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#1 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 44 weeks ago
pump out a few more CD songs and then get ready for the Izzy run on tour and in the studio.
Its very simple (except for the $$ part with Izzy touring) and everyone goes home satisfied/happy
Axl gets his fill with the last of the Chin Dem era
The boys get back together in the studio with Izzy and put together an album or two
Tour with or without Izzy.
#2 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 50 weeks ago
Axl always said it was hard for him to compete/write against the wall of sound they were handing him
#3 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 51 weeks ago
younggunner wrote:evader, if you are out there, can you conjure up a combo of your masterful track with the actual recording?
work your magic....just some rough suggestions....
"legend" = your masterpiece
"TG"=TGintro (Legend 0-2:40)
into TG intro (TG 0-2:21)
into legend at 3:16-3:34 (if you could isolate and throw in a few faint "daddy dont" during that lil marching beat you have)
into TG (2:48 -3:26)
into legend at 5:05-5:58
into TG (3:26-4:23) ( maybe a daddy dont alongside axls wailing outro right before going back into your outro)
into legend outro (7-7:25)if you aren't busy work your magic and make it the epic it deserved to be. ))
The last time I talked to him he said was done with gnr but may take a stab at the general. I got you covered though, he sent me all the isolated files once. The 7 minute mix of Evaders General was actually my doing. His original version is about 5 minutes long
That would be awesome
#4 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 51 weeks ago
evader, if you are out there, can you conjure up a combo of your masterful track with the actual recording?
work your magic....just some rough suggestions....
"legend" = your masterpiece
intro (Legend 0-2:40)
into TG intro (TG 0-2:21)
into legend at 3:16-3:34 (if you could isolate and throw in a few faint "daddy dont" during that lil marching beat you have)
into TG (2:48 -3:26)
into legend at 5:05-5:58
into TG (3:26-4:23) ( maybe a daddy dont alongside axls wailing outro right before going back into your outro)
into legend outro (7-7:25)
if you aren't busy work your magic and make it the epic it deserved to be. ))
#5 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 51 weeks ago
It's astonishing how badly the CD era has been managed. Even in its later years.
#6 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 51 weeks ago
Would like to hear Seven,
#7 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 51 weeks ago
Compare the latest Stones album to Sticky Fingers or Exile On Main Street? Same shit for Guns. These guys will never recapture the past….The Who?
These type of rock bands don’t get better with age.
Most of this board is 100% unrealistic.
Even my boy James, give me some numbers on Soundgarden’s last record. You just can’t recapture that ‘it’ factor like these bands had in the early 90’s.
It is what it is….you guys are arguing about a few songs that were written 20 years ago!
Not asking/expecting them to recapture their hey day. I just think the production of The General could have been better with a little more effort.
#8 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 51 weeks ago
VoodooChild just posted this...
The General … 0e59ad.png
The audiophile forums...if they give a shit... will have a field day with this.
Just reiterates what I said the other day in that they dont have much input and or dont care. While he may throwing us a bone, they are essentially mailing it in. I saw a comment from Duff the other day intimating that he has no clue about The General being released etc. While he did say he may be playing possum, i tend to think he and Slash dont really care about the day to day of gnr. Its Axls show.
The faster they release the remaining Chinese leftovers, the better. Sad how this all turned out. The General could have been an epic with a little basic effort.
#9 Re: Guns N' Roses » The General and Monsters » 52 weeks ago
Slash and Duff do not care about releasing old material. They let Axl do whatever the fuck he wants in exchange for boat loads of touring and licensing money. If and when Axl is ready to write and record some fresh material Im sure they would be all in.
Axl still stuck in the ChinDem era. He lost his vision and spark about 15 yrs ago. Hes a man without any vision. No balls. Tighten up some of the remaining tracks and release them. The handful of fans who gave a fuck and supported that era dont want to hear those tracks with Slash anyway. They want the Bucket, Brain and Robin versions. The rest of the public doesnt care. Throw your loyals a bone and move on and get some new juices flowing with your current band. Makes too much sense so it wont happen.
#10 Re: Guns N' Roses » Rank the Post CD Songs » 55 weeks ago
younggunner wrote:Ive been dabbling with this playlist
Hard School
Eye On You
As It Began
The General
ThymeThere are a few other of the instrumentals I love but trying to keep it to versions that are shorter for this rotation
What Is Ides?
Ive assumed Circus Maximus is Ides of March so Ive been calling it that