn't.  He didn't have a single at all.

I think "Better" would have been a better lead single than "Chinese Democracy." But regardless, you need legit promotion from the label and artist for it to succeed. Look at WTTJ. They released it as a single but it didn't receive proper promotion until Geffen finally called in a favor at MTV and got the video played late at night. The song itself didn't become a massive hit until it was re-released after SCOM's success. Without the extra promotion by Geffen with MTV and the re-released single, the song would have stayed in obscurity like so many other great songs by lesser known artists. Instead, it is arguably the most famous sports anthem on the planet today. Seems like the opening riff gets played multiple times at every sports event I see on TV.

I agree it would have been better, but the result would have been basically the same.  Nobody wants overbloated crap anymore.  They want simple bubblegum pop.  Someday that will change again, but it won't be a guy in his 40s that changes it.

 Rep: 194 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Nobody wants overbloated crap anymore.  They want simple bubblegum pop.  Someday that will change again, but it won't be a guy in his 40s that changes it.

"Better" might be overbloated, but that song is not crap. Crap is the bubblegum pop you're talking about.

 Rep: 281 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

faldor wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Maybe if he had a single like that.  He didn't.  He didn't have a single at all.

I think "Better" would have been a better lead single than "Chinese Democracy." But regardless, you need legit promotion from the label and artist for it to succeed. Look at WTTJ. They released it as a single but it didn't receive proper promotion until Geffen finally called in a favor at MTV and got the video played late at night. The song itself didn't become a massive hit until it was re-released after SCOM's success. Without the extra promotion by Geffen with MTV and the re-released single, the song would have stayed in obscurity like so many other great songs by lesser known artists. Instead, it is arguably the most famous sports anthem on the planet today. Seems like the opening riff gets played multiple times at every sports event I see on TV.

I agree it would have been better, but the result would have been basically the same.  Nobody wants overbloated crap anymore.  They want simple bubblegum pop.  Someday that will change again, but it won't be a guy in his 40s that changes it.

Agreed.  Music is a young man/woman's game.  Artists in their 40's aren't going to appeal to the youth for the most part.  So GNR weren't going to set the world on fire like they did with Appetite back in the day.  BUT, I'm not even hinting at that or expecting that anymore.  They could and should be able to have the same impact that their contemporaries have.  Metallica and ACDC had far more successful releases around the same time as CD.  And you can talk about quality all you want, but "Death Magnetic" got a lot of criticism and "Black Ice" was your typical ACDC album.  But both bands did their part in promoting, with the labels backing.  Was, "The Day That Never Comes" really a GREAT lead single?  Were "Cyanide" and "All Nightmare Long" more appealing to rock fans than the 2 singles GNR put out?  Can anyone name any other song off of "Black Ice" other than the title track or the lead single?

Yet both albums did great in the US.  I'd like to think that GNR can at least approach that level of success if they put in the time and effort necessary.  Of course, the lineup changes and Axl's antics have pissed off a lot of people over the years, so maybe it's not possible.  Maybe this is as good as it gets for a Slashless GNR.  But we will never know if they don't put forth the effort.

 Rep: 475 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

misterID wrote:

Estranged was never released as a single. Just the video.

 Rep: 217 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Mikkamakka wrote:

I think there's the point. People want the real band. With the same album, but with Slash on board, the sales would have been doubled, at least. Not to mention that Slash would have done heavy promotion, so they had been in the Metallica and AC/DC league easily. Legendary brand, real band, mediocre album, heavy promotion = 10,000,000+ copies sold. Legendary brand, fake band, mediocre album, no promotion, 17 year wait = 3-4 million copies.
Next time the number with a replacement line-up will be 1 million or less. I mean if 'next time' comes in 5 years.

 Rep: 423 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

buzzsaw wrote:
tejastech08 wrote:
buzzsaw wrote:

Nobody wants overbloated crap anymore.  They want simple bubblegum pop.  Someday that will change again, but it won't be a guy in his 40s that changes it.

"Better" might be overbloated, but that song is not crap. Crap is the bubblegum pop you're talking about.

Better might not be crap if it weren't overbloated.  I even liked one of the earlier demos.  The song that was released is crap.  I don't disagree at all about the rest of your statement.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 485 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

Neemo wrote:

yeah i remember that too russ...WRIF played it a ton...that and NR, albiet they plaed butchered versions cut down in length...but i for one had an actual CD Single of estranged back in the day ... its pictured here

5" CD Germany GED 21868 (jewel case)
Tracks: Estranged, The Garden

Released: 1993 … 593#p65593

 Rep: 633 

Re: Chinese Democracy now $1.99

RussTCB wrote:


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