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 Rep: 200 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

apex-twin wrote:

For all intents and purposes, there was some sort of a merch / artwork problem at the time of the release. From Dexter:

I wrote a paragraph or so on the new booklet and more on the story of what's out now but it got lost in the traffic jam.


There are 2 more covers/bk cover combos and the real  booklet that is all artwork that will be out shortly in some form. It's been an ugly battle that hasn't made any sense to anyone and whether anyone cares about such things the booklet or artwork has always been something I've been passionate about and to release the album with unapproved and unseen final artwork with a !st work only error filled draft, when others more recent were readily available, still has not been explained but is finally getting cleared up. My fave is the How Are You Grenade cover.


"According to industry scuttlebutt, the negotiations for the Best Buy deal were frantic and down to the wire. 'These guys didn't have finished music until a month before,' says one source. 'It was insane. In all honesty, Axl was working on everything - the art, everything - right to the end.'" (Nashville Scene, 01/29/09)


I haven't been involved much in any of our merch and the reasons are it's been a mess legally for years. Unbeknownst to most of you I was recently sued again by Duff and Slash for some murky Merckiness that I was unaware and not involved in. Fortunately that was resolved but it got ugly and took a while going into arbitration.

Merck shifted our merch from some of our newer styles to incorporating more of the old with some scam that actually and surprisingly lost sales in comparison but that's old news.

What I look forward to is incorporating the new artwork into our merch and getting some for myself. I think u'll like a lot of it. My vote's for the How Are You grenade and the Sorry automatic rifle artwork on shirts etc. [Dexter chats]

 Rep: 287 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Aussie wrote:

Russ didn't you mention that on your system at work they had what appeared to be 3 different verions coded into the computer for CD in the weeks leading up to the release?  In other words potentially different artwork/covers versions.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Axlin16 wrote:


There were, and BB had the same deal. Originally when Best Buy posted it on their website there was like a CD1/CD2/CD3, and everyone freaked thinking the album was gonna be a triple album at the time.

Shortly thereafter, they were pulled and just one version was on there. Those who purchased those other versions were given a cancellation notice.

Then of course Axl basically confirmed this about a month or so later.

 Rep: 287 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Aussie wrote:

You can see Ron signing the Shacklers picture.


 Rep: 661 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

monkeychow wrote:

I sometimes think...if fans are disapointed stuff got fucked up imagine how annoying it must be for Axl.

 Rep: 768 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Axlin16 wrote:

In theory, yes... but I don't buy it....

So Axl Rose is the only rockstar to ever exist that cannot properly roll out an album? No. No man, just no. That dog don't hunt.

 Rep: 661 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

monkeychow wrote:

Well it could have been done right, it just wasn't....what I mean the end of the day it's his project, his reputation, and it's on him to look better than the old GNR and VR and so on and all of that like if you or I think it's retarded the album art got fucked, it's probably at least 2 or 3 times more frustrating for Axl - be it his own fault or a 3rd party fault or whatever - it has to suck.

 Rep: 633 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

RussTCB wrote:


Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Lomax wrote:
jamester wrote:

Didnt everything hold up CD?

Welcome to GnREvo Riad!

Thanks and yeah Jesus, I only got involved in 01 but I can imagine the people waiting since the early 90's.

What I don't get is, if they were able to print a few copies of the one they wanted, why couldn't they print all of them that way?

Makes no sense

 Rep: 33 

Re: Alternate artwork (NEW scans inside!)

Scabbie wrote:

All of a sudden MSl seems to have gone quiet...As soon as someone releases something of genuine interest all of the rumours go away. There's a lesson for gnr there too, little gestures might go a long way

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