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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » Mad at Nascar » 271 weeks ago
Turn up the volume and plug in your speakers!
Let us give thanks to anonymous leakers!Rally the GNR fans from their quarters!
Now is the time to fight against the hoarders!Let us hear songs that Bob Ezrin abhorred!
Let us hear songs that Beltrami has scored!Play them loud! Play them by day and by night!
And show Universal that Axl was right.
#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » Prom Violence Leak » 271 weeks ago
Bucket fans would go ape shit for this stuff
Axl was basically hiding an unknown pike from the world.
#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Mad at Nascar » 271 weeks ago
I need a version of Prostitute with the drums sounding like they do on Drums +3dB like a fat kid needs cake.
#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » There Was A Time (Discs) » 271 weeks ago
I cannot make heads or tails of these versions, by and large.
Besides Beavan version being the one we all love and know, the newer ones having quality sounding vocals, and some snare on #5.
And the Ambience at Original Levels version does have some nice channel switching on the drum rolloff at 2:57.
#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Josh Freese appreciation thread » 271 weeks ago
Credit to LlamaRenegade on Discord.
#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Prom Violence Leak » 271 weeks ago
This is the sort of song you'd hear in Twisted Metal back in the day.
It doesn't knock you over but it's catchy and would be good with some rocker Axl vocals.
Good filler.
The CD project's Out Ta Get Me.
#7 Guns N' Roses » Robin Finck appreciation thread » 271 weeks ago
- esoterica
- Replies: 6
#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » RE-Recorded AFD Vs. Re-Recorded CD » 271 weeks ago
If GNR were a band and not just a nostalgia money making apparatus I would say...
AFD99 is a mere novelty, CD re-recorded would have the most to gain for everyone involved.
#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » Josh Freese appreciation thread » 271 weeks ago
Tommy isn't wrong from a certain perspective. The Freese/Stinson/Rose/Finck/Huge lineup was a well-oiled creative unit.
But Axl and Tommy had too much blue collar, punker, we'll do what we want navel-gazing in common and couldn't see the forest through the trees.
When Bucket walked, so officially did their meal ticket.
And years later, "I miss the wee little Bucket" and Axl begging him back ever since.
You don't know what you've got 'till it's gone.
#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Josh Freese appreciation thread » 271 weeks ago
I think Robin's solos on CD are pretty good to great.
Then Bucket comes in and records one of the greatest solos in rock history on There Was A Time.
Kind of like if you're Magic Johnson and then Jordan comes along and dunks on you.