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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » 2025 Tour » 7 days ago

Tag line pretty much sums up my thoughts on a new album the past 7 years.

#2 Re: Dust N' Bones & Cyborg Slunks » Slash’s new blues album coming in 2024 » 27 weeks ago

I'm digging it. Love the blues, love slash. Win win. The opener and track with Chris Stapleton are my favorites so far. About half way through.

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Axl Rose Official Website » 32 weeks ago

I'd bet more on a book or merchandise rather than anything music related. Announces the book on the website, 10 years later it hits book stores. Classic Axl.

#4 Re: The Garden » Current Events... » 43 weeks ago

Neemo wrote:

Damn...retaliation attacks started against Iran

We gave them 3 days notice. Fuck around and find out. Iran loves to poke the bear.

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 43 weeks ago

Miguelox26 wrote:

Guys Axl said it years ago, The blues or Street of dreams is about Dylan and it was the message he wanted him to read when he grew up, he lived with him and treated him like his son, those are memories of Axl who doesn't know if only They are that, memories of a past that only lives in him, there is the interest that Dylan as an adult would listen to it, as a reminder that he once played his father!, his father.

Got a source?  This seems off. It's definitely not about Dylan.

It's either about Stephanie or I can see those that make a case about it being about Slash in some aspect. But definitely not a little boy.

#6 The Garden » Merry Christmas ya filthy animals » 49 weeks ago

Replies: 5

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » Christmas miracle? » 49 weeks ago

We are GNR fans. We will get coal and then argue among ourselves about which version of the coal was better.


Shacklermyrye wrote:

One of the Reddit mods is allegedly a member of TB or affiliated with them. I'm not surprised they would shut down convo on this or ban people for mentioning it. Did they ban Rick? I know he asked Fernando on there about it, fair play to him for that

Mojo was a mod on there for a bit, I dunno if he still is.

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Haters » 55 weeks ago

dave-gnfnr wrote:
Bill Brasky wrote:
Kikkoman80 wrote:

I wanted to know something....I'm Italian and here there are some forums where some people say that CHINESE DEMOCRACY is a bad record. I get pissed off because it's a great record. If you listen to it it's a great record. In my opinion Anyone who says it's bad doesn't understand much.
What do you think?

Sir Caram aka the butcher. Put so many layers of sound with bad dubs and poorly inserted Bumbleefoot gutairs that what was once clearly a natural sounding album became a copy paste nightmare.

Now bob luwdwig is clearly a master at his craft look no further the the brother in arms dire straits re release.
Sound perfection.

Evil Joe is freedom fighter so the blame
Falls on Caram as it should.

But we are all entitled to opinions.

Caram couldnt even mix hard school right
It sounds like Axl is singing through a tin can and string and Slashs guitar  sounds like a midi file

Axl is always loyal to the wrong people.

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