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#1 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
Rocky wrote:Let me reiterate since it wasn’t accepted the first time - if you bitched that Obama didn’t get to force the Republican Senate to accept his replacement of Scalia, you’re a complete fraud if you demand Republicans wait now.
If you supported the Biden rule in 2016, but now want to ignore it for political expediency, you’re a fraud.
If you want the filibuster repealed and the court packed, you lack any principles or convictions, and just desire power.
The dude using an alias/double account is calling people a fraud. That's awesome.
Did I hit a nerve? Normally you have something clever to say in your attempts to deflect, but you don’t have anything of substance this time. Did you or did you not condemn how McConnell handled Garland? Why has your stance changed? We all know why, but be honest and say it - you’ll support anything to promote victory for your side. Values and consistency be damned.
Now go write articles in print media about how 90% of the protests are peaceful and how the vandalism and murders don’t represent your chosen candidate. That white supremacist are to blame. Call Wray a hack. I’ll totally continue to believe you.
#2 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
Let me reiterate since it wasn’t accepted the first time - if you bitched that Obama didn’t get to force the Republican Senate to accept his replacement of Scalia, you’re a complete fraud if you demand Republicans wait now.
If you supported the Biden rule in 2016, but now want to ignore it for political expediency, you’re a fraud.
If you want the filibuster repealed and the court packed, you lack any principles or convictions, and just desire power.
#3 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
Right on time, Flagg, er, I mean Rocky ....
Can you explain why you’re voting for Biden without referencing Trump? Are you capable of pointing to an actual policy difference or ideology?
#4 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
Rocky wrote:bigbri wrote:Watch the hypocrites come out in favor of approving Trump’s pick less than 2 months before an election .... 3 .... 2 .... 1 ....
So was Obama fucked over with Garland or wasn’t he? Do we follow the Biden rule or don’t we? McConnell would be a hypocrite if he held a vote, but all of you who condemned 2016 should believe Trump gets to replace RBG like you believed Obama got to replace Scalia. Who are the hypocrites and partisans here?
This is absurd know the stakes are enormous here. Only one side being honorable and ethical while the other side bends the rules past the point of breaking.
You’re saying one side is the hypocrite because we’re asking MConnell and the republicans to be consistent with their own rules?!
I mean...for real?!?
No, I’m saying if you were consistent you’d believe Trump gets to replace RBG. If you were a hyper partisan with no real conviction or belief, you’d argue whatever was convenient at the time.
I didn’t support McConnell’s actions in 2016, and I don’t support a vote now.
#5 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
Watch the hypocrites come out in favor of approving Trump’s pick less than 2 months before an election .... 3 .... 2 .... 1 ....
So was Obama fucked over with Garland or wasn’t he? Do we follow the Biden rule or don’t we? McConnell would be a hypocrite if he held a vote, but all of you who condemned 2016 should believe Trump gets to replace RBG like you believed Obama got to replace Scalia. Who are the hypocrites and partisans here?
#6 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
I thought his answer last night about remarks made my Mattis, Kelly and Bolton was a home run. Bush got us into Iraq. Obama allowed ISIS to form and the fall of Libya and Egypt while Russia land grabbed. Trump ended ISIS, got North Korea to stop launching missiles into the Sea of Japan, Russia hasn’t seized any more territory, and peace in the Middle East is literally happening right before our eyes. 6-10 more Arab nations will formally recognize Israel than have since 1995.
I guess if how cozy the President is with the leaders of France and Germany is your metric, he failed. But can anyone explain how Trump’s foreign policy isn’t a smashing success?
#7 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 219 weeks ago
Trump has now pulled ad campaigns and see spending in six important states. Ohio, Iowa and Nevada. Over the past five weeks he stop spending in three states as well those being Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona.
How is the Trump campaign broke?
Whomever told you this is wrong.
#8 Re: The Garden » NFL 2019 » 220 weeks ago
Baltimore or Kansas City
#9 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 220 weeks ago
Rocky wrote:harmon420 wrote:How about the mortality rate per capita? I feel like I've seen this data cherry picking diversion before in an Axios interview.
I find it humorous that you have scruples about dishonesty and manipulation, Mr Kettle.
By all means, use that figure and rank nations. Just make sure you count deaths equally. What is it with you guys and not bothering to do basic research before committing to a position?
Unless I have a fundamental misunderstanding of what "per capita" means, I don't understand how deaths could not be "counted equally." By all means, please enlighten me to the "research" ( a term that seems used very loosely these days) that has eluded me. Why aren't we getting global praise for our response and handling of this pandemic. Is this something the MSM isn't reporting?
You could start by dividing the the amount dead from the amount of confirmed cases. Doing that for the US as of today results in a 3% (189k / 6.3M) mortality rate for anyone infected, whereas in the EU as of today, results in a 7.3% (183k / 2.5M) mortality rate.
That's not a really fair comparison since the US has tested many more people than the EU, and the EU doesn't count every person suspected of having COVID as a COVID death. But it's the best argument you're going to have of comparing apples to apples. Another great comparison would be hospitalized, but the EU doesn't have the information the US does, again supporting my original argument that the US is vastly superior is tracking and monitoring the virus.
Most of Europe didn't have masks mandates and have just recently started to apply them in the past several weeks. If people are going to disparage the US's handling of the virus, and hold Trump accountable for it, do the research (how it's defined in the dictionary is fine) and understand how each nation is counting its COVID numbers. 96% of those whom have died from COVID in the US had comorbidities. I can't tell you the numbers from EU nations because they're not collecting and publishing that information. Apples to apples and all that.
But if you catch COVID, you're more likely to die in the EU than in the US. I don't know what other standards you want to use to evaluating the efficacy of management. But this seems like a pretty damn good one to me.
Mortality rate by country determined by confirmed cases and deaths reported by nation:
US: 2.9%
UK: 11.7%
Germany: 3.6%
Belgium: 11%
France: 8.9%
Italy: 12.6%
Ireland: 5.9%
Canada: 6.8%
But please, tell me a better way to compare nations. And please cite your sources as I have.
#10 Re: The Garden » Current Events Thread » 220 weeks ago
Rocky wrote:harmon420 wrote:Is there a single thing that 45 could do that would shake your seemingly undying allegiance to him? For someone shouting blind partisan rhetoric , you seem to be oblivious to the proverbial idiom of the pot and the kettle.
Objectively, the United States is one of the most successful nations at handling COVID on the metrics of testing and tracking at a federal level and mortality rate to infected. You can look these figures up yourself.
But FUCK those who use their platform to peddle dishonesty and manipulation to support any effort to get Trump’s agenda out of power and replaced with identity politics and race baiting nonsense.
How about the mortality rate per capita? I feel like I've seen this data cherry picking diversion before in an Axios interview.
I find it humorous that you have scruples about dishonesty and manipulation, Mr Kettle.
By all means, use that figure and rank nations. Just make sure you count deaths equally. What is it with you guys and not bothering to do basic research before committing to a position?