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 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote: … thread=497
"what are the video treatments for : chinese democracy and street of dreams,

would love even just a summarized version of it if it would make you feel safer about talking about."

MSL wrote:

im sure i'll get to that at some point. ****i actually found a 2nd video treatment for better**** a little while ago too. there's a lot of stuff on this memory card.

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

he or his mods declined my account big_smile

hmm mabe that was from the lockout they had after posting the carebear video!  russ did you already have an account there?

 Rep: 633 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

RussTCB wrote:


 Rep: 84 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

jamester wrote:

Karma for Russtcb!

My personal opinions aside. MSL has provided a sort of "downtime entertainment" for GnR fans and I thank him for it. … thread=486

Russ wrote:

I double checked and there's no issue with your account at GNRevo. And you haven't been banned.

blackboxer wrote:

fuck gnr evo, i only come straight to the source which is here, all the other places arent worth a shit anymore.

MSL wrote:

i always liked gnrevo, but it doesn't seem to get much activity these days and i don't have the patience i once had to regularly check 8 different GNR forums. now i mainly check mygnr w/ a little gnrevo on the side.

Russ wrote:

GNRevo is the (IMO) the best forum out there. It's non-biased and happens to have a pretty intelligent user base. There's never a thread about whether or not Axl walks his dog and there's never a thread with people just insulting each other for no reason over their own opinions. People usually do a great job of explaining why and how they feel a certain way on each GNR related topic. And MSL, my point in posting that was just to say that there isn't an issue with your account at GNRevo. So you should be able to log in just fine on your own without asking others to repost for you.

MSL wrote:

i'd seen on gnrevo that i hadn't been banned. i get logged out automatically whenever i log in, but the internet at this hotel is atrocious and could be the problem.

Unrelated Izzy bit/ Leak plans … thread=499

randomuser wrote:

Do any of the emails or other contents of the memory stick shed light on the entire Izzy situation? Neither Axl nor Izzy talk about it much, and when they do, their answers are very cryptic. Its kinda hard to tell who was taken advantage, and if they are still on "good terms." Is there anything that you can tell us MSL?

msl wrote:

i will most likely be going thru the files one by one as the year goes on and making sure the most interesting stuff is made public. in the meantime, i'd rather not take requests as it'll be too difficult for me to go searching for specific things. hope you understand. thanks.

 Rep: 664 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

James wrote:

Only thing interesting regarding Izzy I wouldn't mind seeing is the actual truth on Down By the Ocean. Some Izzy nutswingers think its already been released by Izzy(I'm in that category), while others think its languishing in Axl's vault.

If all this stuff is real, I don't see the harm in MSL(or anybody for that matter) spilling the beans on that tidbit of info.

Since MSL and dark do still check out the site, would like to say my "put them out to pasture" remark was not meant to sound as harsh as it came across. Never had problems with either of those guys and have talked to dark for years. I just think these "games" or whatever you want to call them go too far sometimes. I understand why they both like to have a bit of fun with it and both do so for different reasons, but come on. Its 2011 guys and the forums are shrinking. A different approach to these things would do wonders.

 Rep: 227 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Will wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Only thing interesting regarding Izzy I wouldn't mind seeing is the actual truth on Down By the Ocean. Some Izzy nutswingers think its already been released by Izzy(I'm in that category), while others think its languishing in Axl's vault.

^Thats the song everyone thinks is "Down By The Ocean".

Izzy specifically said that "Box" was written with Timo Kaltia in the Summer of '06 whilst on tour with GNR.

"Down By The Ocean" dates back to 1995.

I think they're two completely seperate songs. I also doubt "Down By The Ocean" will ever see an official release sad "Box" is a cool song tho

 Rep: 33 

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Scabbie wrote:
downliner wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Only thing interesting regarding Izzy I wouldn't mind seeing is the actual truth on Down By the Ocean. Some Izzy nutswingers think its already been released by Izzy(I'm in that category), while others think its languishing in Axl's vault.

^Thats the song everyone thinks is "Down By The Ocean".

Izzy specifically said that "Box" was written with Timo Kaltia in the Summer of '06 whilst on tour with GNR.

"Down By The Ocean" dates back to 1995.

I think they're two completely seperate songs. I also doubt "Down By The Ocean" will ever see an official release sad "Box" is a cool song tho

Cool song. Hearing that makes me want a reunion.

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:

hearing that plus Tommy's solo stuff makes me want to hear those two write together. Birds of a feather...

Re: 101 Document Titles From Axls Laptop (No Actual Documents Tho)

Sky Dog wrote:
James Lofton wrote:

Only thing interesting regarding Izzy I wouldn't mind seeing is the actual truth on Down By the Ocean. Some Izzy nutswingers think its already been released by Izzy(I'm in that category), while others think its languishing in Axl's vault.

If all this stuff is real, I don't see the harm in MSL(or anybody for that matter) spilling the beans on that tidbit of info.

Since MSL and dark do still check out the site, would like to say my "put them out to pasture" remark was not meant to sound as harsh as it came across. Never had problems with either of those guys and have talked to dark for years. I just think these "games" or whatever you want to call them go too far sometimes. I understand why they both like to have a bit of fun with it and both do so for different reasons, but come on. Its 2011 guys and the forums are shrinking. A different approach to these things would do wonders.

on that note, I agree. I more than welcome darknemus and MSL to come here all the time....they have shit, they know how to get shit and GNR fans never get shit so it's a win win! 17:haha: They should come here on a frequent basis...use this place as their sanctuary. Screw the big forums filled with thousands of idiots and asslickers who want to get in good with the powers that be. Leak shit through us...trustworthy crafty veterans.:beer:

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