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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 56 weeks ago

monsterscantkillme wrote:
Vale wrote:
monsterscantkillme wrote:

I'm still not convinced. But how can Robin and Bucket fans move on when there is nothing to move on to? Robin and Bucket won't be on the vinyl. What Chinese Democracy releases do Robin and Bucket fans have to look forward to? You have a vinyl in December. What do we have coming in December?

With the Village Discs we got to hear more from both of them than we realistically could expect after them leaving even before CD was released. Actually I'm more bummed out that Robin has abandoned his solo record. I would have loved to hear that..

hey man. I still think it's Robin on the demo. As I said in The General was played thread, I hear body and low rumble from Slash live and you don't hear any of that on the demo. Slash isn't on The General demo. And this to me puts Monsters in question too. I question the Slither and VR comparisons. Because I like the solos on Monsters and why would I like solos that are from Slash? Does that make sense? There's no way I would like solos from Slash whether I knew ahead of time or didn't know. I didn't like Slash solos on Perhaps, Hard Skool, and Absurd. Why all of a sudden would I start liking Slash now on Monsters?

Nobody said you had to like it. But saying the same thing over and over again doesn't make it more true.

#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 56 weeks ago

monsterscantkillme wrote:
Vale wrote:

I'm a huge Robin fan and originally also thought it might even be more plausible that Robin was playing Slash-like on Monsters than the other way around, but after hearing the live-version it's pretty clear to everyone but you that it's all Slash. You made your point that you still don't want to believe it. That's fine. Nobody needs you to agree and your opinion is more than properly noted now. No need to repeat it over and over again. Time to move on.

Let's all just be thankful that we didn't get an Ashba/Bumble version

I'm still not convinced. But how can Robin and Bucket fans move on when there is nothing to move on to? Robin and Bucket won't be on the vinyl. What Chinese Democracy releases do Robin and Bucket fans have to look forward to? You have a vinyl in December. What do we have coming in December?

With the Village Discs we got to hear more from both of them than we realistically could expect after them leaving even before CD was released. Actually I'm more bummed out that Robin has abandoned his solo record. I would have loved to hear that..

#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » Guns n roses played the general » 56 weeks ago

Raven5790 wrote:
Axl S wrote:

The ASCAP listing having both the songs gets even more confusing.

My three theories for it now:

1) It's meant to be two separate listings and the TB Elite Management Team fucked up
2) It's meant to be together on a full album-like release but it's split up for the B-Side.
3) Monsters was meant to be a hidden track on the end of The General on the Perhaps vinyl

3* This is impossible.. the 7" vinyl have a limit of 1 song per side.. the lengh max is 5 min..

Now that it's clear that they are two completely separate songs, to me the hidden track thing would be the most plausible explanation for why it's registered as The General And Monsters..

The question then would just be why would Axl want to hide such a strong track (he clearly was proud of his work on the bridge) as a hidden track on a B-Side..

#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 56 weeks ago

I'm a huge Robin fan and originally also thought it might even be more plausible that Robin was playing Slash-like on Monsters than the other way around, but after hearing the live-version it's pretty clear to everyone but you that it's all Slash. You made your point that you still don't want to believe it. That's fine. Nobody needs you to agree and your opinion is more than properly noted now. No need to repeat it over and over again. Time to move on.

Let's all just be thankful that we didn't get an Ashba/Bumble version

#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » Me And My Elvis Instrumental Leak (2019) » 57 weeks ago

I don't think Monsters is Soul Monster. Wasn't 'Leave Me Alone' another working title for it? I don't see that working for Monsters.
Also Me And My Elvis was such a strong instrumental. It must have been on Axl's shortlist. Hard to imagine it ended up on the abandoned pile..

#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rank the Post CD Songs » 57 weeks ago

1. Perhaps - even if I had preferred to have Robin's solo in the final version, it's still the strongest track for me
2. The General And Monsters - I still view it as one long song split into two files - the orchestration is a clear link
3. Absurd
4. Hard Skool I liked the demo, but hate what Slash did with it

#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » What song do you want to hear most? » 66 weeks ago

Am I the only one who's curious about Cuban Skies?

Aside from that it's Soul Monster and Seven for me.

#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » Atlas Shrugged (2023 ) - Rumour » 66 weeks ago

Tommy got the rights back for both his songs a while ago...

#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » If GNR releases nothing in 2023, is this the end for you? » 68 weeks ago

Does this mean we were invited to think that it was a completed recording? Which might mean that there are vocals?

#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » 2023 Tour Dates » 69 weeks ago

misterID wrote:

Why are they still doing Slither?

What I don't understand is why they haven't moved on to Fall To Pieces by now...

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