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#1 Re: The Garden » US Politics Thread » 390 weeks ago

Randall Flagg wrote:

McConnell has been a complete embarrassment managing the Senate. If he had balls, he could have broken ranks and tried to broker a deal with Schumer and work to find the moderates. Let Warren and Paul bluster. I hope he offers an olive branch to Schumer. I want someone to lead.

If Congress doesn't start working together, we're fucked. Everybody needs to give up some territory. Trump sure as shit isn't going to unite anyone. He's as toxic as ever.

Trump could turn face and offer to work with the Dems as a "fuck you" to the GOP. Though I don't think they'd accept it. If he was the deal maker he thought he was, he'd have Pelosi, Ryan, Schumer and McConnell in his office brokering a deal. But we're back to bickering and blaming the other side.

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